
To Defy The Heavens

"COURTING DEATH!" Beng Hun, the fat and lazy. Feng Shu, the diligent and hardworking. These two brothers always heard these words everyday. They struggled with their life as outer disciples in the Ling Fu Sect. Wanting to change their fate, they set to take action. Their journey was riddled with strife and perils, hard work and learning, anger and sadness. Were they a sleeping dragon? A rising phoenix? Or were they just a frog in the well getting ahead of themselves? This is an epic depiction about defying the heavens.

roach_man · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

The Gyun Realm was large. It had 4 continents, which were separated by dangerous seas home to many anomalies and creatures alike. Many races lived in each continent, fighting and learning how to live with each other. There were cultivators within these races, each with their own unique type of martial art and power.

The first was called Yhendia. Humans were the main race that lived here, and they cultivated to their absolute limit in trying to explore the other continents. But none has ever seen the other continents. Those who went out to the seas never returned, and so the other continents remain unknown to everyone who has lived here.

5 Sects hold the majority of power within Yhendia: Soaring Dragon Sect, Peerless Blade Sect, Burning Phoenix Sect, Bun Shu Sect, and the Ling Fu Sect.

The Ling Fu Sect had many buildings built on the side of the large mountain. The stairs were like a spiral connecting them. At the end of the spiral stairs was another set of stairs that was 1000 steps straight down. At the end of this stair was a big sect gate with walls, barracks and towers built like a fortress. Atop of the mountain was a small house where the sect leader reside.

The sect leader would always walk down these stairs and check on each building everyday. He wanted to know how the sect was doing and looked for ways to make it even better. He was a god-like existence because he was stronger than the other sect leaders combined. He was a tall old man, with a beard so long that it touches the ground. He would try to treat each disciple fairly, whether it be inner or outer.

The inner disciple lived in the upper half of the mountain, where the more talented lived closer to the sect leader. The outer disciples lived in the lower half of the mountain, assigned randomly to each building regardless of their status or talent. The outer disciples who lived near the inner disciples faced daily humiliations because of their status.

Two brothers sweep in their respective building in the Ling Fu Sect during a hot blazing day. Beng Hun is the fatty, always tired and wanting to laze around. A sad expression is always on his face, and he doesn't put any effort into his task. Feng Shu is the opposite, diligent and hardworking, putting much strength into the broom, where he clears trash in mere seconds. He is always angry, shown by the glaring expression on his face. Despite this, the same blood runs through them, creating an unbreakable bond that has allowed them to survive the daily humiliation from the other disciples.

"I'm tired of this! Let's get stronger and show them!" Feng Shu throws his broom down as an act of defiance to the treatment they had received for the past 5 years.

Beng Hun sighs, "How can we brother? As outer disciples, we can't learn the martial arts that is held in the library."

This was true, the outer disciples can only do work throughout the sect such as farming, cleaning, etc. Only one could become an inner disciple if they showed talent. Neither of the brothers qualify, for they have no talent in martial art. But that did not stop them in wanting to change their fate.

"Beng, it does not matter! We have to do it. We will show not only the elders that we are worthy, but even the heavens!" The emotions of Feng Shu resonated within Beng Hun as he ushered those words.

They had the drive, but what about their struggle? They sighed heavily. This did not get better, as the inner disciples came to them. Most of them consisted of the Tung and Ren family. The youngest 3rd brother, Fu Si, constantly bullied and tormented them everyday.

"You outer disciples are worthless! Pieces of trash! Beng Hun and Feng Shu, you two must leave or else I will cripple you! Hahaha!"

The other disciples laughed as the two useless brothers could not do anything and stand there. Blood boiled within Feng Shu. Usually, he would take the humiliation and endure it. But today, it seemed that Feng Shu wanted to change his fate with his brother.

[I'm tired of this bullshit! These disciples would always bully us ever since we joined the sect. No one has helped us; we are left to be fending off these wolves!]

Beng Hun had clearly sensed that Feng Shu was scheming something up. He looked at his face tensing, veins popping out his forehead, and the fatness in his stomach seemed to be retracting for readying a confrontation.

[Brother... do not do this. We must endure it for a bit more.]

Beng Hun held his breathe for the next seconds. His heart sank as the accumulated emotions flowing through Feng Shu would make him attack Fu Si with murderous intent.

"You dare! You are courting death!" exclaimed Fu Si. Feng Shu did not get even 1 hit in, but his effort in defying rewarded him with both his leg crippled.

Feng Shu screamed. Both of his legs were bent to inhuman degrees. He almost went unconscious because of the pain.

"Stop this! My brother pleads for his life! We will leave the Ling Fu Sect!" Beng Hun cried as he blocked Fu Si's path.

But Fu Si did not care and told the other disciples to hold him down. In one blink, Fu Si pierced Feng Shu's heart with his hands and killed him.


The corpse of his brother laid there coldly as Beng Hun stared at it which seemed like minutes. He could not completely process what just occurred.

Tears streamed down his face as his emotions caught up to him. Everyone around him was laughing and insulting them.

"Hahaha! Such an idiot for trying to go against me."

Beng Hun wanted to attack Fu Si and join his brother in the afterlife. He had nothing to go for as the only person who loved and gave meaning to his life is now laying there on the floor, bloody and battered.

The elders came and saw what just happen. The sect leader, Li Di, told Fu Si to stop what he is doing as he killed a disciple of their sect. Fu Si was punished and had to stay in the Dark Cave for 3 months.

"Even though he was an outer disciple, I cannot let you kill anyone you please. Everyone, go back. I will take care of these troubles."

Everyone besides the sect leader left the outer disciple's area.

Li Di glanced at Beng Hun, who looked emotionless crying while sitting there looking at his brother's body.

"Boy, I suggest you to leave the sect. I cannot protect you since you are part of the outer disciples. I'm sorry for what has happened, but the law of cause and effect permits it to be."

Beng Hun was filled with anger. He interpreted the leader's words as his brother's death was meant be and could not be prevented. He did not want to hear those words but at the same knew he was right as Feng Shu attacked Fu Si.

But Beng Hun also thought about how the sect never treated their outer disciples fairly compared to the inner disciples, resulting in his brother's death in one way or another.

After a few thoughts, Beng Hun stood up and carried his brother's body down to the 1000 step stairs and out the sect gate.

The gate guards looked at him but did nothing seeing as he carried a corpse. They knew that the corpse was his brother.

"Did you hear? His brother got killed by an inner disciple."

"That is unfortunate. We should not stop him. I feel pity."

The rain poured heavily, washing away the blood that covered both Feng Shu and Beng Hun.

Every step Beng Hun took reinvigorated his anger. His face permanently scowling. His tears Never-ending. He looked at his brother's corpse and made up his mind.

"No matter what happens, I will get stronger. I do not care how; I will do it just so I can turn this fucking sect upside down. I will kill everyone and make them suffer like we did. The heavens permitted this? Ha! The law of cause and effect? Haha! Fuck them all."

Beng Hun changed after today. He sees now that strength rules in this world. If you want to change the world, you have to be the strongest. A cruel and unfair world.

He collapsed soon after these words. He could not walk anymore for he been going at it for 1 day straight. He needed to rest a little. He did not know where he was going either, just roaming around endlessly. He felt empty.

"Feng Shu... I am sorry. I wish I could have protected you..."


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