
Nice Smell

Eric's POV

Hearing those Words from him, I couldn't say or do a thing, Rather I just stared at Victoria who stared at me with tears filled eyes.

''You have me, now can you let her go.'' I spoke angrily.

''No, no, it's not that easy.''mike said those while shaking his head.

I groaned softly, took in a deep breath to control my anger.

Mike chuckled softly and removed the gun From Victoria's Head.

''You see I told you I will get back at you after you broke my Bones to pieces and made me lay on the bed for months.''

''Are you doing all this because of what happened two years ago.'' I asked in anger

''Not really, actually I have cores to settle with Victoria here.'' he muttered out with a big grin on his face.

''Don't you dare.'' I yelled.

He chuckled loudly before speaking up 

''You know she smells nice throughout the night.'' hearing those Words from him, I felt my bones cracking, but I held back my wolf.

''But unfortunately, I can't sleep with unconscious ladies.'' he muttered those words and flashed me a big grin.

''I will kill you.'' I muttered those words as a promise.

''Only if you have the Chance.'' He muttered out confidently.

I rookin a deep breath as roughly scattered my hair.

I moved my gaze to Victoria and Noticed she was constantly staring at me.

''Everything will be fine.'' I assured her and moved my gaze to Mike.

''You have me, why not let her go.'' I yelled angrily.

Mike smiled evilly for a while before he stood up from the armchair.

''It's strange to see almighty Alpha Eric this weak and shaking like a scared dog.'' he mocked.

''I knew your love for this woman would definitely be your weakness,, and I was right about it.'' he mocked with a loud chuckle.

All he was saying wasn't getting to my head, rather I fixed my gaze on Victoria who kept staring at me like she has so many things to say.

''I should have killed you when I have the chance.'' I declared those words and moved my gaze to him.

''Unfortunately you did not.'' he grinned evilly and stood beside Victoria.

''Stop playing games with me, and say what you want.'' I spoke impatiently.

He stared at me for a while before he cracked his gun.

''What are you doing.'' I asked in fear as I noticed the gun was pointed bat Victoria.

''Going straight to the point.''he muttered out.

''You won't dare.'' I yelled

''Really.'' he asked with a big grin and pointed the gun at me.

''Well I'm here to announced to you that this gun is no ordinary gun, once shot on you, you will die slowly, no matter who you are.'' he said those words while staring at me because he knew a shot on me, it's like I'm being pierced by a needle.

But staring at the gun in his hand, I knew he was right, this was not just an ordinary gun.