
To Laugh With The Rich

After Charlie killed his only brother and took over his property, he was still looking out of his brother only child to finish her off but that child was worst than the devil.

Sean_Uru_Godwins · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Leonard sat facing his companion. He had a glass of whisky in front of him; filled halfway. His companion also has a whisky in front of him, but it was in the bottle. Now that they are out of sight and probably can't be eavesdropped; Leonard beckons on the latter to unveil his latest encounter.

Eddy glared at the one who seem to be his instructor, he agreed to his terms and now, they are allies. He stared Leonard at the face and his witty returned; a thing he seems not able to fight although he was a killer. He's really the kind of a guy that normally laugh out loud in a serious situation, this was what he had tried to avert, but it seems impossible as he is already acquainted to the habit.

Eddy drank deep from his whisky.

"What's wrong?" Leonard inquired.

"The man…" Eddy glared at him, "he's seeking Carly's downfall"

"What did he say?"

"I should finish her off…" Eddy glared at the latter.

Leonard took his gaze towards Eddy but did not look him in the face. He knew the guy was a killer and any paid killer must do the job, he needed to put something right; he ought to twist some things, but in the real sense it will look original to Charlie. Slowly, Leonard glanced at Eddy.

"-will you do me a favor…?"

"-what the matter...?" Eddy fixed at him.

Leonard drank from his whisky and Eddy did same, they smiled at each other; feeling exalted.

"-the girl must not die…?" Leonard spoke up.

"What are your plans…?" Eddy leaned heavily on the bar rails.

"You are to keep to your own plan on how you ought to have murdered her, but you won't touch her. Just keep a close look on her."

"I'm not the only one sent against her, remember-"

"-that's why you're to keep a close look on her." Leonard said and smiled.

Feeling satisfied with the plan, Eddy stood up, shook hands with the latter and carried his bottle of whisky out of the bar. Leonard smiled, he soon gulped his whisky and in no time, he was also out of the bar.


Carly glanced at the wall clock: 9:51. She was dressed in a red Italian pencil suit, white specs and blue flats.

After spraying herself, she walked out of the room a new woman. With her gorgeous self, she could call to herself any attention she desires. Soon, she was on the stairs, descending gracefully.

"Carly!" the impatient woman's voice echoed within the stairs.

"On my way ma'am...!" Carly hollered.

She finally descended the stairs; the woman was at the edge of the stairs, starring at her altogether.

"Ma'am…" she wrapped her arm round the woman on getting to the point at which the woman stood.

"You are elegant today..." The woman smiled. "Come on to the dining and have some food before leaving." The woman smiled again stroking Carly's chin

The woman escorted Carly out of the staircase advancing into the dining room. When they reached the dining room, Carly sat gracefully on the chair allotted to her while Mrs. Pauline went straight to the bar to get some wine. She returned with a bottle of wine and chose her seat beside Carly.

They began to eat with Carly fully engrossed with her meal; tearing off lumps of flesh and chewing mildly.

"How is the meal?" The woman looked up at Carly; she wanted to strike a conversation between her and Carly. But at the moment Carly's phone rang.

"Hello sir…." Carly said in mouthful of meats.

"Carly? Still eating...?" Leonard inquired.

Carly laughed out and resettled her gaze on the woman. She knew that its bad eating late when one had and important meeting, but again, she won't starve because she wants to visit a traitor. Her eyes thickened with hatred. She ought to put an end to her enemies.

"-how are you today…?" Leonard spoke amidst her thoughts.

"I'm fine sir." She chewed the content in her mouth. "Thank you very much for looking out for me."

"No problem. When are you visiting the lawyer?"

"Today sir."

"Okay dear. Be logical..."

"Thanks a lot, I will..." Carly fiddled with her spoon.

The phone beeped in Carly's ear and she brought it out, peered at it and smiled at the woman.

"I'll be heading out now."

"Are you satisfied?" The woman eyed her childishly.

"I am..." she grinned, "I will be on my way…"

Carly stood up making the chair to screech slightly. She stood upright and peered down at the woman, the woman looked at her; it seems she needed something impactful. Carly smiling bent low again and gave the woman a hug from the back; they both smiled affectionately

"Thank you very much ma'am..." with that, she left the dining room, walking away gorgeously.

Outside the building, she drove her car out of view; she had a lot running in her mind. Immediately she left Mrs. Pauline, every other person became a suspect to her. She drove on, still wondering what had transpired between her father's lawyer and Charlie that made him betray her father that way.

"-fucked up generation," she hollered inside the vehicle, hitting her fist on the steering and sending out a loud honk.

"...You have three months and lest I forget, your father didn't tell you how he became rich? It was based in agreement..."

Charlie's words hunted her again, she melted in anger; hitting her leg hard on the accelerator making the vehicle hop in break point.


A car rode behind hers, she didn't take notice of it, and her attention was all on Charlie's bullshit words. She shook her head negatively, feeling cheated; just then, she ran into the highway. She began to hit the road really hard; and the strange car followed.

Eddy had seen her. He'd been there all the night, waiting for her.

Now she's out, the girl in the picture, all he could do was to follow as agreed. He drove on in full speed, although Carly was far ahead. He held up a cell phone against his ear.

