
The language she understands

Eric's POV 

I walked back to Victoria's room and saw her chatting happily with nurse Agnes.

I stood by the door and wondered what will be her reaction when she finds out I have a baby with someone else.

’'Is everything okay.'' she asked 

''Yeah.'' I replied quickly and flashed her a big smile before leaving the door.

''The doctor said you can go home tomorrow.'' 

''Really.'' she exclaimed happily

''Yeah, so get your things ready.'' 

''This is good news, I can finally see aunt.'' hearing those words from her, brought a sharp pain to my heart and I wondered how to break such News to her.

I watch her taking happily to nurse Agnes about the things she was going to do once she gets back to California and how she was going to spend a lot of time with her aunt.

Seeing her this happy of wanting to see her aunt, I couldn't bare it anymore, so I have to come up with an excuse to leave.

''I have to sort out some things, I'll be right back.'' I kissed her forehead and left the room.

I entered my car and drove off with no particular location in my mind.

I drove for a while until I parked in a Beach, 

I came down from the car, light up a cigarette which I only smoke when I'm tensed or worried.

I took a long draw of it before pulling the smoke out.

Now that I knew the child was mine, I have to take him away from Sophie, my baby can't be with a woman who is on hard drugs.

Even if I don't want the child, I can't deny him or throw him away because he was my first child and might possess power that only I can teach him.

Out of frustration, I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Sophie's number.

''You finally called.'' she spoke in a mocking tune, but I ignored her, 

''Where is my child.'' I asked with irritation.

She chuckled loud over the phone for a while, which angered me the more.

''Your child?'' she asked as a mockery

''He is mine and mine alone.'' she spoke seriously.

I groaned angrily and took a long draw of the cigarettes before speaking, 

''I just got the result for the DNA test.'' I murmured angrily

''So?'' she asked annoyingly

I sighed angrily and moved the phone to my other ear

''Where is he, I need to see him.'' I spoke in a loud demanding voice 

''Don't use that tune on me alpha Eric, I'm not your toy that you can play with.'' she yelled angrily

I took in a deep breath and calm the anger that was boiling in me.

''Where is he.'' I asked again

''Somewhere you can never find him.'' she spoke confidentially.

I groaned angrily and took a low draw of the cigar

''How much do you want, I know you don't care about that child, you can't be a mother so tell me how much you want in exchange for my son.'' I said those words because that's the language Sophie likes and understand, everything about her is money and nothing else.