
Training 3: Team Work/Capture the flag

I woke up sore this morning, back, legs, arms, and neck. I felt like crap, and could barley move at all. I forgot we have to train 4 days a week.

"elliot, wake up, wake up!" helen said.

"aghh.. i feel so weak today though." i replied.

"oh then, i've got strength potion. you must be feeling sore because of training. sorry my father is making you do hard stuff." helen said.

i drank the potion helen gave me. and suddenly i was back on my feet.

"wow! i feel better!" i said.

"alright well, i'll see you later helen" i said as i went to get ready with my equipment.

I walked to training, seemed like the same amount of number came as last time. Everyone was back with the weapons they picked from yesterday.

"alright lads, listen up. i've got some treat for ya bunchs. here we got some strong leather armor or light steel armor, heavy steel armor. now uhh i dont know if some of these fit ya, but choose wisely because you will be wearing them at all time. you can can take them off when theres break or i say so. so go ahead, and look for your armor in these crates of boxes." reifah said.

everyone went to check out the storage and inventory. lets see.. there were quite a few to pick for light steel armor. there was armore for shoulder, chest, shin and forearm. but they actually felt quite heavy despite being light. and im not sure if the armor is capable of even protecting me, so if i pick a leather armor, its more lighter and flexible... but.. maybe i can mix it up a bit? alright well then, ill cover up my forearm light steel armor, leather chest plate and leather boots and shin. (in this world, think of leather armor like boots leather).

meanwhile everyone is deciding their choice as well. diala chose some leather gloves and leather chest plate. the other elf chose all leather as well with a light metal helmet. seems like elf aren't that strong. donte chose all light armored steel, except his legs and left arm didn't have any. probably because he wants to maintain his flexibility while also possessing defense. he looks quite expensive. the 3 goblin chose heavy armor, and im not surprised. these guys were built like titans. the goblin on the other hand.. didn't chose anything. im guessing they're all too heavy for him, poor guy. and then there was these other 4 guy.

marco.. the guy who stabbed the other man eye. seemed like they all chose some steel armor and both all chose long swords. they were like the 3 musketeer but instead 4. they looked like their own army. but i don't doubt theyre weaker than me. they were in fact pretty fit. but im not sure if getting one of their eyes stabbed was a mistake or dumb move.

after 20 people including me had done choosing the armor and accessory, reifah had regrouped us.

"alright, now that you're done choosing your items. u will find a group of 5 people including yourself." reifah said.

"hmm a group? who should we pick donte?" I ask.

"maybe the orges? but it looks like they're picking their crew." donte replied.

"ay chumps, mind if I join you 2 fellers?" the goblin asked.

"umm.." i looked at donte awkwardly

"sure" donte said.

I didn't really want a goblin on me team, i mean hes small and looks weak.

"so whats your name" i asked the goblin

"name? don't really got one. everyone calls me goblin around here." the goblin said

"well you got to have a name, do you?" i ask

"huh? are u deaf? i said i don't have one" he said angrily

a goblin with no name? now thats pretty weird. i mean this is a weird world.

"listen just call me goblin, its not like theres other goblins around, so whats the point?" the goblin said

"huh.. you're the only goblin around?" i ask

the goblin sighs "you're really a nut head aren't ya?" the goblin said.

"excuse my friend, hes been in a comma for years heh..heh..." donte said.

the goblin just accepts whatever they said

we began picking more people, and ended up in a group of 5. we ended up picking a goblin, and the 2 elves. heres the reason why picked them.

"names, mashikye. quick and agile, and if you touch me, i'll cut your throat." she said.

quite scary but shes so short its cute.

"my name is diala, and im a magic user. im still new at it so heh.. so don't expect much sorry!" she said shyly.

"name is goblin, just call me goby, goblo, gobluh or whatever. anything that doesn't start with a go and im not sure who you're talking to but my ancestors. im pretty quick and i expert in stealing, im also good at making traps." goblin said.

"name is donte, and i've been a trained knight since i was younger. so yall don't have to worry about a thing!" donte said confidently.

"umm well names is Elliot.. and i specialize in.. leading troops!" i said confidently as well.

"leading troops? so you lead knights?" diala asked.

"uhh.. something like that." i replied.

"to be specific, he lead a group of hunters" donte backed me up.

