
To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Once upon time I was a normal guy. Now, I am Kakarot, the clone of Son Goku created by Kami. There isn't much time, but I'll use it wisely, and go even further beyond. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Time Warp 6

"Ha Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Bulla zipped through the air throwing a rapid barrage of punches that quaked through the air and sounded like missile bombardment. "This is awesome!" she shouted as she went about testing out her newly increased strength and power.

Gohan couldn't blame her, her strength had outright tripled, that was a massive power boost for her indeed. She may even be capable of finally going all the way now! And even he himself had gained a not insubstantial increase of strength from the eight fruit he'd managed to eat himself. It was less than a fiftieth of his full strength, but it was something he'd gotten in a mere less than two minutes. A boost that would usually take a few months of training to gain.

"So..." He looked after from his student to the clone of his father still sitting on the same piece of debris, "What's this plan of yours? Why did it require us or..well you to let the androids live?"

Kakarot sighed, "Gero made a lot more androids than those two you know?" He mused and Gohan's eyes widened, dread forming in his gut, "And one specifically requires both Android 17 and 18 to reach its full power."

"..Don't tell me you want to use to to get it to full power so you can have a challenge?" Gohan asked, his dread building. For all of his fathers good points, his tendency to let his enemies grow to their full strength for a fair fight and challenge was always one he did not agree with.

"Nothing like that, no," Kakarot snorted, "The thing is, Cell, that's its name by the way should still be in the process of being born. If I'm right, it should still be at a point where it can be reprogrammed to be good and not evil."

...Ah! That made sense. If the way Kakarot spoke of it was anything to go by, this Cell would surely be far stronger than the two androids, and if it was possible for it to be reprogrammed, then the Earth would gain a very powerful defender. What an amazing idea!

"Cell is an odd being. It is a bio-android created from the cells of not only you, but Piccolo, Krillin, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Master Roshi, Nappa, the Saibamen, Frieza and even his father," Kakarot continued, "That means he has all of your techniques and abilities, and that includes Piccolo's and possibly the ability to at least support a new set of Dragon Balls."

His breath hitched. Forget about how creepy its creation was, what he was implying was far more important. If they had dragon balls again, everyone could be wished back. All the damage of the last near fifteen years could be repaired.

"On that note, do you know if Popo is still around?" Kakarot asked.

"He is." Gohan confirmed

"Then we'll need to head to the Lookout soon," he smirked, before asking something that threw him totally off, "By the way, what happened to Frieza and King Cold? Are their corpses intact at all or did my counterpart vaporize them when he killed them?"

"..W-what!?" Gohan spluttered, "Why would you ask that?"

"..Just something I want to confirm is all." he shrugged.

Gohan eyed him oddly, "What on Earth could you need their bodies for?" he asked, and then realised he didn't want to know that, "You know what it doesn't matter. They're intact for the most part, father vaporized their heads and we buried them where he fought them. It's not actually far from here if you want to go."

He really didn't want to know what he'd need Frieza and his fathers corpses for. But at the same time, he hated his natural curiosity that wanted him to find out.

"Good to hear," Kakarot suddenly grinned before turning to look up at Bulla, "Hey Bulla! Come down here, it's time to get a move on."

A moment later Bulla came barrelling down to slam into the ground, a massive grin on her face as spiderweb cracks spread out beneath her from the force of her landing, "Right, where we going? Back to mom's daddio? Or we hunting down those old out of date toasters running around and putting them in the scrap shop down below?" she asked, punching a fist into her other palm.

"Yes, though later," Kakarot replied, "Right now, your cool Master Gohan is gonna show us some dead alien bodies."

"I am?" Gohan asked, eyebrows rising.

"He is?" Bulla's own eyebrows rose, "Well, it'll be a real change from all the dead human bodies I've got used to I guess." she shrugged.

Gohan sighed. Somehow, he had a feeling he was going to really regret leading him to the bodies of Frieza and his father.

"Alright I guess...follow me." he gave in. If nothing else, he'd see why Kakarot wanted the bodies so bad.

Mirai Gohan 8,560,000

Mirai Bulla: 355,000

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