

got reincarnated In another world but as a weak ass adventurer who is part of the hero party and got NTR'ed before being kicked out of the party now armed with an OP system I can do what I want which is having adventures and my own harem

Ahmed_Dazumi · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter 2:my decision

As I journeyed onward, contemplating the adventures and harem that lay ahead, a sudden surge of energy coursed through me. The Omni system, as if responding to the path I had chosen, presented me with an unexpected reward. In an instant, the holographic display shimmered, revealing a symbol ingrained in the collective consciousness of fantasy worlds – the Sharingan.

I blinked, staring wide-eyed at the intricate pattern displayed before me.

A Sharingan? Seriously?

I exclaimed, half expecting the system to retract its offer or reveal some catch to this unexpected boon.

The mechanical voice echoed, "The Sharingan, a tool of perception and power. It is yours, Hiro, as part of the main starter package. Use it wisely, for its abilities are both a gift and a responsibility."

Examining the holographic representation of the Sharingan, I marveled at the three tomoe arranged in a circular pattern.

So, what can I do with this?

I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"The Sharingan enhances your visual acuity, allowing you to perceive the world with unparalleled clarity. As it evolves, it will grant you access to powerful techniques, from predicting an opponent's movements to unlocking unique abilities," the voice explained, its tone measured and informative.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The Sharingan, a renowned symbol of strength and skill in the world of naruto was now a part of my arsenal.

This is no ordinary power. It's a game-changer

I murmured to myself, contemplating the implications of possessing such a legendary ocular ability.

The system continued, "Remember, Hiro, the Sharingan is a reflection of your growth and experiences. Embrace its potential, but be mindful of the choices you make. Its true strength lies in the bond it forms with your journey."

As the holographic representation of the Sharingan slowly faded, I felt a newfound weight on my shoulders. The symbol of the Sharingan had become more than just a visual enhancement; it was a reminder that my journey was now intertwined with legendary powers and unforeseen possibilities.

With the Sharingan as my guide, I embarked on the next chapter of my adventure, eager to explore the capabilities and mysteries that came with this extraordinary gift. The world awaited, and the once-unassuming adventurer named Hiro now possessed a legendary eye that would shape the course of his destiny in ways he had yet to fathom.

The Omni system, in its enigmatic wisdom, presented me with a diverging path. I could either diligently fill up the Sharingan meter through a gradual accumulation of experiences, or I could plunge into the depths of despair and hatred, triggering an instantaneous awakening of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

So, it's not just about enduring challenges. I have to decide between a measured progression or embracing intense despair for immediate power

I murmured to myself, weighing the consequences of each option.

The mechanical voice affirmed my understanding,

"Correct, Hiro. The path you choose will define not only the evolution of your Sharingan but the essence of your journey. Consider the risks and rewards carefully."

As I stared at the holographic display, the choices before me took on a profound significance. Filling the meter seemed like a steady climb, a reflection of resilience and gradual growth. On the other hand, the allure of unlocking the Mangekyou Sharingan in a single, intense moment was tempting but came with the potential for overwhelming darkness.

I have to decide how I want to shape my power

I mused, torn between the allure of immediate strength and the patient pursuit of mastery.

The voice echoed

"Choose wisely, Hiro. Both paths carry their own burdens and rewards. The evolution of your Sharingan is intertwined with the choices you make on this extraordinary journey."

With a deep breath, I considered the paths that stretched out before me—the measured ascent or the plunge into the depths of despair. The holographic choices glowed before my eyes, a visual representation of the profound decisions that would shape the destiny of the adventurer named Hiro and his legendary Sharingan.

As I left the town behind, the cobbled streets giving way to the untamed wilderness, the world of Mystaria unfolded before me. Towering trees and distant mountains painted a landscape that echoed with the essence of fantasy, a realm where races of all kinds coexisted beneath the vast sky. The beauty of the surroundings, however, belied a deeper truth—the pervasive shadow of war that loomed over Mystaria.

