

"Doll, it is time to wake up now, the Earth needs your help." a familiar voice said, I instantly recognize as Mr.Popo, which was surprisingly weird, I slowly fluttered my eyes, and kind of flinched back in surprise, yes, not only from who it was that was infront of me, but by the way he was staring at me.

I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to see if I was hallucinating, I was just an average guy, but I was fairly intelligent for an average person so I could tell that such thing as being in the dragon ball world was pretty unrealistic, considering that it was a fictional manga turned into an anime, by Akira toryiama.

But, I closed my eyes, being a fanfiction reader, I knew there was a slight chance that I was actually in the Dragon ball world, and since I was a huge fan of dragon ball, I recognized where I was, and what time I was in simply because of what this, Mr.Popo.

Also, I had all of Goku's memories, even from the time when his memories were lost. Which somewhat convinced me that I was in the dragon ball universe, plus the power I could feel it, it was different then what I was at a human.

I gave a look at Mr. Popo, and smiled, which I could tell he was surprised by this, I mean he looked exactly like Cannon, had the whole Genie look.

After analyzing the situation, I feel like this is not the tfs Version, which admittedly, I didn't care for either, I still had to correct him though, I didn't want any misunderstanding.

"I am Kakarot, not Doll." I said with a smile, "Please do not call me a doll, I have feelings and I have a concious of my own."

Mr. Popo, looks on in surprise, "How extraordinary, and so soon after awakening as well?"

I slowly push myself upwards and sighs, "Why am I here?" I asked

"Kami ordered me to collect the dragon balls to Bestow life onto you," Mr. Popo, answered, "in case the day ever came when the earth would need a hero once more."

I nodded, before I smirked, "So, technically, I am the Son of you and this Goku right?"

Mr, Popo, blinked, "I never actually thought of it like that before."

I nodded to him, "so, what do you need me for?" I asked, "You told me that the Earth, I am assuming is the planet that I am on, needs a hero, I don't know about this hero stuff, but I can help, but I need information, do you want me to face the Saiyans?"

I could tell Mr. Popo was slightly, shocked, "You know of the Saiyans?"

My smile turns into a slight smirk, "Yeah, I do, not only do I have all of Goku's memories, I also have all of Goku's memories, before he bumped his head and lost it all."

Mr.Popo raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't you be more aggressive then, from what I remember, Kami told me you were more like that before you lost your memories."

I shrugged, "I dunno, I guess the memories of Goku and the memories of Kakarot Balances everything out."

I look to the sky, "I really don't know, but let's not waste time," I looked back at Mr.Popo, "you said the earth was in danger right? We need to start my training immediately, and I have a plan."

I should check on Korrin for those Senzu beans too, I need to take full advantage of the Zenkai Boost, I am in the dragon ball world after all, my very survival is at stake. As a saiyan though, with my knowledge, I could definitely survive in the future to come.

Mr. popo smiled.