
chapter 4 (salvation)

urg... uhm ... ah....

I'm gonna die in here of hunger I'm only sitting in here at the edge of my cage I haven't eat for a day thanks to the owner of this shop I am frosten golden hair gray eyes and alittle brown skin but not too much I am here for almost a year the owners of the shop selling me as a sex slave again but no one buy me so my contract is gonna expired in a months, what happened if the slave contract expired?? well they only gonna kill the slave the thing is I don't have any reason to live all I feel is disgust about myself and the pain that is always gonna burden after a buyer come to buy me when they buy me I'm gonna get use then if they don't feel like it anymore their gonna sell me again to another and their gonna start torturing me and **** me yes you heard it right even I am a man some other guy wants a man to fulfil a role of girls in the bed and I'm always gonna force to do such a thing this is the life of a sex slave no one wanted to treasure me because of all slave we are the lowest slave that anyone can be.its like a cycle of my life, someone buy me torture me **** me and when they are done sell me even I'm just 18 years old wait no I'm 19 now it's my birthday today hays there's no reason for celebration I wish I could die now without further pain.

cling,...cling... the bell from a kitten it's noise came in and I saw the kitten run that kitten is a pet of the owners of this shop,

", what is it running for??

the door open and a guy from behind the door enter it's too much dark in here so I get use to it already I can see the image better than the others do. in the dark and there I see a guy a handsome one if he's gonna buy a slave I wish it could be me he's handsome and yet he looks so soft that he's not gonna hurt someone. he has a gray hair and blue eyes fair skin and a girl like body he's body is not a musculine but also not a thin can he's body is perfect.

then the lights turned on al I see him clearly he looks like an angel just looking through him will make you feel weaker am I that lust that I'm day dreaming about a guy? the owner talk to him but he seems in a hurry when he's about to leave our eyes met and he makes me blush what I can only do is to think about please don't leave me here,then he run and the door of the shop close after he leave I just sleep hoping that he will comeback for me but that is just a fantasies.

...",hey Isn't that the head maids???

",are they gonna execute her???....

...what's wrong?...

this noise Wake's me up what's the big deal it's like there is a gathering outside it's so noisy and yet what I can only hear is it's about the prince, traitor ,and poisoned the princess I can't hear much more, I hear a sounds like I don't know how to describe it but it's like an axe hitting the wood but it hits something else I guess,then there's a loud guy crying of course the people are louder but I can hear the crying sound I can feel the pain and emotionof the guy who's crying then after a minute the crying guys stop and the door has opened there is a guard wait that guard he brings the guy before.

"oh I see the former prince charles huh..am I gonna sell him?? or did I have to pay? the owner ask the guards.

" no as long as he's gonna be a slave he is yours to sell it's the order of the king"

"what??? the king throwing his son which is the prince to be a slave, but why?he looks like he's not gonna do anything evil but for the king to do this to his own child ridiculous,I am full of anger it's not that because this handsome guy was hurt but it's because of this father throw his child to be a slave for free."

"hey you there" mr owner shouting at me.

" yes??"

",you move aside give this guy a space for him to rest his the former prince so he need a lot of space",

then I move aside but the cage is a little small so to let him have a sleep I place his head into my lap I gently stroke his hair I can't help it but to see him just like this I can't handle it the more I resist the more I want to stroke his hair he looks like he cry maybe he's the one I hear before I hold his hand because I can feel his pain something more terrible happened to him, then I kiss his forehead when I know that no one can see me i repeatedly stroke his hair until I saw his face changing it's expression now it's like he is a little baby that has given a toy while sleeping.

the door open once again and I saw a beautiful girl she looks so stunning she is pretty but in her 30's I guess he has a brown wavy and soft hair and she is definitely a beauty,the owner approach her and she pointed to prince charles,then the owner open the cage to get the prince and he push me back off you filthy slave don't you touch him after that he get prince charles and together go out and close the door when the owner came back he has a a pouch full of gold and I can't see the prince anymore so I just sat and think about it the owner decided to close the shop for a vacation and leave us whit the meal that can only last for a day.after a few days he came back from the vacation and I'm so hungry it's almost a week since he left us and I can't help it but to beg for food but he doesn't reply,so all I did is sleep to forget my hunger when I woke up it's already 12:30 and the door open but I dare not to look it's another buyer who's gonna torture his new slave they came to look someone who can he buy only I turn my face to them when they are infront of me. and it's surprise me the one that I think is gonna torture his new slaves is no other than prince charles I bow my head and can't help it but to kneel infront of him and bow,.

