

That morning I was on my way to school, on my dad's motorbike. My dad and I always had a very special connection. It seems my mom was conceived in an almost impossible situation, and she was very old by then. So she was worried about what others would say and how she could take care of me, as both my grannies had passed away by then. But my dad said that I was a miracle baby and wanted to keep me. Though my mom initially tried many ways to get rid of me, I was eventually born. My mom slowly started loving me, but my dad was with me from the very beginning. He never thought of me as a burden, instead a treasure.

My dad was a perfectionist. Wherever he went one could say that he's been there, as the place would b perfect. He always said "even if you are a sweeper, everyone should say that you were the best at your job". He read a lot of books. That's what inspired me to read too.

I was always a dreamer. I'd imagine myself to be the characters in the stories. That way i never felt lonely.

I had two siblings. Both much older than me. A brother who treated me like his baby, and a sister who saw me as a baby devil 😂.

But my dad always said that I was special, as I thought more like him. My brother was always professional and didn't understand my dad's heart and my sister was never too close to him to share his words. I was the only one who could understand him and talk to him.

When we talked...I really don't know what we had not talked. We talked about anything under the sun. From science to politics, literature to sweet nothings, just everything.

I just loved those morning rides with my dad.