
To Gamble With A Demon

A bet to prove her worth, a soul for the demon to collect if she fails. Aisha Yang fell into Hell by accident. As unlucky as it gets, Aisha became prey to demons, only to be ‘saved’ by another. Unwilling to accept death, she begged her savior for a chance to return to the land of the living to which he agreed but under a bet with a catch— an eternity of servitude if she failed! Damien, a high-ranking demon, was supposed to bring the woman to one of the rebirth centers. Neither dead nor alive, she was an extremely curious case. And she even had the audacity to beg her way home?! Damien may have given her a chance, but he will make sure she was definitely going to fail— he was a demon after all. With Damien doing everything he can to make Aisha suffer, and Aisha retaliating with her sass and headstrong attitude, the two end up in a rather comically hilarious relationship of good versus evil! But what if Aisha falling into Hell wasn’t just an accident? When sparks fly between the human and the demon, would Aisha still want to go back when her time is up? +++ EXCERPT: “I must be out of my mind, but I love the way you melt and squirm, Aisha,” Damien whispered. “I… I feel lost too,” Aisha confessed, “but this… this kind of lost is beautiful.” Her words were like a song strung together to Damien’s ears. “Would you want to lose yourself with me then? Tell me, Aisha Yang, for I will do everything for you.” “Lord Damien,” she gasped in between his wet kisses on her neck, “this isn’t right.” “There is nothing right in Hell, Miss Hot Chili Condoms,” Damien murmured, a soft growl escaping him. “Even your existence in Hell isn’t right.” The Harbinger lifted her skirt up. The surprise beneath exposed smooth and long legs bared for his hands to wander about, and at the very center, the prize wrapped in lace.

yu_chan_desu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Race Against Time

Aisha found it weird that the voice that replied to her sounded like a snake. But then she just decided to shrug it off, thinking anything could exist in hell. She just hoped it was not some demon again who would want to eat or take her away.

She looked up again, and slowly the sun had started to set. It was almost halfway down, and the skies above were now an achingly beautiful shade of dusky grey purples and pinks. Why was Hell’s sunset so beautiful?

Aisha quickly crouched down and repeated her question to the person who was surely hiding at the far end of the niche, “Do you know them?” she asked.

She tried to peer into the cracks, but something held her back from squeezing her face too close. Perhaps there was still some sanity left to Aisha for her to keep herself safe from another possible death trap. Aisha shimmied herself a bit further away, and then waited a bit longer for a reply.

There was a long pregnant pause before the voice finally responded, “The Harbingersss of Hell servesss the great Demon King. Thirteen, all in all, in charge of the different districtsss of Hell.”

Aisha’s eyes widened, and she craned her neck to listen more as the voice continued, “Lord Beelzebub, first and foremost. Lord Barbatosss, sssecond in line. Lord Cain, third and fine. The fourth…”

“The fourth?” Aisha repeated, desperate to know the name before sunset, “Come on please, please, please tell me who the fourth is?”

Her eyes watched over the horizon. The bright tinge of the afternoon red oranges were slowly melting away into purplish dark skies of the night. Each second that the voice lagged was a second closer to her losing the weird quest the Harbinger had given her.

Aisha’s heart drummed so hard with panic. If her ribcage wasn’t strong enough, her heart might as well have burst out of her chest and ran for its life. Her armpits were sweaty, and Aisha smelled like rotten flesh with the black blood she had spread over herself.

“Hmm… I don’t ssseem to remember,” the voice replied shortly afterward.

Aisha almost ripped her hair off with frustration, “No! Please remember his name! Tall and broad shoulders, dressed formally in a white suit. Hair as fine as snow, eyes literally on fire. Does that not ring any bells to you?”

Time was ticking slowly for Aisha like a bomb. The sun was almost out of sight, and she still didn’t know what the 4th Harbinger’s name was. Was this her end?


Aisha’s world suddenly froze as if the name spoken by the voice was powerful enough to stop time itself. She quickly stood up and uttered the name three times just as instructed. With only seconds left until sunset, Aisha raced with time.

