
To Eternity of My Sorrow

To the future yearning because I'm with you, however with your sudden loss everything scattered into pieces. It's tragically empty and it is hard to conceal this sorrow to eternity. But, despite of your death I can still feel your presence, you ease my anxiety... How can I say more? day by day I'm greedy for you, I feel this unsettling feeling all because of you so I should stop. "Don't you worry, when my time comes to an end and if ever we're reborn again, I promise to make you happy and from that I can only smile again" "And even in the tragic reality—"

Li_Suzue · Realistic
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Your Day Of Birth

< Sequel : Time flies so Fast >

Months have passed since the last fight between two organizations and himself.

Naoko finally had a full time rest and it's almost time for Christmas. He talked to Kaiyo as usual and visited her grave ( since Kaiyo herself didn't show up for the past weeks ). He went out with Noah the other day and played in an arcade. Ivan coincidentally walks by and glances at them from afar so once Naoko and Noah's done with their meal at a fast food restaurant, Ivan leans to their table and says " Hey Naoko! " and glared to his brother, he pinched and scold Noah but he quickly changed his mood to Naoko and mumbled to him that Noah's a impudent and childishness, he didn't change over the years.

After lots of important things occurred, and each day he cherish it just like the way he's within in the past, he was still taking medicine, but Nobuyuki believes that it is time to prevent taking pills, it's additionally an excessive amount of dangerous for his health and as the CEO of their company, Naoko keeps complaining stuffs on what if he, himself just drop off the board and hands were trembling.

- Beforehand -

After the reunion celebration with Kun, a while later he felt nauseous, his body were trembling, Naoko couldn't think straight and felt most anxiety in his whole body and mind, afterwards his head's aching day by day, their parents ; Kazue and Michio, didn't managed to cheer him to do a check up. Afterwards, Yuki called Doctor Anastasia to see him, but because she was family, he gawked when he saw her with a stricted face.

" hm..your complex could be a bit low, but not severe " she went into a significant mode.

Naoko gulped and forcibly opened his arms to diagnose him.

" That's an honest son in-law " Anastasia gave himself a pat.

Good grief, it wasn't severe...

That he said to himself.

" I'm compassionate being like this Kaiyo I'm weak but I'm enduring this to become more healthy for my sake Mom's really strict with me heh~ "

( " It wasn't that bad Naoko~ don't mind me here giggling " )

< Gazing at the meteor shower

: With you >

The night is a good time to sleep..

He was fully recovered once again, he'd take a leave and said to Ayame, since the great news for him there wasn't any upcoming events or guests, Naoko took two more weeks to rest and play, yet he wanted to go work again, unfortunately Kaiyo disagree with him then blocked him by words. He gawked and couldn't talk back so he just nodded. He straight up removed his formal clothes and put his pajamas back then went back to bed.

" I'm a good boy now.. " In a robotic accent and he was stiff.

( " Yes, yes you are now.. " ) And so on the following responses.

" ... "


" huh where? " he searched.

" oh yeah there it is! "

Kaiyo glanced at Naoko and thought of what his wish was this time. She reminisced about the time she went to a wishing well by herself and with Naoko. They've both never experienced watching a meteor shower together but on the phone call...

Ever since that day, she always looks for him and whenever he takes action recklessly she couldn't even save him or give Naoko a signal, because he'll get distracted more and ruin his plan.

[ Gaze ] " Did you also make a wish, Malishka? "

( " I don't need one. " )

" Why not? ``She's been quiet the whole day? Or is it just me?

( " My wish already came to me, and that's all I could ask for. " )

Kaiyo looked more depressed these days than Naoko, who has been enjoying this moment with her.

( " you'd better go to sleep, I will no longer show this time. " )

" Uh- okay...Goodnight- "

He was about to say ' Darling ' or ' my dearest wife ' to cheer her up, but she left without saying multiple words conventionally.

The next night...

" Oyasumi.. " To myself...

--- ---

He opened his eyes and frowned.

" Argh! I am unable to sleep the least bit...! " Unfortunately, he makes an effort to sleep by moving his body on the bed just in case he can sleep in an exceedingly comfortable position...

Still Naoko couldn't go to sleep, it's already three o'clock in the morning and his windows suddenly opened by themselves due to the strong wind.


< Special memories within the past >

Naoko look up straight to his ceiling then he stood up to open the light so he won't be lonely and he wandered around his base room he saw the old images on the picture book back in high school, as he perused it, it made him puke out of laughter, Naoko sat back on his small chair, giggling until he saw the group of student council.

