
To Fall in Love With the Right Guy

She wanted a perfect love, she waited for it, she met Zack, he was different... But yet she rejected him..... But that didn't stop Zack from loving her, he was willing to wait..... Years later.. Cara was saying something different..... The rocky girl he used to know wants love...a man She just needs love someone Maybe Zack.....

ApHarriet · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

You know one thing I hate about going to work everyday?

It's seeing the face of this woman who calls herself my boss!

She's my college mate.

I wonder why my life is so tangled like this.

There's my co-worker, who was once my best friend.

Then my boss.

Do you think that would make anyone happy in their work place?

That's why I always go to Zack after work, at least he makes me happy and just listens to my crappy story of the day;

But sad enough he didn't go to work today,

"did he say anything to you, like he's sick or something?", I asked his Co worker,

"not at all",

"okay, thanks," I tried calling him but he ain't answering, so I decided to visit.

When I packed in front of his house, it was about to break off, cause the music was so loud, and that only means one thing!

"Zack!, " I called the hundredth time, before turning off the music,

"have you committed suicide?!",

I shouted walking up his stairs full of dirty clothes, and empty cans of beer.

"oh God!", I finally reached his room and yanked the door open, "lord have mercy, what the hell is this place?",

"just go away, " he said from the piles of clothes he's lying on.

"I wish I could," I said lying next to him,

"you know your mum will cry blood if she sees you like this," he looked those red with alcohol eyes on me,

"let her out of this ",

"fine", I took his head and dropped it on my laps, that's what we always do,

"she broke up with you?", I said touching his hair, I liked it, it's so soft and got that golden color I love so much.

"she said that we can't be together, she didn't even tell me why",he chuckled,

"you know, cause I do those bottle things and get paid a little she thinks am not her level, do you think she ever loved me?",

"I doubt that", he raised his head and looked at me,

"really, why didn't you warn me?",

"I tried warning you, but you were head over heels for her", I rolled my eyes,  I hated that girl, I still wonder what he saw in her, am way better than her,  just that she's younger.

He sat up and looked at me,

"am I a bad guy?", my eyes went wild,

"why would you say that honey?," I took his face in my hands,

"don't let anybody make you think of yourself like that, you are the cutest thing ever on earth",

"are you mimicking my mum?", I dropped my hands,

"are my? I knew I've heard that somewhere".

He laughed, then we talked into the night.

It has always been like that, we always got each other.

Our relationship first started like a normal, "Hello","hi",

then we started real talking, we laughed at random things, have the same thoughts, laugh at an old woman wearing the back of her clothes or something that happened years ago, we eve have deja vu together, we love the same thing,  have the same thought...

we almost fell in love but we know things might not be the same if that happens, so we chose friendship and that's why we lasted this long, I love him, yes, like in friendship love, cause.... Cause he's a great guy.

I sometimes get jealous when he gets a new girlfriend, cause he'll have less of my time and sometimes I feel like am taking him away from his girlfriend, so whenever he gets one, I just lay down low.