
to control (bl)

yue_xingxing · History
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15 Chs


At the hunting festival, all the young males will try to hunt the biggest prey to win.

Xie Xuanwu's ( Mc's name) injuries were healed so luckily he could hunt, this festival is important due to the fact that it could determine the prince's power so he put a lot of importance on it like other princes.

it was in autumn on the hunting ground of one of the kingdom's mountains the fu min mountain.

hundreds of thousands of people of different statuses common, nobles or royalty share in this festival to show the power of their martial art and find a path to live.

the hunting is divided into 3 days, Xie Xuanwu with his horse Lu Lu, he was able to rank first on the first day.

and by that, the day was finished and everyone went to their room to rest.

first day:

1st: Xie Xuanwu

2nd: Cu Qin

3rd: Xie Min ( the fifth prince)


near to this hunting ground is a temple where only royals will live when hunting festivals start.

All of the royal family members entered the temple where they met a monk, who welcomed them and divided them.

when it was only Xie Xuanwu, Xie jin ( the second prince), Xie shi ( the third prince), and the empress also Cu Qin ( the general) due to his mother being the sister of the emperor.

cu qin took a room, originally these princes would each get a room and they will be close to each other but when it was Xie Xuanwu's turn, his room became very far on the excuse of no rooms left.

experimenting with all these schemes in the palace from a young age made him sharper, so he could see that something was off since if he got very far away he might get fewer guards and get assassinated easily.

everyone looked at Xie Xuanwu and he smiled saying " pardon me, I mind it a lot"

" your highness, this is a temple location , it would not accept your rudeness"

"It is just somewhat strange." xie xuanwu was not moved by it, "you can notince that from the windows, many rooms arenot lighted so how is it full"

That monk frowned due to never seen such a prince with such arrogant behavior who made comments on the temple without any explanation.

But Xie xuanwu is different from these spoiled princes who would make a fuss, so with that reasonable attitude, it made one unable to respond.

" your highness you may not notice but it is already time so many may be asleep which makes their room dark"

" your highness there is another contest tomorrow so stop wasting time and let others rest, also it all a single night so let it pass"

seeing such a scene made Xie Xuanwu smile sarcastically" so why not i sleep with the second royal brother or with the third royal brother, with someone accompany me i will feel at ease"