Naoko's deeply impressed, he said to himself that he looked like a loner. Since he entered being the student council's President, his habits changed somehow.

Better fond and delightful memories, pictures of once they held; Party in a very loads of times, , the prom ball that all them prepared separately for him and Kaiyo, to their utmost field trip, and their pranks.

They're not just from the student council, because from being one, they've shared fond and sad memories, difficulties as a member or personally, previously some of them just passed by each other without looking. They didn't know that they would end up being best friends until their last day.

Sharing madness and sadness with friends, reminiscing the kindness they've brought to each other. Those good old days they want to bring back after so long...

Naoko was sitting back, relaxing to his heart's content, plus, laying his headphones and listening to music, the following hours he didn't return to sleep. Kaiyo's over there staring and gazing at him with a pitiful face. She doesn't know what it is, but she felt jealousy and selfishness. Naoko would say opposite responses to her so she didn't dare to form an aggravation.

An outsider.. a glimpse from afar...

A envy to the land where she couldn't step in again.

She wishes to be reborn, but ' how? ' she asked herself.

She reminisces about the time she said to Naoko, that he'll fall enamored with someone again, but seems unlikely and remorseful..

She thought of what if he'd really find one, someday.

( " People can change their minds, in spite of being loyal to your loved ones..I can't help but feel insecure, this can be selfish of me. " )

If she stays in heaven, and doesn't behave like other people who died, she will never show up in front of him anymore.

Either way, she's not a wind, Kaiyo's a ghost, unlike to furthermore dead people that showed up, scarring, and guiding them. Kaiyo's been remorseless ever since she began to embrace him from behind that day, it wouldn't have hurt more if she had not done that. Nonetheless, it is a burden and feels more jealousy. Tomorrow until the longer term Naoko's encounter, she doesn't have an opportunity to inform him and explain her plan. But whenever Kaiyo attempts to speak with him seriously, Naoko whose glimpses are warm just by glancing, eyes are sometimes tired from working but he still looks so handsome and cute when he's in heat anger. His loyalty belongs to Kaiyo and forever, he said, ( They've never fought, only a short argument in the past ). Whenever people attempt to form false rumors about him in dating he clears it up in only one to three nights, that's how he adores Kaiyo. However, Yokohama,ectionate must stop, as for her this wasn't a controversy to start with, Kaiyo's been in a lot of pain, revoking the way she died three years ago. She was just eighteen long ago, Naoko is sort of turning twenty-four. Their birthdays are only in months, within the past, Naoko was nineteen, his months were older than Kaiyo, it also reminds her when Naoko likes to tease her, and comparing their age.

- Meanwhile -

Back to where Naoko's doing, he's still watching his medals, certificates he had. Naoko felt bad that Kaiyo wasn't able to attend that day, and just visited France to check, he didn't have the faintest idea after all that Kaiyo was gazing at him right along. Naoko sneezes, Kaiyo's reactions take the most effect of her and make the book drop. Heart-throbbing when Naoko gets closer to the book on the ground and picks it up calmly, he doesn't sense Kaiyo.

Kaiyo checked out her both hands and solemnly downed herself, appearing like she had to travel back where she belongs now.

( " Goodbye Nao Darling " ) [ swoosh ]

The last three words, she's been leaving every time, but her words discern emptiness.

" A last goodbye from Kaiyo huh? " he smirked and added.

" But she will see me soon "

He'd noticed all along, and he wasn't just reacting to it. Being calm and everything had a big effect on Kaiyo.

Is this an ' End with Kaiyo? '

- < Friendships > -

Winter is coming, somewhere in Yokohama. Baron and Naoko coincidentally meet in the same coffee shop.

Baron was the owner of that shop and already got a wife and three children, Naoko greeted his wife and the childrens.

" Seems like you're having great time there Takumi or should I say Baron~ "

" Sheesh! man it's been a long time since last two years ago! " [ patted ]

His wife pushed Baron and asked him to have a chat with Naoko, and she'll prepare snacks as a guest.

" How you've been doing, your company's got a big man! Congratulations on the project, my family tested it and it was successful! "

Baron was a bad guy before, but he changed when Kaiyo and him talked somewhere in the past. Kaiyo made him realize the world works and future, Kaiyo was Takumi's inspiration.

