
To Have You Back

Aira lives a typical college life. Her life takes a turn when she encounters a handsome yet mischievous guy, Ashton. Love beings to blossom yet there are secrets that can change their lives forever. But then again, he suddenly disappeared. Where is he? Thus begins Aira's search. How will Aira be able to cope up with the new changes in her life? Did Ashton purposely left her? Will she be able to find him? If so, will she accept Ash along with his secret or is it the end? What decision will Aira take? Read in to find out.

Bobaholic_girl · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

I am about to turn back when Darren looks up and approaches me, "Hey! Good morning" "Hi there. You're early today" I say with a bored expression. He looks back at his notes and to me, "Yea, actually I missed so many classes so came early to complete my books."

Did I hear him right? Complete books. Since when did he get so studious? "Oh okay" I say with some uncertainty. I take up my usual seat and sit there.

Darren comes up to me and says, "I want to know something" "and what's that?" I ask. He looks serious. He stares hard into my eyes, as if trying to figure out something.

"I want to know why you don't like me the way I like you. All I have to do is smile at the other girls and they swoon like crazy but you, it's as if like you hate me." He says it as if it's a matter of fact.

I was about to say something when Alice and Sofia comes running down to class gossiping about something. Oh man! What a weird timing.

They are looking in my way and at Darren and both of them have a look and that knowing smile plastered on their face. Darren goes back to his desk and resumes doing his work. Weird guy! I think.

They both, Alice and Sofia come up to me and inquire, "Hey, what were you to talking about? Hmm?" "It's nothing", I try not to tell them. They look at me suspiciously but drop the subject anyway.

'Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! I get a call from Karen, "Hello Karen?" I hear a sobbing from background. I get worried about what's wrong. "Hello dear, it's me Karen's mother. I wanted to know if you know a boy named Jack, Do you?" Karen's mom on line asks.

I get really confused as to what is actually going on. I answer honestly, "Well, I have heard of him however I don't know him personally and I don't know which Jack you are talking about." You see there are at least 3 to 4 Jacks I know of and I am 100% sure she is asking about Karen's boyfriend but I still act dense to her question.

"Aunty, Did something happen?" I ask her. I see Alice and Sofia giving me a worried look. I glance back at them and make a signal to stop, I'll tell you later. Karen's mom hissed, "Why don't you come over and ask her. I am sure that she will tell you everything." I gulp. "Okay. Goodbye Aunty." I say and hang up the call.

I panic, "Guys, we have to hurry up to Karen's place. Something happened, I don't know what exactly but I guess it's about Jack." Alice whispered, "Oh Shit!" I am sure that Alice must know something which I and Sofia don't know. We skip out on our college for today and go over to Karen's place in Sofia's car, a black Volkswagen.