

"How big are they and what's weird?" Jess asked him with a little shack in her voice.

"Hmm probably about 5ft on all fours. The werewolf stand around 8ft if I had to guess. Stay here I'll see if I can scare them off. If you hear some thing close by and it's not me than enter the mirror world and use your domain. I'll tell when I'm close by so you know it's me. Ok?" Tyler replied in a hurry.

"Ok be safe, if your not back soon I'll look for you."

"Haha don't worry I'm a demigod what could go wrong." He smiled back at her as he walked out.

'Let's see what the monsters want'

Walking outside the cabin he looks towards what seemed like the biggest and meanest one there. It stood 10ft tall. Had a slight diver tint to its fur. The claws it had on its hands were 6 or 7 inches. As it stared back at Tyler he felt a chill run down his back.

As they stared at each other Tyler noticed the other wolves had surrounded him. They slowly tightened their circle. Upon noticing this he prepared for battle.

Spreading out his divine senses so he could see their movements. He started to focus on the gravity around him so he could finish this fast. Sadly tho he felt nothing. It was like his skill wasn't working. Surprised as he was he knew he still had to defend himself somehow.

Looking at the alpha wolf he seen him smiling.

'It must be his doing, canceling out my power.'

As the two locked eyes again he heard the wolf speak to him.

"Haha, sorry but you can't use that weird power of yours near me. Being the first werewolf I can negate powers close to me. Hmm, with the shiny aura you have you must be a special human. Eating your flesh will probably promote me very fast. "

With that sentence the wolf's charged at him.

The first wolf to get closed to him bite at him. Tyler turned in the blink of an eye and punched out. His fist smacked the wolf on the center of his head knocking the wolf through a few trees away from him.

Shocked from his strength he still hasn't tested a wolf was able to jump onto his back and lock its teeth on his shoulders.

Feeling the teeth try to sink into his flesh Tyler freaks out and grabs its jaw prying it open. Smashing his head to the side Tyler was able to get a head butt in and nocked the wolf off of him only to get his leg caught from another wolf.

Wolf after wolf jumped at him, never to let him catch his breath or set a pace for himself for the fight.

One wolf would swipe its claws at him, rip into some of his flesh. One would be able to jump at him and knock him off balance.

Stumbling around as he wasn't used to fighting in general he was quickly pinned down by a few wolves. Feeling teeth and claws sink into him. He became not only scared but mad at himself for being so useless.

He was finally able to calm himself down as he realized that if didn't do something soon he might actually die.

Releasing his aura to the max. He flung on his attackers. Standing up he shot to the nearest wolf in front of himself. Punching out with a quick faint to its face. The wolf opened its mouth to try to bite him. As it did that it lost sight of him just for a second but that was enough. Using his left foot to kick it in the stomach, it spit blood out. He dashed under its head and grabbed it around the neck squeezing and flipped the wolf over him.

Once the wolf hit the ground and lates on its back, Tyler jumped a bit into the air and Superman punched its throat. He felt his hand become wet as it entered the wolf's throat.

Tyler didn't have time to think about what happened as he knew that this was only the first wolf out of 15. With one wolf down he jumped of the wolf and looked for his next target.

"Haha, surprised at how tough they are huh? Wolves get stronger at night and to top it off it's a full moon. That probably wouldn't faze you normally but since they were blessed by me and the moon immortal. Well let's just say at the moment they're about 10x as strong as they should be. With 14 of them I think we might just have us a feast tonight. What do you think ladies and gentlemen, hahaha."

Hearing the alphas voice, Tyler squinted his eyes. Thinking about what it said he finally understood why they were so tough. If any of their stats was close to 100 with a 10x multiplier they would be close to his strength. Seems like he would have to finish them off as fast as possible.

He knew if he drew the fight out he would most likely wear himself out before the sun came up. If he was worn out than game over for him and Jess. Thinking of this he calmed down and looked for his next target.

~Round 2 begin~