- [ - In high school days - ] -

" Takumi-kun Good Afternoon hello~ "

" Ah- ", He didn't dare to talk back to her, because of what he learnt from their family and on Naoko's side.

" Don't worry, I'm not here to make a fight with you, c'mere~ I just want to talk, do I look like an assassin to you? "

" You... " Takumi's mind quickly went completely blank because it was the same thing he was thinking.

" Ahem.. okay guess it will not hurt.. "

" Yeah! " She carries a big smile on her face

" Eh.. What if Miyazono showed up? "

" Huh? It'll be fine! " she insisted.

" Anyways~ going back to the topic~ Baron-kun, I came here to tell you that I'll invite you to our wedding "

" Okay.. " A second thought " What!? "

" Sheesh! don't be loud! " Kaiyo laughed and snuggled.

" Don't you have other friends to invite? Why would that person be me? "

" Do I have a problem with you? or is it because you haven't moved on? "

" Seems like it.. "

" I also came here to say that be my disciple "

" Your disciple, you say? "

" Yeah! Naoko used to be my pretend disciple sometimes Hehe~ "

" I see... " Little did he know, Kaiyo was just second dan black belt in Taekwondo she's already called a coach to begin with because of her invincible skills..

" So um.. like when's the schedule and stuff? "

" My driver will deliver it to you, just relax you might also meet Naoko in the future "

" No, no way! He's way too scary! " ( He might start a real war...! )

" NO HE'S NOT " ( he's a superhuman if you just know )

" YES HE IS! " Follow up words..



Kaiyo paused for a moment, her dirty mind went through her.

[ Her P.O.V : ]

Yes! Yes! That's true Takumi-kun...wait....mon..s..ter sta-mi-ma..

" Um..eh " She turned around and nodded.

" Eh..? " A moment. " eh what? "

" EH-! " Kaiyo thought that Takumi understands her but the opposite.

" A-are we thinking- " Didn't continue because it might expose Naoko and her during December.

" Anyways, that guy's tough and resilient! I don't know why you're not the vice president of the student council. "

" Iya.. I don't have courage to do so, going back to the main topic! "

" O-okay "

" Lastly, I really invited you to our wedding, and let's go training it's free no need to pay "

" Um! Sure I will "

" By the way! Before I forget, why'd you name yourself Baron? "

" Hmm.. during middle school days, we had role play and I'd take the role as the Baron or lord... and many students enthralled me and I wasn't expecting that next day people would gather to find me, a-and they keep calling me ' Lord, lord can we have a talk ' Something like that and I was used to it until when I turned high school, but then I asked them to call me in other way, Because I felt too much praise when I keep hearing lord every single day,

I might end up being so boastful. "

" Hmm.. I see, if I didn't check the list of students here I wouldn't know your real name "

" Wait- you've checked all of them? "

" Yeah I asked the principal to give it to me, I said it was for inspection.. under student council but I was just pretending, only the treasure Kento knows "

" I see... good luck with those scenes, um.. "

" Yes? " Takumi seems like he wanted to say her name.

" How can I address you? I should call you my master "

" Master? okay then! "

" Don't forget to attend my wedding day Takumi-kun! "

" Bye! "

- [ - End of flashback - ] -

Naoko and Takumi spent hours talking, and finally ended with goodbyes.

First week of May, the more events coming the busier at his company for upcoming June. Gladly his health's perfectly fine and could attend meetings without a hassle. At home everyone including the two Shinomiya brothers Ivan and Noah. Last December they celebrated Kaiyo's birthday in Hiroshima hotel and prayed at her grave and celebrated their father's death anniversary.

< Friends goes to America! >

[ Online chat : ]

Line :

Mina " Eyoo! guys how are you all? "

Everyone " We're fine "

Except for Naoko he didn't respond due to loads of work, he replied to them late at night when he got off work. Mina comes up with a plan, she checks her calendar because Naoko's birthday is around this month. She created a group chat just for them (neglecting Naoko), added, they asked his Mom if they could take the lead in celebrating it.

[ - Meeting - ]

Aoi, Mina, Kento and Akiko went to McDonald's, while eating their order Mina seemed to be down to herself because Naoko's birthday is near and got approval from Kazue to take over his day.

" It's not too late Mina "

" Yeah that's right, we still have some time! "Aoi and Kento patted her and joked.

- Back to business -

Akiko and Aoi both suggested that they celebrate out of the country, ( since they knew Naoko's a rich guy ). All of them remember the time when Naoko said, " I want all of us to go to America one day ".

