
To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Once upon time I was a normal guy. Now, I am Kakarot, the clone of Son Goku created by Kami. There isn't much time, but I'll use it wisely, and go even further beyond. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Progression 8

I looked over them all. Gathered in front of me on the lookout. Tien, Krillin, Chiaotzu and Yajirobe. They all stared at me wide eyed, in various states of widened eyed shock.

It was hard not to allow the smirk I wanted to let spread across my face show. My time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber was fucking hellish. The deeper I got within the white void, the more the terrain shifted at random intervals. From random fire storms, to thundering lightning storms. Glacial freezing temperatures and spikes of intense gravity that crushed me into the ground. Not to mention the fucking clones, using any chance they could to goof of and relax while I was getting boiled, frozen and crushed.

It took me thirty five days to finally learn how to control my Oozaru form, but I can't say it wasn't worth it in the end.


Fifty six thousand, three hundred and fifty six. That was what my battle power measured at when I measured myself just a few minutes ago upon leaving the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. It may not be the highest out there, but now in my Oozaru form, the only ones capable of taking me on will be the likes of Frieza. And I'm only beginning on my path to getting stronger. Once I get to Planet Namek, I'll be able to grow even more massively. If my plans pan out, within the next month, I should be well capable of dealing with Frieza himself.

I may not be a freak like Broly, Gohan or Frieza himself. But, the knowledge I inherited of this universe, might just be even better than those freakish insane talents.

"K-Kakarot....how?" Tien finally stuttered out after a good twenty seconds of pure shocked silence and gobsmacked staring.

Looks like he's curious how I got so strong already, "I told you before, the more intense the training we go through, the more we saiyans adapt and grow stronger," I replied, "The Hyperbolic Time Chamber is intense as hell, the environment got so bad I was lucky to stay alive half the time, but it made for an amazing place to train. You should try it out yourself when you're strong enough."

Tien grimaced, "At the rate I'm going, it'll years before I get as strong as you were when you went in there." he replied, the bald warrior slumping in what almost looked like defeat.

..It honestly looked wrong on Tien. Has my insane growth this early fucked over his morale?

That's not good. For all that the humans had a tough time keeping up, their own power was nothing to scoff at in the end and they raised the mortal level massively. Which is a very big thing that I need to stay on top of. Universe 7 is one of the weakest universes as far as mortal levels goes. With the saiyans gone, and many other species wiped out due to the Planet Trade Organization, or rather the Frieza Force, the mortal level was at an all time low with only a few outliers like those gathered on this planet, Frieza and such.

They need to be strong enough to help raise the overall mortal level. And in the worst case scenario, be strong enough to help me win a Tournament of Power.

Thankfully, one of my planned wishes for Porunga will go a long way to making sure this universe is far ahead of the canon Universe 7. But for it to be maximized, I'll have to make sure their motivation is still alive and strong.

"Understandable, you don't have quite the same advantages as I do," I nodded, crossing my arms. Then I let my smirk blossom as his face fell slightly, "But, that isn't to say you guys don't have advantages of your own."

"We do?" Krillin blinked in confusion.

"Yeah, I've noticed so far that humans have much more innate talent when it comes to controlling ki compared to we saiyans," I replied. I'm not actually sure if that's true, it's just something that appeared in Xenoverse, "So..you'll have an easier time controlling techniques like this!" I continued with a grunt, and flared my ki into my muscles, compressing it tightly into my form and allowing my muscles and form to bulk up considerably.

Beep, beep. My scouter was set to passive and with a new growth in battle power, automatically scanned me.


"Holy shit you can get even stronger!?" Yajirobe yelped.

"H-hey, isn't that Master Roshi's technique!?" Krillin asked, mouth going agape once more in shock.

"It is," I smirked at him, "I've got six days left before I can do what I want, so I guess for those six days I'll teach you guys how to do this and kick you into shape properly."

"..Oh no..." Yajirobe whimpered.

Yeah, no slacking off for you fatty boy.

"Wait, how do you know we have better ki control?" Chiaotzu asked, tilting his head in question as he floated up into the air to look me in the eye.

"Because I can compare my own abilities, and Goku's, and other saiyans with yours," I bullshitted, "You all have a lot easier of a time when it comes to controlling ki from what I've observed, especially Krillin." That was something that was actually canonical that Piccolo brought up at the end of Dragon Ball, Krillin's innate skill when it came to ki manipulation.

"Hehe!" Krillin thumbed his nonexistence nose and beamed in pride.

"...Alright, I'm game I guess.." Tien shook his head and replied.

"Then it's about time I teach you guys the pecking order." I laughed. It wasn't like I wasn't going to get anything out of this either. There was something I wanted to check, and something I wanted to learn from Tien while I was here. So this worked out well for me.