
to live and to die

he was fire... she wanted him to burn her.. she was water, water can't be burnt

CJ_Willy · Teen
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17 Chs

chapter 12

"Oh my God, they paired me with you? well at least I can handle you, you're not so bad" Kenzie said dropping her bags on her bed.

Yes, I'm rooming with Kenzie for the next two weeks. Well at least we can just tolerate each other, good thing it wasn't someone from another school...but then again..I'm going to be very lonely .

I started unpacking my things and so did she.

I noticed how she folded everything neatly and orderly.

I noticed how expensive her stuffs were, different varieties of facial makeups and lotions.

But she was pretty even without all those things.

When she was done, she Left the room.

I grabbed my Harry Potter and continued reading it.

After about 2 hours later, we were called for another meeting.

I started walking towards the meeting hall when someone walked in front of me.

"Hey" the guy said.

"Hi" I said trying to be nice.

"I'm Nathan" he said.

"Brittney" I replied.

"Uhm, I'm from Washington High" he said.

"Greenville high" I replied.

"So uhm, how's the camp going so far?" he said as we started walking towards the hall.

"Uhm, just started I guess" I said with a shrug.

"Okay, uhm, well I just saw you from across and came to say hi" he said.

"Thanks" I replied and he jogged off to meet his friends.

I entered the hall and sat down where I sat earlier...they started telling us about things we should and shouldn't do , the routine, the aim of the camp and so on and blah blah blah.

Finally, the talk was over and I started looking for the cafeteria because I was hungry.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Aaron and Josh there already with some girls that were definitely not from our school.

They were probably planning how they were gonna eat each other tonight 🙂

I just walked straight to the counter to order some food that I was going to take to my room and Left, feeling Aaron's eyes on me.

The rest of the day was stress-free and fun for me.

Kenzie didn't even come back until past midnight.

I just stayed in the room reading my novel and listening to Harry styles.


I liked the fact that nobody noticed my presence, but I felt really left out .

I mean everyone was in pairs and with their school members, but I was always alone.

I only came out when it was time for us to have one activity or the other or when I was hungry.

I had passed my classmates table a lot of times and no one ever called me to come around, so why going there to look all stupid.

I rather be alone.

On day seven, after finding a quiet spot outside my room that I could come visit Everytime, I went back to the room and before I opened the door, I heard Kenzie crying and talking to someone over the phone.

..." no I can't keep doing this, it's driving me crazy, please just stop.."

.." fuck it's my life, I do what I want, stop controlling me!!!...."

..." Just leave me alone!!.."

I paused,thinking if I should go in or not, then i summoned courage and opened the door.

She started wiping her eyes and rolled over to the other side of the bed so I can't see her face.

I swallowed hard.

"Kenzie" I called out calmly.

She didn't reply.

"Kenzie are you okay?" I asked again.

"Please can you call Aaron for me" she whimpered.

I swallowed, fuck.

"I don't know his room" I said.

"Boys area room number 34, please I'm begging you" she said trying to control her voice.

I swallowed hard and nodded.

"Okay, give me a minute" I said and left the room.

Fuck why Aaron...why!!

I walked into the boys area and climbed the stairs.

I got dirty remarks from some of the idiots standing there, I ignored them all and started looking for room number 34.

I finally found it,. I took a deep breath in and out before knocking.

The door opened and Josh came out.

Thank goodness.

"Hey wassup?" he asked.

"Uhh, in looking for.."

"Aaron, sure thing I'll just..."

"No wait...it's not that...it's Kenzie, she's my roommate, she was crying and I don't know and she said she wants to see Aaron and I don't know" I said nervously.

"She was crying? oh shit not again, we'll be there soon, what's your room number?" he asked

"Number 6" I said

"Alright" he said and I left the room.

Again? he said again? so that means it's not the first time it's happening. Then I remembered that day in the bathroom that she was crying .

I went back to the room and she was still sobbing.