", hey you do you know me?? prince charles ask me

"how do you feel are you okay now your majesty I hope I have been help you even for a small gestures.

I don't know but what I'm thinking is just. came out of my mouth what the ho can I tell that I help him feel better I am just a mere slave and I'm not supposed to touch him so how could I ask I'm an idiot.

after that the next thing I know is the owner gets me up and hold my chains he gives the chain to prince charles and I don't know what to say does that means he buy me?? is he gonna torture me like others no I guess not wait is he gonna **** me to ...bu...but if it was him I guess I'll be fine since I learn how to endure it ...wait what was I'm thinking his not a dirty person but what if... no .....no....no ...no I don't have to think about this but waaaaah.i feel that my face is so hot and I can't stop thinking about him,I haven't realize that prince charles already inside a carriage and when I look at him I saw him glance at me and I feel more akward he looks at me and I know that the reason my face is hot is because I'm blushing but who's not gonna blush if this handsome ideal guy will buy a mare sex slave I can't stop thinking about it,after I enter the carriage he signal the operator to go and the carriage go towards outside the kingdom I'm so excited and yet nervous,few minutes later he decided to unlock and remove my chain since the chain and lock is a bit old it's hard to remove and unlock ,but he's coming and coming near to me my lips almost touch his forehead because the distance between us is like an inch,ican smell his hair and skin he's smell really goods it's like smelling a sweet scented flowers.when his skin touch mine i suddenly feel the heat of my face knowing that I'm blushing when he is done unlocking the chain he looks at me without adjusting a distance and he almost kiss him I feel his breath and it's also smell so nice when I realized we almost jump just to keep a distance I'm blushing I know. I'm blushing... but but wait did he smell my breath, I can't even look at him, is he angry??is he mad I can't see his expression I don't have the guts to look at him right now,

"prince Charles are you okay??did I cause you some trouble?I ask prince charles

"no I'm fine and you can't bring me some trouble just by getting near to me.

prince charles is indeed a good man he is a kind hearted man I know I can feel it while on the way we talk about some stuff untill we reached the lindonland it says. he simple pull the string to signal and stop the carriage we are infront of the shop a clothing shop after we enter prince charles ask them to maid a suit for me. I'm a little confused because no one buy me a customize clothes the the tailor said to back after an hour, we walk and head to the bar I thought that he's gonna order me a food too since I'm not eating yet.but all he ordered is luxury for for himself I'm so disappointed that he just bring me to watch him eat but as long as I can see his face I guess I'm fine but I'm so hungry,then the meal arrived he start eating and I avoided looking at him just to keep my composure and to forget my hunger,

"do you prefer anything??he ask me

anything all I want is food why order some for me??this is what I thought but I dare not to tell him

" hey are you going to waste the food that I ordered to you???

I look at him order for me?? this expensive food,..it's mouth watering and after hearing it I want to grave and eat it all,but I rather not.

"young lord do you buy this expensive meal for me??but I thought...I .....I

"I see you thought I buy all of this for myself???do I look like I can eat all of this? do I looks so fat?ask me but some how I feel like his making fun of me

"no...no that's not what I.....I'm...

"hahaha come on it's okay just eat okay I'm just kidding you know.

when he told me that I start eating too.

"you know somehow you make me smile and happy you make me forgot my problems, he said my eyes widen and look at him Im choking but I feel so happy and nervous

ehe....ehem... i choke and grabbed the water I look at him and when I see him stairing at me I look side ways and avoid eye contact god Imy face feel burning I'm blushing... I'm blushing...

when we are done eating we head to look around I wonder why but I can feel that his looking for something then he sit at the bench and rest a little then he suddenly run towards under the bridge like he's catching someone and he start talking about revenge then a man appears infront of him I can no longer hear them but after a seconds the guy disappear again then we head back to the clothing shop claim the clothes, while walking prince charles lol at his balance and I catch him and the guy from before suddenly appear infront of us he help me carry prince charles to the rental carriage and after prince charles point the huge mansion he lost his consciousness.