
To a new Eternity

In the world of Tensura, follow our protagonist as she gets used to her new life as the mighty Raiden Shogun Ei, as she claws her way to the top once more. ~~~~~~~~ Im not good at a synopsis so ill just tell you this, our mc is in tensura as the 'Raiden shogun'. The beginning is probably going to be a bit on the slower side as she tries to adapt to her new found powers and the responsibilities those entails, while she tries to find a place in the chaotic world of tensura.

lycorisRadiata · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Beginning of the End

Fear, anger, regret, all kinds of emotions run through my head as my body weakly falls to the floor. 'Where did it all go wrong' I wonder, fleeting thoughts going in and out of my head. Memories of my life seemingly flying through my head as I relive the moments I have come to know. From a poor kid dreaming to reach the top, to the young business lady fresh out of trade school looking to make a difference. To all the ups and downs I had experienced to reach the top of the business world, all the pains and sacrifices I had to make to reach where I am. The memories of the young pupil I basically raised, to be my successor, who in the end gave in to greed of wealth and power my title held.

'What is this feeling' I wonder, pondering about the face of the one I grew to love as my own, as she sneered while pushing me out a window into the concrete below. Overwhelmed with pain, I fight the urge that was slowly growing up in me.

{Notice: Extra skill 'Pain nullification' acquired}

'Heh' I chuckle, 'I wonder if heaven exists, and if so will an angel come get me,' what an amusing thought. 'Maybe it will be the devil instead, who will drag my soul to purgatory'.

{Notice: Entity Codename: 'Angel' and Entity Codename 'Devil' are deemed incompatible, searching for alternative with soul as a catalyst... Alternative found; Creating body 'half spirit', subsequently 'Unique skill; Integration' has been granted}

'Now I really must be crazy, hearing voices in my head at deaths door...' sigh, 'ah I wish I was able to play some more, what was that game called again? Genshin impact I believe it was, I wish I could have played some more, that fight against Raiden shogun looked pretty cool. I wish I could have been like her, dancing between lightning with her trusty polearm, searching for 'eternity' or whatever...'

{Notice: Creating body with Entity 'Raiden Shogun' in mind, generating 'Unique skill; Lightning Domination' Subsequently, Electric Current Resistance acquired, Attached is Paralysis Resistance, acquisition successful}

'So warm...'

{Notice: Heat resistance Acquired}

'I wonder if, perhaps there will be a next life... maybe it will be like those novels I used to read when I was younger, reincarnating in a fantasy world, fighting off monsters with a holy sword... or maybe a spear, I did always like those more.'

{Notice: 'Skill: spearman' acquired... Evolving 'Skill; Spearman' to 'Extra skill; Spearsaint' do to prior request}

The sound of sirens fill my ears as I start to slowly lose my battle against the evitable end. 'So cold... is this what death feels like?' I wonder.

{Notice: cold resistance acquired}

{Notice: acquisition of 'Heat Resistance' and 'Cold Resistance', resulted in acquisition of 'New skill; Thermal Fluctuation Resistance'}

'Just be quiet would you? Just let me think here' a said to the voice buzzing in my head.

{Notice: Not enough data to process request, searching for alternative... 'Extra skill; Advanced calculations' acquired, further evolution has resulted in 'Unique skill; Mathematician' acquired}

My thoughts start to become muddled with only the noise of sirens to keep me company.

With this I embrace death, unaware of the storm that I will bring in my new life.

The first chapter is realitively short, it was mainly to introduce a bit of the mc and to establish what kind of skills she aquired in her crossover to Tensura.

lycorisRadiatacreators' thoughts