The Omni system chimed in, its mechanical voice breaking the silence of the open road, "Welcome to Mystaria, Hiro. A world of diverse races, magic, and untold mysteries. Yet, it is marred by the relentless conflict spurred by the demon race, led by the formidable Demon King."

I gazed at the horizon, a sense of gravity settling within me.

War, even in a world like this. What drives such conflicts? Oh yeah I was in the hero party

I pondered aloud, the question lingering in the air like an unspoken challenge.

"The struggles are complex, Hiro. Differences in ideologies, ancient grudges, and the insatiable thirst for power. Mystaria is a tapestry woven with threads of both unity and discord,"

the voice explained, its tone carrying the weight of the world's history.

As I traversed the landscape, I noticed the remnants of villages scarred by the conflict. Crumbled walls and abandoned homes stood as silent witnesses to the toll war had taken.

So many lives affected by this turmoil. Is there no hope for peace?

I questioned, the ache of empathy coloring my words.

"The possibility of peace exists, but it is elusive. The threads of destiny are intertwined, and the choices made by individuals like you can tip the balance," the system responded, offering a glimmer of optimism amid the pervasive darkness.

As I walked, I encountered beings of different races—elves with pointed ears, dwarves with sturdy builds, and humans with diverse backgrounds. Mystaria's diversity unfolded like a living tapestry, a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants in the face of adversity.

"The people of Mystaria are resilient, each race contributing to the rich tapestry of this world. Yet, the specter of war lingers, casting a shadow on their daily lives," the voice continued, painting a vivid picture of the intricate relationships that defined this fantastical realm.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing on my shoulders.

What role do I play in all of this? Can I make a difference?

I questioned, the uncertainty of my purpose echoing in the vastness of the landscape.

The system responded with a hint of encouragement

"Your choices will shape the narrative of Mystaria, Hiro. Whether you become a beacon of hope, a catalyst for change, or a force that reshapes destinies, the power lies within you."

As I ventured deeper into the heart of Mystaria, the war-torn landscapes and the tales of diverse races fueled a determination within me. The journey ahead, fraught with challenges and possibilities, beckoned with the promise of unraveling the mysteries of this world and leaving an indelible mark on its history.

As I continued my journey with the weight of Mystaria's conflicts heavy on my mind, the tranquility of the wilderness was shattered by disturbing sounds. Following the unsettling cacophony, I stumbled upon a distressing scene – two girls cornered by a group of goblins, their malicious laughter echoing through the air.

Instinctively, I reached for the worn-out short sword hanging by my side. The Omni system hummed with anticipation, displaying the battle parameters before me.

**Battle Parameters:**

- Health: 30/30

- Mana: 20/20

- Strength: 10

- Agility: 12

- Intelligence: 15


- Basic Short Sword Mastery

- Basic Mana Mastery

- Arcane Dagger Strike

- Sharingan

With a deep breath, I confronted the goblins, the sense of responsibility outweighing any hesitation. "Hey, you there! Leave those girls alone!" I shouted, hoping to divert the attention away from the helpless victims.

The goblins, their grotesque forms adorned with crude weapons, turned their attention toward me. A malicious grin crept across their faces as they prepared to engage in combat. The girls, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope, watched as the confrontation unfolded.

The first goblin lunged at me with a rusty dagger, its movements erratic and brutish. Drawing upon my Basic Short Sword Mastery, I deftly parried its attack, countering with a swift strike that sent it sprawling to the ground.

Goblin:Eheheheh! More playthings!

cackled another goblin, brandishing a makeshift club. As it closed in, I activated my Sharingan, the red eye glowing with an enhanced perception that allowed me to anticipate its movements. With a precise Arcane Dagger Strike, I incapacitated the second goblin, sending it crashing into its companion.

The battle raged on, each clash of blades accompanied by the occasional arcane strike. The goblins, driven by their malevolent intent, pressed forward with a relentless fury. My agility allowed me to evade their clumsy attacks, and with each successful strike, the Omni system registered a boost in experience.

