
Chapter One


'"Hi baby, flowers for you," Leif gave the flower to Marisse, his long time girl friend. "Happy Anniversary, babe."

"Happy Anniversary, too, babe. I love you."

Leif lowered down to kiss his girlfriend. Moments later he kneeled down and bring out the ring inside his pocket.'

I bit my lips to contain the excitement while I am reading my favorite comic novel. Finally, Leif will propose to his girlfriend! I've been waiting for this to come!

My Perfect Boyfriend is a famous novel in whole Asia. Everyone is waiting for the author's update especially me, who's reading the newly updated chapter while I'm at work.

"Adelaide! What are you doing there? It's working ours! I'm not paying you just to relax there!"

And that was my boss, Mrs. Hinchon. She owns the restaurant where I am working.

I stood up and got back with my work. I'm so tired but I need to work to earn money. I need money. I always need money but it was hard to earn.

I faced the dishes that I need to wash. I sighed. This is what I do everyday. Wash dishes, serve the customers and sometimes, I'm in the cashier too. It was too exhausting but I had no choice. I tried to apply in companies but I always get 'We will just call you.' I waited until now and no call came up.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Am I born unlucky? I don't have anything. I only have a family — well, I'm saving up to look for my mom — I only have myself and my cat, Kitty.

After work, I went to a convenient store first to buy a dinner. I brought rice with tuna and a bread. It was already enough to feed the dragon inside my tummy. I leave in a cheap apartment, where I have a single bed and a tv — to keep myself entertain.

"Meow," I looked at Kitty, my cat, and caressed his hair. Years ago, I saw her in the street, finding food in the trash bag. I pity her and somehow I felt like we're in the same situation. We're both lonely and have nothing in life.

Then, he ended here, being with me.

I took out my lunch and eat it while Kitty was staring at me, waiting for me to finish. I gave her food after and I wash my plates. I took a shower to freshen' up. I could feel my body aching because of too much work I did today.

I jump on my bed and continue reading the comics. The chapter ended up by Leif and Marisse getting engaged. I smiled. I love reading books and this was my favorite. Sometimes, I can't stop myself from getting envious to Marisse, the protagonist. She's just too perfect and she had a everything in her ife. She had everything she wished for. She's a complete opposite of mine.

And also, she have a loving boyfriend. I always dream to have a boyfriend like Leif. Loving, caring, handsome and rich! There's nothing you could wish more from him. He's so ideal!

I remember someone to him but I shook my head to erase it from my mindid. I don't want to think about him anymore.

Next day, as usual I'm at work. But there's someone that was ruining my day.

"Baby! Good morning!" Hansen greeted me. He was well, according to him, my suitor. I already declined him so many times but he was so persitent that it irritates me already.

I just continue doing my work. I was wiping the table while he was on my back.

"You're like a flower, babe," he whispered. For him, maybe he sounded sexy but not to me.

"Very blooming and beautiful." I felt his hand on my shoulders which gave me goosebumps.

"Would you please stop? You're irritating," I said. I turned my back to him. Luckily, Joshua called me so Hansen stopped bothering me. I guess.

"Ade, Mrs. Hinchon asked you to sent this to Ms. Cruz," Joshua infromed me and gave me a box, probably the food that I will deliver.

"What? Why me?" I asked. He was our delivery boy so he should be the one to deliver it.

"I have to deliver the boxes to the south," he explained. "That box is in hurry so I don't have time to deliver that."

I was about to complain but he cut me off.

"Mrs. Hinchon said if you won't do it then leave this restaurant already but if you did, you could finish your duty early today after you deliver."

I sighed. Then, I have no choice.

"Here's the key. You can use the other car." I catch the key that he threw. It took me an hour to deliver the goods. I cursed silently when it started raining while I'm driving back to the restau.

In just a blink, a man appeared just a meter away from my car! I yield and automatically stepped on the break. OMG! A ghost? Or a bumped a person? Oh, god. With my hand shaking I get off the car. I almost cried when I saw a man lying in front of my car! I really did bumped a man!

My mind was full of thoughts as I drove to the nearest hospital. I thought of leaving him and run away but I don't think my conscience can do that. I also thought of bringing him into my apartment but it was too far from hear and he can't die in my place! So, I hope I could solve this by simply talking to him. Another problem is that I don't know how to pay his hospital bills and all if I don't have an extra money!

I was crying in hapiness when the doctor said he just got minor injuries and will wake up soon. Thank God! While he was asleep, I get his wallet to see his some IDs to get some informations or number of his relatives that I could call. My eyes widened when I saw his name. Impossible!

"Aiden Leif Heartst?!"