
That Day

I finally woke up realizing I was at the Hospital. A person came rushing in when I woke up and I almost screamed stranger danger before I realized she was a nurse. She explained to me how a guy saved my life and then I remembered everything that happened and wanted to bolt out but ya know with all those tubes and sh*t I wasn't going anywhere.

Later that day my Dad had came to the hospital to ask me why I stopped in the middle of the road, but all I could say was "I don't know I just dazed off." I sounded like a f*ck*ng idiot and I could tell he didn't believe me but he pretended like he did. Later that day I was happy as hell when they let me out.

I just kept thinking about that day over and over again when I got home, but I had to ignore it because I'd have to go to school tomorrow and face him. If you haven't realized I haven't necessarily told you his name so I'll tell you now. His name is DRUMROLL... Simon but because your reading this I'll just tell you I said Simon dramatically.