Through their canvassing, Kento was shocked about the price,

Akiko once joined the conversation and wear his eyeglasses and said

" It's luxurious! " Akiko's jaw dropped.

" C-can this be a scam? Aoi? " Kento barely moved and waved his hand while pointing to Aoi.

" Scam you say?..." At the moment, she inhaled and said, " THIS IS A FIVE STAR HOTEL IN WASHINGTON YOU IDIOTS! " She kicked Kento.

" Ack-! " ( How the hell you're kick this hard?! )

" Huu.. anyways~ "

When they saw the bill, Akiko just gulped and turned to Kento.

" Well this is a five star hotel.. " Kento as well gulped.

Aoi and Mina decided to book now, because the hotel has a promo.

" Wait! isn't it too early to book? "

" No! "

" No way, they have a promo so let's take advantage of it, it's sixty percent off! "

" That's... " Akiko paused

and groan then followed by Kento said, " a scam I say "

Aoi and Mina kicked his head once again.

- Recall : high school times -

A short reminiscence of how Naoko became friends with them.

Before entering high school, Nobuyuki explained that's there is what you call

' student council ', it wasn't Naoko's taste to join since his whole life's been quiet and he's not the type of person to join the loud crowd.

And that's the main reason why Yuki wanted him to join since the position; as the President is vacant.

Yuki goes to the principal's office and meets the owner of that school.

As the well known family, and first born of Miyazono. Nobuyuki boldly asked them " Please let my brother be your student council's President, and that's it! "

On the other hand, Kazue didn't object to Yuki's plan for Naoko, because he was serious.

" S-Sir Miyazono.. perhaps let's dig into a deep conversation, shall we? "

" Nope, I won't waste my time here, I have a son to take care of~ Okay thank you let my brother Miyazono Naoko be the President~! "


[ Miyazono Naoko :



Blood type : AB+

May 23th

Age 15

7th Grade Class A-1 ]

[ The whole Classroom : " Woah! " ]

Even their teacher was stunned to speak and introduce Naoko to the class.

[ After class ]

" What.. " Gloomy Naoko sitted on a different room, he thought it was a club room ( but suddenly realizes that this was a principals room )

" Hello Miyazono-kun " The principal greeted him.

" Why am I here? " Cold-Blooded Naoko.

" Aha! you're now the student council's president and the other members will soon enter this room! " The principal enthusiastically said.

" Ah... "

" Yes yes! "

" My brother contacted you? "

" Er.. more like he came h-here personally.. "

" I see.. " He rested his chin on his desk and sighed.

" Would you like some tea or cake? "

" I want both "

" coming right up! "

He sighed once again.

When the principal went out, the other members joined.

[ Naoko's P. O. V : Ah.. they're loud I say.. ]

" Oh hi! you're the President we heard! Hello I'm the VP Mina we're in the same class! "

[ Vice President Namikawa Mina :



August 10th

Age 15

7th Grade Class A-1 ]

" Boy you're a good kid! "

[ Secretary Tachibana Aoi :



November 8th

Age 16-17

8th Grade Class A-2 ]

Both Kento and Akiko talking with other*

[ Treasurer Higurashi kento :



March 5th

Age 15

7th Grade Class A-3 ]

[ Committee Tayama Akiko :



December 22nd

Age 13

Grade 6th Class A-3 ]

[ Naoko's P. O. V. : Ah so there's a senpai and a kouhai (Senior & Junior) ]

Naoko stands up to leave them.

" Hello Naoko-senpai ",Akiko followed him.

" Hmm? Oh why hello there little kouhai~ ", Pretended that he didn't see him because his height was not above him.

" Oi Miyazono! ", Kento ignorantly shouted.

" Psst! Treasurer shut up! ", Mina scolded him.

" Well it's really fine with me " Naoko pouted and everyone went all in silence.

" Ah- " Kento wanted to talk back but his fantasy about Naoko appeared in his eyes and forget what he was going to say.

" Mina, Aoi, Akiko..." Naoko glanced to Kento followed by his line, "..also Kento, thank you for having me here "

He bowed to them. And Aoi went warschock.

" Do-don't Naoko-san! we're the ones who're pleased to have you and.. and..."

" Let's do our best this year " he ended with a smile and left them behind.


" Miyazono Naoko.. is.. COOL!!! " all of them reacted.