Not up to 5 minutes later, Aaron and Josh walked in.

"Kenzie, what's wrong baby girl" Aaron said walking over to her bed and wrapping his arms around her.

"It happened again, it fucken happened again, I'm so tired and fed up of this shit" she cried.

Josh came to her and started comforting her.

As a psychologist which I am, I know when it's best to leave in some particular situations, I stood up and walked out of the room.

I just started walking around, exploring the place and admiring the beauty of nature.

I went to the Cafeteria and sat down there listening to some music and when it started getting late, Asin close to midnight late, I decided to head back.

When I got back Kenzie was asleep all wrapped up in a blanket.

Whatever she was going through was some deep shit.

I felt for her tho, because there were so many people out there that would kill to be like her, but they don't even know what she's going through.

I laid on my bed and called my mom and told her the latest happenings.

She literally begged me to at least make a friend.

I told her I would try...but I knew I wasn't going to.

The next day I woke up and Kenzie wasn't in the room.

We did the usual routine, had a seminar, did some activities and went on with my life.

Later in the evening, I went to my usual spot and allowed the beauty of nature and the melody of the music in my ear carry me away.

..." I've been trying to fix my pride but that's just broken...

..." that shits broken...

...lie I lie I try to hide but now you know it, that I'm at an all time low"....

It was funny how my playlist was filled with so many love songs...but I never actually experienced it.

To fall in love... that wasn't even anywhere near my list of things to do before I die.

I unplugged my earphones and allowed the song play loud but calm and smooth.

Then, everything around me felt still as his scent came into display...cool and calm.

I heard his feet slowly coming close to me until it was just an inch away from me.

He paused behind me, thinking if he should or shouldn't.

Then, he sat beside me, staring at the water, not even looking at me for a second.

"You seem to like being alone" his voice said softly, deep and calm.

I shrugged.

"It's like weed in the midst of flowers" I said casually.

"So which one is the flowers, you?" he asked.

Usually, I would have blushed or something, but I couldn't...I can't look more stupid than I already am.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere important or something...or doing something useful" I said.

"You're something useful" he replied looking at my face.

I still didn't look at him, I scoffed and I'm not sorry for that.

The song playing changed.

This was weird allowing someone listen to my playlist, it was very personal to me.

He was quiet for minutes, he didn't say anything. It was like he was trying to process what to say.

"Brittney.." he called out after a while.

"I know I'm the least person you want to talk to right now...I mean I've already fucked up your life in school and after everything that happened and what I..."

I couldn't listen to this...it was driving me crazy. I just need to get out of here.

"Look it's okay, you don't have to apologize about anything, please just let it slide" I said I tried standing up, but he pulled me back down.

I finally stared at him, straight in the eyes.

I don't know, I use to hear people say I intimidate them with my stares, and boy I could see how nervous he was under my stare.

"Look Brittney, just hear me out okay? I didn't listen to you the other day and everything and even after you tried apologizing I was just an asshole and I couldn't say anything about what you told me that day because I didn't fucken know what to say. I mean like...I was trying to process the whole shit, I was so confused because... because... okay that aside. I'm sorry Brittney, I'm really sorry... like I understand how hard it is for you to open up and okay maybe you actually did to me and I didn't do anything about it. And I've been trying to talk to you ever since then but fuck I've been a coward and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry about Bianca and the prank thing and i promise I'm going to make it up to you, please"

.I sighed...

I robbed my temples, what the fuck is happening to me?

I closed my eyes and exhaled, ready to say something.... anything.

"Aaron, oh here you are I've been looking everywhere for you, Mrs Benson needs your attention, like ASAP " Lucy said coming into view.

"Uhm, okay I'm coming" he said.

"No dude asin now, she said I should come along with you, Asin now" She added dragging him up to his feet.

He looked at me one more time and then left.

I groaned holding my head.

What the fuck is happening to me.