
Tired of running

Victoria's POV

I felt nervous and restless as I walked around the garden, it's been few hours and Elliot wasn't back from the penthouse. 

Everyone was at home except for Elliot and I find it strange. 

Was it that Eric knew everything and held Elliot captive or did him and Elliot get in a fight. 

So many things went through my head as I kept on checking on the time, I tried calling him, but I decided it was best I don't call him. 

I heard sound of a car driving into the garage, quickly I rushed to the car garage and saw him came out of the car with an angry expression on his face 

''Is something wrong.'' I asked when I noticed the big frown on his face. 

''Let's go in.' he muttered those words while walking away, 

''Elliot.'' I called out to him, but he ignored me and walked into the sitting room, 

''You are back and why did you refuse picking up my calls.'' Jennifer asked while giving me a death glare 

''I was busy, but I'm here now.''he kissed Jennifer on the cheek walked upstairs to his room without saying a word to me, this was strange, really strange. 

I walked upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door, I sat on my bed and wondered what happened between Eric and Elliot that made him come back home and refused saying a word to me. 

A knock on my door caught my attention, 

''Come in.'' Catherine opened the door and stood by it. 

''dinner is ready.''  

''I'm not hungry.'' I flashed her a weak smile and lay on the bed with my back. 

''Is everything okay.'' she asked while entering the room 

''Yeah, I'm not just hungry.'' I gave her an assuring smile and looked away. 

She stood there and stared at me with a curious look before leaving my room. 

I tried forgetting everything and tried forcing myself to sleep when I heard a knock on my door, 

''Come in.'' I said those words and stood up from the bed, 

The door opened and Elliot walked in with a calm expression on his face 

''You did not come downstairs for dinner.'' he said those words and sat on my bed 

''What did he say to you.'' I asked nervously 

He took in a deep breath and shook his head for a while before speaking

''Did Jennifer put on your jacket.'' he asked 

''Yeah, she borrowed it this morning.''. I replied, confused, what does that have to do with what Eric said.

''He met Jennifer, and perceived your scent on the jacket, right now, he is convinced you are here and wants me to find Jennifer.'' he muttered those words slowly.

''Shit.'' I muttered out and stood up from the bed 

''He only knows Jennifer and how she looks like but that little information is risky for you, Eric is determined to find you.'' Elliot shook his head and did not say a word for a while before he spoke up, 

''I think I should fly you to another country.'' Elliot suggested

''That won't be necessary.'' I cut him off 

He raised his eyebrows at me 

''I'm tired of running away from him, I don't care anymore, let him come I will be waiting for him.''