In the same room everyday, they didn't notice they're getting close to each other and bonded to their hearts. Naoko didn't gain any progress in two months but when a sudden danger happened one time in student council's documents he caught the culprit.

Kento was so worried about the files he prepared, and thanked Naoko for saving it.

Aoi, who almost got hit from the rooftop during the school's festival, saved her.

Mina wants to quit being their Vice President because of school work and a part time job.

Akiko got bullied by upper students and teased by his middle schoolmates. He was eating at the cafeteria without noticing his bully classmates would splash their orange juice at him but Naoko blocked it and protected him.

" Who do you think you're splashing? "

" Miyazono-Senpai! why are y- ", Akiko looked at his classmates and right on time their guard appeared and brought them to the guidance office.

" Those kids, were bullying you since then I saw it from afar "

" Thank you senpai! I'm sorry I.. made you worry "

Naoko patted his head and wink at him.



Within the year, Naoko gained progress and became more friendly to people and the most talk of the school.

Kento keeps clinging to Naoko so girls won't hit on him but Naoko just laughs at them whenever they do something for him.

and that's how they became friends until now.

[ ~ At Naoko's house ~ ]

" Nao! Darling welcome home! " Kaiyo runs towards him.

[ Shinomiya Kaiyou



Blood type : A+

December 18

Age 15 ]

" Kaiyo you're here, what brings you here? "

" I'm here to meet you! "

" Hmm? "

" I made friends with Takumi-kun! "

" EH------ "

- End Of Flashback -

Akiko is called Naoko.

[ On call : ]

" Naoko-san! How are you? "

" Hello Akiko I'm fine, just loads of work haha! "

" Oh! by the way we're here in front of your house! "

" Huh? why? "

" Naoko-san, It's your birthday tomorrow "

" My what? ", He checked his calendar and Almost cursed " Oh shi- ".

Everyone on the phone call laughed.

" Okay hang up! I'm going home "

" What.about.work. Naoko-san~? "

" I'll leave it to my secretary "


" Yes Sir? "

" Please clear my schedule Ayame "

" Noted. "


[ Panting ]

" Uwah- I'm here finally, wait- did they get inside? "


" Thanks everyone "

" Hmm..... "

" Why with hmm..? Kento? "

" It's just we're all going to America! " Kento jumped on the sofa.

" Repeat that- " Naoko dropped his bag.

" ....Going to America...? "

( " Oh gosh~ " )

" K-Kai.. yo..? Do you know this too? "

He talked to his mind.

( " No I don't, I only follow you, not them.. " )

" Ah.. I see.. "


" You guys went all out for this?! "

" Yeah " Everyone agreed.

" When's the flight? "

" Tonight, Naoko-san " Akiko shows a screenshot of the time.

" Wait- and I'm in here? And today?! "

" Yes you're the birthday boy! " Aoi grabbed his shoulders.

" You guys... if you want to treat me then I just want to eat in Yakiniku house instead, going to America? That's expensive! also your jobs? "

" You're the one to say? " Kento smirked.

" Don't you remember? You said you want all of us going to America? Now this is the time! " Mina said.

" Oh.. that? I didn't expect it would be now.. " [ Blushing ]

( " My~ My~ you're blushing Naoko! " )

" Anyways thank you and I'm excited for tomorrow, I'm just gonna pack my things..! "

--- Arrival ---

" We are in.. " Mina pouted.

" AMERICA!!! " Everyone shouted.

" Y'all are so~ loud! " Naoko cleans his ear.

" C'mon let's go to the hotel already! "

" Yes!!! "

[ Time skip... ]

On the second day, ( Still part of the celebration and reunion ), Naoko and his friends went to all the places they could glance at.

Everyone was enthusiastically enjoying themselves and Naoko couldn't catch up with them. He told them to wait because he's catching breath.

Akiko noticed it right away and stopped too, Naoko asked him " Why did you stop? "

" I also want to rest, they're too noisy and active! " with a laugh.

" Is this really a birthday present? "

" Yes it is! " a spark in his eyes.

" Er...then why am I saying we can just book a hotel somewhere in Japan.."

" You know Naoko-san we saved this date and cleared our schedules for your b-day and remembered you wanted all of us to go out of the country so we did..! "

" I see so you guys were all out for this. I highly appreciated it. Akiko was really worried but he's now relieved, and could not accept the fact that he forgot their plans and promises. His thoughts right at that moment is it's his fault during college days and not paying attention to his surroundings .

