
Tintinnabulation to Love & Mystery

Jennifer’s condition was inexplicable due to her exotic demeanor; it was either because of her being fallen a victim to the love of a super natural and then got addicted to it or she was suffering from schizophrenia. Sam, who was an investigating journalist and had always been in the pursuit of interesting stories for his magazine, was appalled when he ran into Jennifer, his unrequited love. Her bizarre condition caused him fall in sheer gloom; he committed to bring her back to normality.

squreshi15 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Sacrifice

The moment Jennifer unlocked the main door to enter her house, a strange and mixed feeling of ecstasy and sorrow ran through her mind. On her first step in her dwelling, the very familiar tintinnabulation hit her ears; she froze there. On top of that she turned into an absolute statue when an exceedingly handsome, tall and strong young man with golden skin, blonde hair and sapphire eyes exited from her bedroom into the verandah to receive her. He was in charming royal costumes; trousers, cloaks and tunic, which was decorated with embroidery and gold lacing On his feet worn were embellished shoes. He looked very gentle and kind, well-mannered and trustworthy. He approached Jennifer instantaneously with his arms open for a warm hug; he took her in his arms and she remained there, feeling how refreshing it was with such a dashing and attractive man.  She lost in his arms, her head buried on his broad muscular chest. While the truth still scared her from a very small corner of her heart, being in his arms made her feel like the sea finding its shore, like a traveler returning after a long, hard, distant trip. 

 "Who are you and how have you entered a locked house?" She took a deep breath when she regained consciousness. 

"I'm the prince of Concubine!" The handsome man replied with a confident grin on his face, creating dimples on his cheeks. 

 "I don't know where it is… But why did you embrace me?… I don't know you! And I'm a married woman." Jennifer was astounded. 

 "We've known each other for years…Don't you recognize my smell? No matter if married. In our world there's no marriage; there is only love." He smirked. 

 "Oh my Gosh! So you're…you're the same supernatural…"  Astonished and Dumb founded, Jennifer took a step back. She regretted for not taking bath with the Holy Mixture that morning. She mustered courage to be on her toes to flee her house…She tried the door to open, but it was locked from outside.

 She turned around to see the handsome prince, but he was nowhere to be seen; he had disappeared. Jennifer ran inside the house to see where he had gone. She searched in the sitting room in the study room, but in vain. However, when she entered her bedroom, there the prince was looking into her best-loved vanity, but strangely his reflection was not there is the mirror.

"Why don't you leave me? Leave me forever please! We're different creatures…It's unnatural to live together? Jennifer almost choked up.

 "Who said?" The prince turned around and stepped up to Jennifer. "You don't feel how much I love you! Without you I had been like a fish out of water…For your sake I've transformed myself into your creature… I'm no more a jinn creature… I'm a human being now…We're the same creature now… We hugged each other… You touched my body… felt my warmth and smelt my heat... Do you've a sneaking suspicion that I'm not a human now? The prince attempted to allure Jennifer.

 "Even if you've turned into a human, it's temporary… This is your capability to transform into a human for a certain time, but in reality you're a supernatural, a non-human creature." Jennifer rationalized. 

 "You know… not every supernatural can transform into a human or other creatures…It's an uphill task and very risky… I jeopardized my life just for your sake… Now I can't go back...You're mine and you've to spend the rest of your life with me." The prince tried to take charge.

 "That's impossible! I'm a married woman… I can't be with another man… I can't cheat on my husband. I can't be disloyal to him." She refused point-blank. 

 "Already… you're not in good terms with him…You've not been cheerful with him since you married…You can get rid of that lousy man. Look at me! How beautiful and stylish I am. Is there any comparison between me and that man? If I go out, every girl …every woman will fall for me because of my enticing personality…And you know that a thing of beauty is fun forever! Don't you want to spend the rest of your life in fun…having fun will make your life more enjoyable… come on… bury yourself in my arms… let me be with you, which I had been craving for months!" The prince came close to her, began caressing her shoulders and kissed her forehead sweetly without pressuring her in a good way to form an emotional bond with her." 

 "No way… I suffered in your company… I know that… I feel pain more than pleasure…I suffered when you wafted into my body…" Jennifer was consistent in her refusal.

 "I'm not entering your body…I'm not a dark smoke or foggy creature any more… I'm a human now just like you're a human … In fact, I couldn't transform you into my creature, but I could transform mine into yours…so I did for you…I'm sure you'll enjoy with me like a human…" The prince made another attempt to allure her. 

 "No… no… I can't cheat on my husband… please spare me… let me go…" Jennifer raised her voice. 

 "O.k… I won't compel nor will I pester you…you can go back to your husband." The prince spoke gently.

 Jennifer turned around to go to the exit.

 "Listen Jennifer… I'm waiting for you… here is this house…waiting for your return till eternity…" The prince spoke in a way to crave attention. 

 Without any response, Jennifer departed when she found the main gate open.

 While Jennifer was walking on the pavement, she thought how the demon let her go so easily,  has he really sacrificed all his powers of entering a human body only because of his love to her or he was lying to trigger her emotionally to win her heart?

Because Jennifer was extremely cross with her husband and did not want to go back there, she made a call to her sister Christine.

 "Hi Christine!"

 "Hi Jenni! What a surprise!  Everything is ok?" 

 "Yes, I'm fine…Are you home right now? 

 "Yes I'm. You know today is our off."

 "I'm just dropping in there in an hour." 

"Ok sure…I'm waiting."

 Christine was working as a beautician…It was her off that day due to some expansion and  renovation work in her beauty parlour. Her house was situated at the distance of 40 minutes'  drive. Jennifer reached Christine's dwelling within an hour. 

 When she pressed the door bell, she found Christine to receive her at once as if she had been waiting for her at the main door. 

 "Hi Jenni… Hi Christine." Both hugged each other. 

 "Everything is alright Jenni? You seem to be very exhausted? Christine took serious note of Jennifer's stressed out appearance.

 "Yes… I 'm…just because..." Jennifer could not complete her sentence because of her fatigue. 

 "I think you need some rest… It's already about to sunset… This is the guest room… you can take rest… we'll catch up later when you're fresh…water and snacks are there on the side table of the bed…" Christine showed her the room.

 The moment Jennifer collapsed on the bed, she fell into deep slumber and only woke up when Christine entered her room and turned on the light. 

 "You'd been sleeping for three hours…wanna sleep more?" Christine asked.

 "No… I'm getting up…getting ready in a while." Jennifer yawned.

 "Yes I think you had better take shower and then come to the dining room…I've prepared your  favourite dish; sausages and mashed potatoes accompanied with peas and gravy. Mouth  watered, isn't it? Christine grinned widely.

  " Yeah… sure… in ten minutes…" Jennifer smiled back. 

 " Ok..I'm waiting for you," Christine left the room.