
Tipodia And Their Ring Master Wearers

Fantasy world where different characters from different cities and houses unite to make a team and fight against others. All the characters belong to a house, whose heir is the lord of that house. Each house passes down General House rings that give their wearers special abilities. Also each house possesses a special ring that only brightens up when it has found a house member worthy to wear it and give them a special ability. Different teenage heirs gather together at a camp where they will meet up and learn about all their situations. Some are in disguise, some show their true selves. They will all be banded together and learn to trust each other and help with their twisted situations. They will find out about special house rings and fight as a team to defeat enemy countries, at home or away. They won't become professionals before going through hurdles and learning about each other first. Some members will come from liberal cities, some where female heirs is not a thing accepted. Bonding by hiding secrets and helping consolidate family power will all come to play.

MysteryTiger · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Team

Today was the first day of team practice. Grace, Jolin, Mark, Mal, and Liam( Five) headed together to their assigned field. There they met six instructors.

INST1: "Hello, We are aware there is only five people in your team, that is fine, ideally we want a 6 person team but don't worry about that yet."

INST2: " We will start slowly and slowly increase the difficulty. Meaning, we will teach you basic strategies you might not have been taught. In other words, maybe not so simple? We will let you try them on us."

INST3: "There is usually regular roles, but sometimes these roles can change if you have two people that can be interchangeable or better suited for certain missions. Not all members are required to be present in the action. We have let you join your teams based on what you can add to each team and individual capabilities."

INST1: "We are aware that Mal is still recovering but had enough to assist in these team training. Liams strengths are hidden weapons and attacks. We have usually seen Mal as a hidden weapon himself since he is almost ninja like. This is in terms of his sneakiness and silent killer aura. Therefore, Mal and Liam could operate as backups, support, or just sort of come in as surprise attack experts. We have seen that Grace, Mark, and Jolin are all very strong direct attackers. Grace may have an edge in flexibility and ability to change fighting styles. Mark is also very smart, all of you are but he has demonstrated more of a leader atmosphere, Grace can serve as support."

INST2: " Yes, furthermore I personally believe in the value of a scout. They are usually the quickest, sneakiest, and the ones to escape out of dire situations. We think Liam could take this role of of the times with Mal maybe helping as well. She is more incognito than Liam sometimes. It will be up to you to decide who you want doing what, but its always better to have flexible people who can do many jobs. You can also have Liam be the long range attacker if you need one for now. Mal can be disguised to gather intelligence, depending on the mission type, it is nice that people may not suspect him because of his pretty face. When you look at him, you don't think killer or enemy. Therefore, Mark and grace, talk strategy together. Try to get to know more about your teammates than we even know."

INST1: " That being said, today each of us will work with you. Instructors 5 and 6 will be working with Mal and Liam. The rest of us will work with Mark, Grace, and Jolin. "

In Mal's INST team, there was a lady. She was the intelligence and disguise person. Mal was laughing inside. The other instructor was a long scout, or the person that was the finisher, silent killer type of role. Both INST's were teaching all of those things to Mal and Liam as both were qualified. As they were teaching them and giving them tips, it also made them see who could excel at what.

INST6: " Hey Mal, you could probably disguise as a woman."

She then proceeded to wink at her. Mal immediately started to panic from the inside. she thought to herself, " Shit, did she discover my secret because she herself is an expert at disguise, deception, intelligence? O well, I am sure she could teach me a thing or two more than I already know jeje."

INST5 and Liam didn't notice this brief interaction, which made Mal relax more. At one point. INST4 came to show tips to mal who could only throw knives and small objects. Liam was better than Mal and could also use a bow but wasn't an expert at it per say. They wanted both to be pretty good at long range attacks so that both could work together and share jobs, especially since they were down one person.

Over at Jolins side. It was sort of decided Jolin would be the main defender or person to hold down the fort. Grace could weave in and out and help everyone. Mark was just great overall as well. The instructors gave tips, formation ideas, and were helping them sense each others movements. Mainly, on how to read each other and think as one.

Their lesson time finally ran out and they let them go. They all decided to go get their general workouts done. They got Mal to be their judge, spotter, and trainer since she shouldn't be performing at her peak. Little did they know that Mal was basically back to normal by now, and could change bodies if need be. She assured them she was fine or else she wouldn't be there, but promise to not start upping her workouts until after tomorrow since right now it was a lot about learning and not so much performing yet.

After they got their workouts done and general training, they went and got dinner. They talked about what sort of roles Mal and Liam could take in certain situations. They also wondered what a sixth person could do for their team. It was weird to have a fiver member team or six member team. The more the merrier. They all started to get to know each other better that first week. They also improved their team chemistry. They all started to suspect a challenge coming soon and were a bit nervous and excited at the same time.