" Anyway let's get back to walking- "


" Nao~ Nao~ "

" who's- " he glanced at the back.

" It's you! Kun? Why the heck are you here? "

" I have a collaboration with businessmen here. What else? "

" I see.. " (Are you sure about that?)

" So! I know why you and your friends are here~ "

" You knew? "

" Yes IT IS YOUR B-DAY! " He hugged him.

" Woah! I didn't tell you my birthday, did Brother Yuki tell you? "

" Nope I did some research~, also one fact you didn't know.. I CHATTED YOU SEVERAL TIMES AND THIRTY-FOUR MISSED CALLS MAN! "

" huh? I didn't know.. I'm sor- "

" You might think that I'm such a bad Chinese friend so I immediately texted you! " [ Fake tears ] in humbly speaking.

" Naoko-san, who is this? " Akiko popped out.

" Oh he's a businessman, also my closest friend..! we're partners. "

[ Everyone : " Ooohh! " ] Mina, Aoi, and Kento went back and surprised him.

" e-everyone? Where did you guys go? " Akiko grabbed Naoko's arms.

On that particular day, he met Kun in America and joined them on a trip.

Kun insisted on having another celebration with him, (No one agreed but Kento did. Without seeing him through), " Let's all get drunk! "

" Are you okay with this Naoko-kun? "

" Well I Haven't drunk it's been a while too, let's give it a go! "


Most of the people became drunk is ; Kento, Akiko and Kun. Kun is the person responsible for drinking two bottles each, except for Akiko who drinks a one half bottle.

" TSK! they're all drunk?! and they even pulled Akiko in! Mina scolded the two drunken men.

Kun while being drunk said, " Les..gah to da...cashino tomorrow! " while patting Kento's back and he responded to " hmm! "

" Aoi get your boyfriend out of here bring him to his room! "

" B-boyfriend?! "

" H-huh? " Mina glanced and said, while Naoko stopped eating.

Naoko gulped. " I have no idea what's going on between you..but Kento said both of you are childhood best friends, " Naoko added.

Mina cares for her, " If you want to change someone, change yourself first "

" I wish I realized that sooner...that- " Kento shouted to Aoi with ; " Oi Aoi-sama! get me.a.glass.of.watah! ".

" Sheesh....", Naoko sighed after that.

" It's better late than ever ", Mina said lastly.

During senior days, everyone was shipping Aoi and Kento except for Naoko who wasn't able to follow their chit chats. He was sometimes late and always breathing fast when he got to the door.

So Naoko didn't get to know what's happening in detail.


They all went to bed on double beds in one room; Aoi carried Kento to her room so Mina can take care of Akiko, and Naoko and Kun are in the same room.

Kun was conscious when Naoko slapped his face five times,( not hard ).

" Happy birthday man! Kun congratulated him once again.

" always thank you " ,and patted him back.

" How's the treatment from your mother-in-law? "

" It's effective, but Brother Yuki said I should stop or my body will rely on medicines like Kaiyo.. "

" Kaiyo...? I've heard that name somewhere, is she your relative? "

Naoko turned to Kun with a strange amusement and was quite surprised that Kun could tell him that Shinomiya Kaiyo is a relative. ( it could be yes if she was still alive because they got married ).

" D-do you understand what you are saying? "

" Yes I was asking if she's a relative of yours? "

( " Am I a relative Nao? He got some nerves... " )

" I know you, wishing to punch him, If I were you I'd do the same and kicked his face, "

( " we're on the same pace my darling.." ) both of them nodded while he talked to his mind.


" Nao, until when are you getting married? "

" Married? I'm not thinking about marriage though "

" Why not? "

" Is there a problem, I don't care if I

grow old... "

" It's this woman named Shinomiya? "

Kun looked at him, but his expressions towards Naoko, he couldn't see him pitifully. Unless, he was amazed that Naoko's proud of it.

" Seemed like you're already used to it, then I won't judge~ "

" Yeah... thanks "

( " He seems to be a lustful man.. stay away from him " )

Kaiyo also had an amusement.


Mina entered their room.

[ Knocking ]

" Boys? Naoko-san? Kun? "

" yes! Mina! "

" What is that? "

" You want soup? " [ Glared to Kun ]

" Yes~ Mina-chan? "

" Drink this soup and water "

" Ah.. " Kun blushed.

