
To Find Edward

Marguerite is oblivious as she folds Arthmael's body into beautiful silhouettes. Following the familiar choreography, she dances relentlessly. Grand Jete! Penche! followed by a series of graceful pas de chats. All concatenated in front of the enthralled emperor. When the music reaches the outro in a full stop, Marguerite falls gracefully on the floor in a pose. She stays there and waits for the king to tell her she can leave. She stays on the ground for a long time but hears nothing from him. Wondering if she did anything wrong, she wants to lift her head to look at the king's face, but quickly remembers the warning he gave her. If she disrespects him any further, who knows what he might do to her. She suddenly feels her chin being lifted, her eyes meet the hazels of Demian. She forgets to breathe and falls from her pose onto the floor. She doesn't have time to regain her senses before two strong arms lift her off the floor. She is about to question him on his weird behaviour when her mouth is suddenly covered by his in a kiss. ------------------------------------------------- Marguerite is very talented. She has a beautiful voice, a great passion for music and various talents in the arts. Unfortunately, her bright future gets compromised when she is forced to leave her world to fulfill the wish of someone else. Marguerite wanting to go home as soon as possible, accepts. However things turn out quite unexpected for her. The cover belongs to the rightful owner. If you are the owner of the art and want me to take it down, DM me on discord burlesque_dancer#2837

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Boyfriend (music)

Marguerite stood up from the Sofa to start up the coffee maker. She just got home from a long party with her friends. Nothing too wild, just drinking and laughing with some movie playing in the background. They were only five of them present and they had fun all night.

Nonetheless, she can't afford to sleep late today, even though it's Sunday. Her boyfriend is coming this evening from overseas and she is certain he would be extremely jet-lagged after 12 hours of flying. She is planning on preparing a good meal for him. She even bought some wine and candles to make it look romantic.

"Wtf?" While carrying some eggs for the dessert, she suddenly trips on the chair's leg and falls with a big splash, face right into the egg yolk. It is quite the comical picture as she tries to stand up but fails because of the slippery liquid. The poor girl finally manages to stand while speaking profanities and catches her breath as she looks at the disaster she created.

One needs to know, Marguerite was never quite the cook, to begin with. The best thing that ever came out of her kitchen was a warm cup of coffee. She usually relies on frozen food and unhealthy junk to survive. Yet she weighs 60 kg and is still perfectly healthy, let's pray to Jesus that this lasts, is what her mother often say. Her friends also often get very concerned about her health.

After cleaning up the mess, the clumsy woman goes to the fridge to get some more eggs, only to find that there is no more. With a face as if her world is ending, she wonders: <Where am I going to find eggs on a Sunday?> The perks of living in Europe. The only places still open on Sunday are the foreign shops on the main streets. Marguerite never went to these small supermarkets. Looks like that will change today.

Taking her keys and her bag, she puts on her headphones and heads to Munkegata. It is early morning and she is still a bit tipsy, but fortunately, the shops weren't too far from her studio. While walking down the road, she listens to Arctic Monkeys and sometimes sings along after making sure no one is listening.

Have you got colour in your cheeks?

Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift

The type that sticks around like summat in your teeth?

Are there some aces up your sleeve?

Have you no idea that you're in deep

I dreamt about you nearly every night this week

How many secrets can you keep?

'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow

And I play it on repeat

Until I fall asleep

Spilling drinks on my settee

She finally arrives in front of the shop and opens the front door with a creak. It isn't shabby or dark, but it feels slightly different from the typical supermarket. It's small, there is a small teenager at the counter playing on her phone. She doesn't seem to want to be here. A big, strong man is sorting out the products. Products she's never seen before were orderly placed on the racks. Hair sprays, oils with pictures of pretty black women, hair, colognes and perfumes, etc, etc...

(Do I wanna know?)

If this feeling flows both ways?

(Sad to see you go)

Was sort of hoping that you'd stay

(Baby, we both know)

That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day

She looks at the different types of fish, they truly are cheaper. She doesn't dislike the atmosphere of the place either. It feels a bit like she is in a secret place for special people only. It feels exclusive. Since it is cheaper to buy food here, she will probably come back. She takes a basket and places a big bucket of natural yoghurt with some Arabic writings on it and a picture of a man with a beard and a turban inside. She doesn't forget her eggs and takes some additional cookies way cheaper than at Kiwi, the local supermarket.

Crawling back to you

Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?

'Cause I always do

Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new

Now I've thought it through

Crawling back to you

After paying and leaving, she sings the main chorus of the song while walking home. Getting over the fact that she wasted decent eggs because of her silliness, she starts to prepare for what she will cook. Looking at the recipe she found on the internet, she takes out the meat and spices.

When he came, a good smell was coming from the studio's window, Chad came at 13:00 thinking that his girlfriend was asleep because of the pictures she posted on Facebook, but he was pleasantly surprised when he found her in the kitchen. Candles and wine are spread out on the table, Marguerite is coming out of the kitchen with the entré in hand. She receives a jump scare as she hadn't heard her boyfriend's arrival. He smiles and laughs while removing her headphones and embraces her in a hug.