“Damien, Damien, Damien. I summon thee, 4th Harbinger of Hell,” Aisha whispered with urgency, “Give me a chance to go home…”

She heard hissing come from the niche. It sounded as if it was extremely afraid and then something heavy moved that was akin to bricks being dragged on the ground. Aisha glanced down, and to her surprise, the niche was now covered with a large stone.

The sun finally waned, an exodus that brought with it the darkness of the night. Aisha could have sworn she was dreaming, as the skies above her presented the most stunning constellations she has ever seen. How could something so wonderful exist in this place that they call Hell?

Aisha waited, and waited, and somehow the absence of anything filled her with dread. Was the 4th Harbinger going to kill her or was he going to give her a chance to go home? But… had she called him and made it in time before the sun had set?

To be honest, Aisha didn’t know anymore.

Tears started to pool at the corner of her eyes, as Aisha felt the crushing sense of pending doom on her. She was just a girl with dreams. She worked her bones dry to get herself where she was before that freak accident.

Why did she have to end up in Hell?

Three claps and a familiar chuckle echoed around the narrow alleyway where Aisha stood. She jumped in fright as she turned her head to the noise. Aisha felt her knees buckle as she saw the man that had saved her from demons leaning over the wall by the end of the alleyway.

His eyes blazed with amusement, and he continued to clap away as he slowly walked towards Aisha. The man’s gait was incredibly fluid as if he was a model on a rampway. She didn’t notice it before, for she had been too fixated on keeping herself alive from the demons that chased her.

“You have called, Miss Hot Chili Condoms?” His voice was laden with honey, and Aisha craned her neck as he got closer and closer.

“I found out who you are, Damien, the 4th Harbinger of Hell,” Aisha blurted out, “Now keep your end of the deal and send me back home.”

The man closed his eyes and leisurely inhaled the air around them. They weren’t in a park of flowers, everything screamed of death and suffering. But somehow, the Harbinger named Damien seemed to be enjoying himself amidst the chaos and foul smell that wafted in the air.

The demon continued to breathe in and out, taking his precious time before opening his mouth to respond to Aisha. She waited for him to finish, and when he opened his eyes again, the fire in them had been transformed into normal-looking eyes. Except maybe for the fact that they were a piercingly bright and bloody red - like precious rubies.

Damien chuckled softly at first, which eventually turned into a full-blown howling laugh. Aisha was confused why he was laughing so hard, and she stomped her foot to demand his end of the deal, “Hey? What’s so funny? I did what you asked me to do.”

The 4th Harbinger of Hell reached out to cup Aisha’s face with both hands and Aisha instantly froze in place. They were extremely cold which was the complete opposite of his then fiery eyes. He leaned downwards until his face was practically just an inch away from her’s.

Aisha held her breath as she kept eye contact with Damien. She might be scared shitless with what he would do to her, but either way, she wasn’t backing out. They agreed that if she found out his name then he would give her a chance – why was he acting strange now?

“Ah… such innocence and gullibility. I have never seen such a thing in a long while. The humans that come in Hell are never such people,” he snickered.

“W-What do you mean I’m gullible? You said it yourself you would give me a chance once I find out your name,” Aisha’s brows furrowed, “Even as a demon, you should keep your promises.”

Damien’s eyes squinted as he stared into Aisha’s dirty face, “I didn’t promise you anything about going home, Miss Hot Chili Condoms. I only said I’d hear you plead your case.”

Aisha felt herself go cold, “What am I to you, demon? A joke?!” She couldn’t contain her anger, and she didn’t even try to hide it.

Damien smiled cunningly, then kicked Aisha’s foot which immediately took her balance away. “What the -” she yelped in terror, as she felt herself slowly get pulled down by gravity.

With an expert and swift move, he swooped his arm to save her in the nick of time, and then said, “You’ve successfully piqued my interest. Don’t worry, Aisha Yang, I will give you a chance, however, you just have to do one more thing.”

Aisha raised an incredulous brow, “And that is?”

Damien smiled dangerously, and then replied as fire flickered in his ruby eyes, “Sign a contract with me.”