Amidst the chaos, the two girls seized the opportunity to escape the clutches of their tormentors. I could feel the energy coursing through me, a mixture of adrenaline and the shared will to protect those in need.

As the last goblin fell, defeated and demoralized, the battle came to an end. The wilderness returned to a semblance of tranquility, and the girls, grateful but visibly shaken, approached me with a mix of relief and gratitude.

Girl 1:Thank you... I don't know what we would have done without you

one of the girls expressed, her voice trembling.

I nodded, sheathing my sword.

Hiro:Just doing what's right. Be careful out here.

As they retreated to safety, I reflected on the brief but intense encounter. The goblin ambush served as a stark reminder that, even though I chose to stay out of larger conflicts, there were moments where my choices and abilities could make a tangible difference in the lives of those who needed help. The echoes of the battle lingered in the air, a testament to the delicate balance between the serenity and strife that defined Mystaria.

As the effects of Ultimate Leveling surged through Hiro, the holographic display reflected a remarkable transformation in his status.

**New Stats at Level 20:**

- Health: 150

- Mana: 80

- Strength: 50

- Agility: 60

- Intelligence: 47

The Omni system's voice resonated with the confirmation of his elevated level, "Hiro, you have reached Level 20. Your stats have seen a substantial increase, reflecting your accelerated growth. Wield this power wisely on your journey through Mystaria."

Hiro, now significantly more formidable, felt the weight of his enhanced abilities. The world around him seemed to respond to the profound changes as he continued to explore, the echoes of the goblin battle a distant memory compared to the challenges that lay ahead on this accelerated path of adventure.

As the two girls, now freed from the clutches of the goblins, introduced themselves, their expressions morphed into a mix of bewilderment and awe. One of them, a young elven maiden with silver hair, spoke hesitantly,

Elyra:I'm Elyra, and this is my friend, Sylara. Thank you for saving us back there, but we couldn't help but wonder... how did someone your age defeat those goblins with such skill?

I furrowed my brow, the term "child" catching me off guard.

Hiro:Child? I'm not a child

I retorted, glancing toward the river as I caught a glimpse of my reflection. There, staring back at me, was a cute young boy with blonde hair and cerulean eyes.

Hiro's design

Hiro:What the heck... I'm not a child. I just look like one. I'm 16

I explained, a hint of frustration in my voice. The girls, however, exchanged amused glances, their initial astonishment shifting into playful teasing.

Sylara giggled,

Sylara:So cuuuute! You really had us fooled for a moment there. But seriously, how did someone your age acquire such impressive skills?

I sighed, realizing the contrast between my appearance and the capabilities I displayed.

Hiro:Long story short, I've been honing my skills for a while now

I explained, choosing not to disclose the peculiar circumstances of my arrival in this world or the unique powers at my disposal. The revelation, however, seemed to deepen their curiosity.

Elyra's eyes widened

Elyra:Your skills are exceptional for someone your age. Are you on some kind of quest?

I nodded

Hiro:Not a hero on some grand quest, though. Just trying to navigate this world and figure out my place in it. What about you two? Why were those goblins after you?

Sylara sighed

Sylara:Our village has been under constant threat from various monsters, and we were on a supply run when we got ambushed. The situation has been getting worse, and we've been trying to gather allies to defend our home.

Elyra added

Elyra:Your timely intervention might be the sign we were waiting for. Maybe you could help us. Together, we could make a difference.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, the prospect of joining forces with Elyra and Sylara to protect their village took root. The juxtaposition of my youthful appearance with the weight of responsibility created an intriguing dynamic, one that hinted at the complexities of the journey that lay ahead. With newfound allies by my side, the path forward seemed both challenging and promising, the echoes of the goblin encounter fading into the background as the trio set forth towards the unknown adventures awaiting them in Mystaria.

Elyra design

Sylara design