
Fords experience

Ford POV

My brother, Stanley, and niece, Mabel, were telling me about Dipper. Poor child! He didn't stand a chance! Bill would find him and that would be that. He would either kill the poor boy or keep him as a 'pet'.

I know about that....... it's horrible! He kept me in a tiny cage, nothing to lay down on, and the only way to get exercise was a hamster wheel. He never let me explore the place either. One day I escaped it still gives me nightmares.

*flash back*

I pushed open the cage door, it was rusty so it wasn't easy. I ran to the front door, bill had left for a few minutes. I hid right there so I could run away, he came in and I just made it through the closing door.

"Sixer? Where did you go?" Bill called. "Come on buddy! I'm not gonna hurt you! Please come back!" I kept running for the portal there was a place to hide nearby, the perfect place to live. Bill really wanted to keep me though, he kept looking for me.

"Sixer!!! Come here! I miss you! Come on back home!" He never found me though. I put my head in my hands, that boy is good as dead! Poor thing!

Dipper's POV

Bill and I were playing again... it was so much fun. Finally Bill said "Ok pine tree, time for bed!" He scooped me up, bathed me and put me back In my cage in the softest pajamas ever. "Sweet dreams, Pine tree!" He called.

He snapped his fingers and a soft fluffy blanket appeared.