
To Kiss An Idol

Running from her past, Nivritti joins a new job in South Korea as a Script Coordinator in K&Q Media Company. She works for a successful K-pop boyband. On her first day, she is kissed by the leader of that boy band. The problem is, she is five years older than him. Will that kiss grow into a relationship or will be forgotten by both of them? ***** She tried to pull her wrists, but she failed. She looked at him and again tried to pull her hands but in vain. “Yes, you do. You have been licking your lips since you started talking. I think it’s an unconscious gesture that you don’t know about,” informed Kyung-Soo. “Will you please let go of my hands?” she pulled again but Kyung-Soo tightened his grip. Without hearing her he continued, “and by distracting, I mean that I really want to hear what you have to say but because of your lips all I can think of is this... He pulled her wrists pulling her close to him, moved one of his hands on her waist and another one on the back of her neck and softly placed his lips on hers and kissed her.

DaoistxYTRJ0 · Urban
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651 Chs

The Back to the Beach

Nivritti woke up early in the morning and worked hard to make Korean dishes for the day. She packed all the food and ran to the bathroom to get ready. The winter had arrived, and she had to be dressed up accordingly.

She wore a white high-neck with black jeans and a black puffer jacket. She packed a blanket too. She knew the cave was going to be even colder. She was packing coffee in the thermos when her door keypad beeped, and she knew Kyung-Soo was there.

She smiled at him when he came inside. He took off his shoes and smiled at her. She grinned even more when she saw that he wore the brown jacket and the scarf she gifted him. He ran to her and hugged her, paling a soft kiss on her head.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yep!" she softly adjusted her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him.

"Sorry you had to lie to Jae," said Kyung-Soo.