"well.. i guess this isn't the worse team" mashikye said.

after everyone began picking their group. reifah announced what the training will be.

"alright listen up lads, first game will be capture the flag. in this game, each group will try to capture each other flag. and no real weapon of course, we don't want to end up like cyclops here HAAHHAA... uhm, like i was saying. the rules of the game is simple, each team will be set in a different position with a flag they must defend. each team will have 10 flags, you must only grab one at a time. flags will be protected by your team. you can either defend or snatch another persons flag to win. if you have no flag left, you lose and have to do extra body training. and yes magic can be used as long as its non-lethal. and you may use anything that isn't lethal. do you understand?" reifah said.

everyone said yes, but i was really confuse. i wanted to ask a question, but reifah would probably patronize me or something, so i just went a long.

"alright get to your position and wait for my mark!" reifah yelled.

we went to our given location. 10 flags.

"alright guys, so-" i was interrupted.

"i'll get the flag, diala you guard." mashikye said.

"no i'll get the flag, im much quicker and sneakier, they won't expect me." goblin said.

"uh wait you guys, we have to explain the plan first and-" i was interrupted again.

"listen, me and donte can get the flags. we're both physically and skilled experience fighters." mashikye said.

"experienced? you look like a little girl." goblin provokingly said.

"huh? whats that?! im 20, and don't look like a overaged rat!" mashikye fired back.

"okay okay, calm down guys. we won't get anywhere if u guys keep fighting."

"alright on my marks! begin!" reifah yelled.

"Umm crap guys we have to defend" donte said

"alright heres the plan-"

mashikye rushed out to get another person flag.

"mashikye wait!" donte yelled.

"well there she goes.. kids these days." goblin said.

"mashikye!" daila yelled.

though we thought mashikye was going to immediately fail, she manage to actually do fine.

as she began to hunt down for flags, she would dodge every attack. she was agile, fast, and her reflexes were beyond a human speed. just next door, she was able to grab a flag from the orge team. the orge team had 3 orge. 1 human, and 1 man goat. but.. before she could get away, the man goat was able to run faster than her. he began striking mashikye left leg and broke it.

"aghhh!!" mashikye yelled.

"hey! what the hell?! you're not allowed to do that!" mashikye said

"rules never said no hitting, just no real weapons or lethal weapons." the goat man said.

"mashikye!" diala said in concern

"shit elliot, we need to get her. she can't move." donte said.

"i know.. alright. i got a plan." i said.

mashikye is on the ground injured with a broken leg. she grunts and pants, almost starts to tear up.

"that.. goat! i'll get him back next time!" she said.

"alright so, goblin you're the fastest out of all of us here. i want you to go and grab mashikye out of there and bring her back, considering that she could move really fast, meaning her weight is almost feather like." i said.

"got it, but im only doing this for the team" goblin said.

"okay donte and diala, after goblin comes back with mashikye. we all have to defend and not do anything else. remember as long as we have more than 1 flag, we can win. the point of the training isn't to capture any flag, its to see which 'kingdom' will attack first" i said.

"alright" donte said.

"okay" diala replied.

goblin manages to grab mashikye and dragged her quickly out of the dirt.

"w-what the hell, why they send you instead?" mashikye whined.

"quit nagging young lady, i aint doing this as a favor" goblin replied.

they ran back to our flag post. later the man goat would start sprinting his way here.

"shit elliot, bad news, that guy is chasing goblin and mashikye." donte said.

"i know, you think u can handle him?" i ask.

"peace of cake" donte said as he starts sprinting forward goblin and mashikye.

as the goat man was about to reach goblin and drop kick him and mashikye, donte comes in and slashes his wooden sword hitting the goat man horns which stunned him a bit.

"quite a strong strike..." the goat man said.

"heh.. i've got plenty more, but i recommend you heading back to your post before things get tough"

the goat man doesn't hesitate to fight back. he swings his swords, donte doges. donte strikes back but misses this time. they began clashing back and forth. donte was able to manage his own, he eventually got tired. after a couple of minutes of trying to put the got man down. he began struggling.

"whats the matter? you finished?" the goat man said.

donte pants and breathed heavily. "only getting started.." donte said nervously.

"shit.. dontes taking long. by goblin a mashikye made it back." i said.