"Yes…?" Eddy held the phone with one hand, while the other steered the car.

"It's me. The girl's on her way to Dexter's office."

"Okay. I'm following her there already."

The line went dead and Eddy threw the phone on the passenger seat beside him. He knew what to do, there was no need for briefing him again; besides, and he isn't a kid.

Carly reached a bend and took it. She continued with her pace without slowing down, she needed to get to the office on time.

On the other hand, Eddy maintained his distance; he wanted to get all he could without being spotted by his prey.

At last Carly came to a very broad road of which there where many vehicle and three vehicles was a match with hers, although she didn't notice that; but the predator knew and that was a pain in the ass for him. With the quest to get the exact vehicle Carly was into, he had to drive to match up with hers.

He began to follow Carly's vehicle from side to side; trying to find where to fit in without being spotted.

In a little while, they drove out from the busy road and reached a less occupied road which was in a street. As they drove, with Eddy maintaining his distance; his phone rang again, he picked it up and smiled.

"How is everything going…?" A thick voice spoke out loudly. "I heard she is on her way to see the lawyer...?"

"Yes man, I'm with her." Eddy said with his eyes tight on Carly's vehicle.

"Good…" The voice jeered. "Make sure you don't lose her Please…" the voice came in again softly.

"I almost, it won't happen." Eddy said and halted the vehicle beside the road far off from Carly's. "Time for work, I need to go…" he spoke into the cell, bringing it close to his mouth.

"-alright then, be careful…" the latter said and the phone went dead.

Carly got down from her vehicle and advanced into the official building gracefully. Eddy peered on, drumming his finger on the steering.

Carly disappeared into the building. She walked up the stairs after signing some petty document in regard to who she wanted to see at the receptionist office. She walked in the hallway just as Charlie did when he visited the lawyer. She reached the last door of which the name: 'Barr. Franklin Dexter' was solidly engraved in gold at the upper end of the door. She held up her hand, knocking very hard at the door. At once, a feminine head popped out of the door and smiled. Carly nodded at her and she let the door ajar, the latter walked in and the secretary pushed the door closed.


Dexter got down from his car, he was still going out. He decided to park outside the gate.

Cars were parked at each side of the road. However, one caught his eyes. There was nothing unique about the car; he was just suspicious about it. Or maybe it was his visitor's car. He turned and entered the gate.

Eddy knew that the latter noticed his car. His business was Carly, but he wouldn't mind ending the life of whoever tries to hurt the poor Carly; even though it will cost his life.

Dexter walked in blankly ignoring the receptionists, his mind skipped a bit, how he would face Carly frightened him the most than what he will have to say; of course the latter will need some explanations.

Dexter pushed the door to his office open, his eyes met that of Carly, he ignored her and walked in. Explanation was all over his head; what will he tell her, of course he can't brain wash her, she isn't some folks that accept folly.

Walking across Carly, he signaled her to follow him. Carly sat put on her chair glaring at him as he walked past her to his private chamber.

"-dogs…" Carly muttered and shook her head. Then she remembered the words of Leonard: "Okay dear. Be logical..."

Carly was disgusted as she watched him enter another door. She cursed nature for making her always crossing parts with the fellow. Why him? Of all people in the world, why? Stiffened, she stood up and walked inside the chamber.

Inside the office, she could see his name, encrypted boldly on a desk plaque. Few meters away from the side of the table stood a book shelf. She could see book ends at every section. No space between, depicting that he had read a lot. She saw him turn to the other side of the table clearing the curtain and allowing a natural light in.

Carly glared at him viciously. She hated him the more for being impolite; he let her stood all the while. A decent man would have asked her to at least have a seat but he ignored her.

Dexter turned and saw her still standing. He looked away without uttering a word. There was no point sitting down, she should be on her way in a minute's time.

The silence became so awkward and Carly was not pleased at all, she needed to get verbal with the fellow.

"Mr. Dexter" Carly tried breaking the silence.

"I know what you're here for." He cut her short.

Carly glared at her still standing.

Dexter could feel her glare piercing him from behind as he opened a drawer. He brought out a file and slowly went through it with Carly still standing. She was getting unstable as she stretched her leg.

"You can have your seat." The young man said without looking at her.

Carly wanted to rush on the single office chair in front of Dexter; she felt her pride hitting her hard on the head. She hesitated, and then she walked to the seat gracefully.

After what seemed like forever, the young man settled down, overlooking Carly. He was not angry neither is he happy; just expressionless.

"Here." He stretched his hand towards her with the file attached to it.

Carly didn't stir; she looked at him without blinking.

"-so, that's it?

"Open it when you get home." The young man ignored her.

"Why?" Carly felt her pride.

"Just do as I say."

She came to her feet, pushing the chair hard. She walked out of the office without saying goodbye.

Dexter buried his face in both palms at her departure. He raised his head and drummed his fingers on the table. What now? Restless, he stood up and walked to the window. She was at the gate. He watched her enter her vehicle and drove off. He walked back to his seat, but didn't sit at the instant, he seemed troubled. He sighed and sat back on his seat and continued drumming his finger on the desk.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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