[ Naoko's P. O. V. : ]

They look good for each other but not at the right time...

- End -


Rokuro was promoted as assistant secretary, since Ayame needed to take a rest for the meantime.

Ayame on the other hand, both of them went on dates during their free time.

To be continued...


Rokuro and Ayame started dating, he proved to Ayame his worth and love.

Ayame has fully moved on from Naoko but is still working as his secretary.

On the following days, Rokuro wanted to resign because, Haruhi said, her sister.

Afterwards, Naoko paused and he didn't do anything right at that moment. While Ayame glared at him, she convinced and pushed Naoko for Rokuro to stay, so a few days after, Rokuro didn't show up.

Naoko's asking Ayame every single day if she has news about him, sadly Rokuro has been avoiding her too in the past few days.

" Sir, in my opinion, I object to him resigning " She looked up to him, with a straightforward face.

" he's furious, I put her sister in prison and in mental care.. "

" Sir, I believe you've done the correct thing, although I don't know the whole story... It's easy for me to say because I've also been there, sometimes I stayed in their house and saw their attitudes. "

Nobuyuki suddenly appeared, he wanted to talk about Rokuro.

" Erm.. Brother, how was Roku? " he stood up.

" Don't worry, " he smiled. " he won't resign, I talked to him "

Everyone sighed in relief and sat down.

" Sir this is a great news " Ayame almost cried, she visited Rokuro's house but it's too dark even in brightest day, she called him numerous times until she got tired at walk away, she'd call him even in working time but hasn't pick up his phone or their house number.


" I- " Rokuro gawked.

" Welcome back Takahashi-san "

Everyone gets closer to him, and chatting, he feels this situation happened before from Ayame but suddenly realizes he needs to visit his office.

He first saw Ayame going out from her secretary desk,

" Aya- " he gawked once again.

" Taka... hashi... " she said sadly.

" I'm sorry for not answering your calls, I was busy with family affairs and.. and "

" Sshh.. you don't need to explain it all, I've heard it from Sir Naoko and Sir Nobuyuki "

" ..... Yuki.. brother did? "

" Yes Sir said after he visited you, he would go straight here ".

" I see "

" Oh! Sir Naoko is here, come in "


" Roku "

" Brother- Sir Naoko... "

" Call me brother, it's just the three of us here. " carries a warm smile on his face.

Rokuro was blank, grasping and kneeling down.

" Roku- ", " Takahashi-san! "

" first of all..! I'm sorry, I deeply apologize for vanishing like that without your approval, " then he looked at Ayame and continued. " And I'm sorry Ayame for not answering your calls and leaving you behind... "

" It's alright now really " Ayame blushed.

" Roku there's no need for you to kneel down, it's just your Mother and Sister's the problem not you.. "

" Thank you, and for helping my sister to get mental care.. "

" Your brother in-law, fully convinced you and I'm proud, Yuki treated you as a family so treat him like that back, even their annulment will continue, still think we're your family okay? "

" Also.... sister Haru said that I should leave here because she wants me to work for her company and break up with Ayame.. because she's your acquaintance... "

" acquittance...! "

His tears were seen and quickly covered his eyes with his clothes, as he nodded, Rokuro gave a handshake to Naoko and a warm hug.

The two brothers- in-law had a warm conversation to the present day, and for Ayame..

- Outside -

" Ayame.. "

" hm.. yes want some water? "

" Let's go on a date starting vacation " He nods with determination.

" Sure! ``She has no idea that they're outside the office and just jumped on him and embraced without hesitation.

Everyone stared and gawked at the two, and shouted loudly.

Luckily, Naoko went out, and scolded them to go back from work with no break time for them.

" Now you two, go back to your seats.. you lovebirds " He sighed and giggled with a little bit of jealousy.

- Naoko's alone -

I'm completely jealous of Kaiyo...I want that kind of relationship, CEO and his Secretary for the both of us..

..but I guess that's all in fantasy..

( " Wait, you watch the anime? " )


( " Hmm.... sorry I died too early " )

No, don't blame yourself . In the past it's normal for me to get jealous. I'm not a human if I don't have feelings.

( "... hmm.. I see.. you're so matured.. " )



After Naoko's birthday, all went well and goes back to their jobs

as well. On the hot mid day, Aoi was passing by the book shop and ended up staying there for the past three hours. When she noticed it's time and at the same time she felt hungry.

As Aoi stepped her foot outside the door she glanced at Kento and both of them stunned each other and avoided eye contact.