"that bastard, if he didn't caught my off guard, i would've finish him." mashikye said.

"settle down, be grateful that we made it this far. i sense something bad from that guy, somethings telling me that hes bad news." goblin said.

the goat man began clashing again with donte, this time he striked the wooden sword out of donte hands. and then knocks out donte by striking his wooden sword to dontes liver.

"damnit, dontes down, diala! can you heal mashikye?" i asked

"i-im not sure, i'll try!" diala replied.

the goat man was coming and running forward. diala can't fight, mashikye is still injured. and im not too sure about goblin.

"alright well.. hes coming and it looks like we have to fight back. goblin you ready?" i asked.

"i been ready" goblin replied. we started sprinting towards the goat man. me and goblin, i was inexperience but that didn't mean i was fully stupid. i began going neard him and when he was ready to swing, i lunged backward. "he missed!" i said. goblin throws a rope wrapping around the goatman legs. the goatman looked down, and while he was distracted, i tried striking his face. but he was so fast that he dodged without looking by stepping back and then he kicking my in the ribs sideways with his other leg. goblin wasn't able to pull hard enough, so the goat man pulled the rope, but in time goblin let go and pulled out a smoke gun. it seemed like the gun fired out gun powder which then goblin litted it up by firing a 1 shot (musket pistol). and then an explosion had occurred. this had stunned the goat man for a while. meanwhile i was on the ground injured and watching the fight happen. goblin rushed to be and tries carrying me away. as the smoke of the exploded gun powder faded away, the goat man remained uninjured. he then began coming to us. but then donte comes in and tackles goat man out of nowhere.

diala tries healing mashikye, it wasn't working that well. but mashikye leg began healing slowly.. very slow.

"okay thats enough, we need to defeat that goat man" mashikye said.

"but wait, you're still injured and weak" diala said.

"im fine now, i can still fight!" mashikye yelled.

then suddenly a man had come forward to diala and mashikye.

"now ladies, we can either do this the hard way or easy way" the man said.

mashikye got up and starts fighting with then man with an injured leg. mashikye eventually was knocked down, diala was too scared to do anything. but mashikye did not prevail, he grabs the man leg and punched his nuts.

"AGGHH! you bitch!" he yelled and kicked mashikye face away, mashikye is knocked out.

"mashikye!" daila yelled, she got angry and tries using a fire ball attack. but the move didn't work.

"HA HA! what kind of wizard are you?!" the man shouted.

daila cannot do anything, she sits down and starts tearing up feeling useless and disappointing. more people began coming to elliot team and taking the flag as everyone was defenseless. daila still couldn't do anything, she was too scared and felt useless. mashikye is still on the ground passed out. daila tries to wake her up.

"mashikye! mashikye! wake up please!" she said.

'uhnn.. you idiot.." mashikye said tired as she is injured.

meanwhile, me and elliot are defeated. while goblin dissapeared somewhere. the goatman headed back to its flag post. the game was ending soon. reifah specates my team and looks in concern. so he ends the game.

"ALRIGHT! game over! everyone stop playing! return to your flag post!" reifah yelled.

I woke up, and so did donte. we all regrouped on the post. I had a cut on my lip, and my ribs were hurting like hell. donte was injured as well, but not too harshly. mashikye was still injured. daila couldn't try healing anymore because she was running out of energy. shes really that weak? and goblin.. what a minute where was that guy?

"hey goblin where were you?" i ask.

"what you think? i ran obviously, im not going to risk getting killed over a flag" goblin said.

"yeah.. but.. you're not going to get killed literally." i replied.

"i treated it like a real life situation, thats what the instructor would've want us to do." goblin replied.

"alright well.. looks like we lost because all our flag were stolen." i ask sadly.

"n-nope, i still got one of their flag" mashikye said effortlessly.

"huh?! how? i thought the goatman took it" i said.

"no.. you could tell he had no interest in the flags. that guy is just crazy." mashikye said.

"g-guys.. sorry i couldn't protect our flags though" daila said.

"its fine, we still have 1 flag left." donte said.

"whats important is that next game we don't mess up again. and this time mashikye try not running off on your own. i know you're skilled but going alone can be harm the team" i said.

"w-whatever.." mashikye said

"but you still got us a flag, so thank you." i said.