Kento scratched his head and glanced again at Aoi, "... Yo! " He nodded at her.

" Yo..? Aoi said in an awkward way.

Standing right in front of the door and didn't sense the elder who was about to go outside to where Aoi's standing.

" Ara~ "

" YA..! " Both of them shouted and flinched.

" Dear young lady, let this Grandma walk. "

" Ack- I'm sorry Grandma.. he.. he.. "

Kento also helped her to show forgiveness.

And they once glared at each other, like it was just a glimpse of what happened earlier, and suddenly stopped.

" Where are you heading Kento? "

" Ah...? I was going buy food "

" Oh me too shall we- " Aoi paused.

" We what? " A normal mode.

" Ah nevermind.. Bye "

She avoided Kento and turned around like nothing happened.

" Wai... " Gritting his teeth and catched hee hand without noticing.


" Ack- "

He didn't notice he gripped Aoi's hand too tight.

" Oh.. I'm sorry, you didn't heard me saying wait so I pulled you.. "

" Were you about to buy food? " ( I'm also in a hunger state, Kento please treat me..! I'm just acting! "

" I... " ( c'mon you dumbass Kento! spit it out SPIT IT OUT! )

" W-wanna.. c-come to my house? "

" Eh.. " Aoi's eyes were glittering and freely replied to him, " Of course! "

" Really? "

" Yeah! Why didn't you tell me earlier you dumbass? " [ Laughing ]

" I.. thought you're busy so I didn't- "

" Come on! let's go to the grocery store, I'll cook! Wha'cha want? "

" Uh- anything you like? " ( I really wanna try your cooking Aoi.. if you just know..! "

" Okie dokie! no problem ~ " ( Heh~ I'll show you my cooking skills, and you'll feel I'm a wife material! "

At the end of cooking, Kento asked for more food from Aoi so freely, and took advantage of her cooking.

Both of them also bought a bottle of whiskey, Kento paid.


" Aw..you're drunk Kento? "

" Why you're als.. o drunk Aoi~ shack "

Kento couldn't pronounce his words properly because of drunkenness.

Aoi just sip twice of her cup and she's not drunk like Kento.

Not until Kento rushed to her side and touched her face.

" You're lovely, Aoi "

Aoi couldn't help but blush, she didn't push Kento away because she feels hot too.

" K-kento it's time to bed "

" No..! then you'll go "

" I won't leave your side, you'll see in the morning "

" You're lying! that's what you did last time when we all drank.. b-bar..! "

" Y-you how on earth do you still remember such a moment when you're this drunk?! "

" Do- don't leave me Aoi, I haven't said thi.. s be.. hiccup! fore.. "

" Are you kidding me, go to bed first I'll clean this up! "

" You will not leave this house okay! "

" Yeah yeah I won't! "

[ - Done cleaning - ]

" Okay I'm back no- " Kento pulled her hand towards the bed, and pushed her down.

" Kento.. what's this nonsense "

" Shut up.. " Building up his words.


Kento kissed her gently as for Aoi won't feel it's forced or some kind of rape.

" That's... how I feel about you Aoi.. "

" H-huh....! " Her eyes widened, and I was stunned to speak.

" I- I love you Aoi since we're seniors.. hic.. hic.. "

" I.. sorry I didn't know you were.. "

" I keep on moving, until you notice me but.. hic.. hic.. "

He burst to tears since he's drunk and he might as well not recall what happened.

" I love you too Kento, don't worry "

" I was too late, sorry.. for not confessing to you a long time ago.. "

" It's okay it's okay- "

He kissed her once again while crying and Aoi let herself be eaten by Kento since they loved each other.


- Morning -

" Ack... "

" Good Morning Aoi "

" Wait.. you remember what happened last night? "

" Hmm.. barely..? but I recall how you moan last night ~ "

" Argh...! "

" Why? "

" You... you acted so sweet last night.."

" Am I not as sweet today? "

" You're acting like this is a normal day so I'm scared that you'll act as it didn't happen.. "

" I won't.. I confessed right "

" W-WELL...! "

" Hushh..! You are lovely, Aoi "

" You... " ( He.. remembered! )

" I love you Aoi~ "

" Same to you.. "

" No 'I love you' back? "

" I.. love you Kento.. "

- End -

" 悲しくて... 悲しいから恋に落ちないで... 恋に落ちないで! "

- Shinomiya Kaiyo

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