
A date with her


Eric's POV 


"A black suit or just a jean ". I muttered out in frustration as I threw clothes on my bed with frustration.  

I was so anxious for the date that I woke up as early as 6am.  

I couldn't sleep throughout the night to the fact that I was going to spend a whole day with Victoria  

I felt a strong sensation in me, and it feels like I was a teen going for his first date. 

I groan angrily and roughly ran my fingers through my hair before seating on the bed  

I stared at the clothes scattered on the bed and on the floor and wondered what was really wrong with me.  

This was Victoria, this was a woman I was supposed to hate and avoid but here I am very anxious and eager to go on a date with her.  

I check the time and realized it was almost 8am, and I haven't even decided on what to wear.  

I stood up from the bed and walk into the bathroom, I walk into the shower and took quick a bath before stepping back to the room.  

I stood in front of the bed and stared at the clothes on the bed with a frustrated look  

I picked up a navy-blue suit and decided to wear it, I put on the clothes and put on my shoes before putting on a navy-blue and black mask.  

I stared at myself in the mirror and could notice my face covered up except for my eyes and lips.  

I combed my hail and gelled it before spraying some body spray and perfume and put on my wristwatch.  

I pick up my phones and stared at myself one more time in the mirror before leaving my room  

I pick up my car keys from the table and went to the car garage  

I pick out a car from the garage and drove out.  

I drove to her apartment and took in a deep breath before dialing her number.  

"Hello ".she whispered in a low excited voice  

"I'm in front of your apartment ". I spoke coldly, and nervously  

I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I cut the call  

I took a better look at myself in the mirror before taking in a deep breath.  

I came out of the car and stood by the car while I wait for her,  

I put my hands in my pocket and was about checking my watch when I heard the sound of hills coming my way.  

I look up and behold I saw Victoria dressed in the same color of dress with me.  

She was putting on a short blue dress, her hair poured out to her shoulder to cover the mark I gave to her.  

She was putting on a silver color long earrings but no necklace on her neck, she held a blue purse and a silver color hills shoes.  

She was amazingly beautiful even without her putting on a makeup  

"Mate ".my wolf whispered in excitement  

I groan softly and lock eyes with her as she stood in front of me  

“Beautiful”. I muttered out those words without me knowing,  

She smiled shyly and tried to tuck her hair behind her ear, but she remembered my mark and decided to keep back her hand.  

"You look good ". She declared those words while staring directly into my eyes.  

"Thank you ". I cleared my throat before opening the door for her  

"Thank you ".she flashed me a big smile that brought butterflies in my stomach.  

I closed the door and walk over to the driver's seat and start the car before driving off.  

I could feel my palms becoming sweaty as I drove off  

I took a glimpse of her and noticed she was twisting her fingers and biting her lips nervously.  

"I thought I would be privileged to see your face today ".she muttered out those words while looking outside the window  

hearing those words from her, I knew it was risky and she might ask for it some other day, so I had to do something and I have to do it now.  

"I don't show my face to people in the club ". I muttered out firmly  

"And any day you ask for such privilege, be sure that I will cut whatever ties I have with you". I expressed those words like I meant every bit of it.  

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you ".she apologized while she lowered her eyebrows and look away  

I groan angrily not for what she said but the way I reacted.  

We drove in total silence and none of us said a word until I park in front of one of my bar. 

"We are here ". I declared while getting out from the car  

I walk up to her door, but she had already opened the door herself.  

She turns around while staring at the place with so much curiosity and anxiety before meeting her gaze to me  

"Where is this place ".she inquired, still staring around  

"come in, and you will see ".  

She beams at me before walking side to side with me.  

I got to the door and the door was already opened by the server man  

"Good morning sir, good morning ma'am".he lowered his head in respect as we walk in   

I could notice Victoria staring at the server guy before staring at me with curiosity, it was obvious she was wondering who I was, if only she knew.  

We walk into the bar and I noticed the place was arranged just the way I wanted it.  

Since I was putting on a mask the thought of going out to a public place went through my mind, but I knew Victoria might not be comfortable with people staring at us, so I decided to close down one of my bars for the day.  

I stared around the room and could notice a table was set in the middle of the room, while PS5 games were arranged in a corner, another corner was a big couch and a big flat screen for movies.  

She moved away from me while staring around the room in shock and wild eyes before locking eyes with me  

"You own this place ?".she asked, staring at me with curiosity  

I wanted to say yes to her, but then I remember she might look for me and realize I was Eric  

"No, I rented it for the day ". I stated firmly,  

"Wow".she exclaims happily and stared around,  

"You made this place like this ?".  

"Yeah ". I murmured proudly  

"This is excellent".she beamed staring at me,  

I felt my heart flutter in excitement and I knew I was losing it to this woman,  

I cleared my throat and moved closer to her  

"Where should we start ?". I asked while avoiding her gaze.  

She smiled at me and stared around before pointing to the PS5 game station  

"Let's start from there".she suggested, while moving closer to the game station  

She sat on the couch and pick up a pad  

"Do you know how to play this ?".she asked while operating on the pad like a true professional  

"Yes". I muttered, picking up the other pad  

"I bet not as good as me ".she beamed at me and selected her team so easily.  

I stared at her and realized her eyes were fixed on the TV and fingers moving freely on the pad, indeed she was a true professional.  

"Choose your team ".she muttered, tapping her fingers on the pad  

I remove my gaze from her and started selecting my team  

"Don't pick that guy he isn't good, I don't wanna win you that easily".she chuckled softly and winked at me playfully before moving her gaze to the TV  

If only she knew who I was.  

I selected a team, and we started playing  

"Aunt and I used to play this every day".she giggled softly after winning me for the seventh time  

I groan and kept back the pad  

"I'm not good at this ". I murmured  

"I noticed that ".she smiled at me and kept back the pad,  

"Are you hungry?". I asked while getting up from the coach  

"Yes please".she locks eyes with me while smiling at me, seeing her with those smile I felt like smiling back at her, but I don't know how to.  

"Let's go ". I led the way, and we walked over to the center of the table where our food was already served on the table  

"Are we the only ones here?".she asked, staring around  

"Yes,Seat ". I drew out a chair to her  

"Thanks".she flash me a cute smile that weakens all the bones in me before taking the seat.  

"Are we going to eat all this ?".she asked in excitement like a little kid while staring at the different dishes on the table.  

I nod my head and stared at her childish behavior, she was indeed cute, and I wondered why she never showed this part of herself to me, when she knew I was Eric.  

"Let's eat "  

She nods her head and pick up the cutleries 

I watch her put some food in her plate and she started eating slowly before meeting my gaze  

"Aren't you eating?".she asked while staring at my empty plate.

I picked up the cutleries and put a small portion of the food in my plate since I wasn't hungry. 

We ate in total silence and none of us said a thing for a while until she spoke up, 

"What do you do ?". She asked, not meeting my gaze, 

"I'm into business". I replied firmly and took a sip of my drink, 

She nods her head and kept on eating.







Victoria's POV 


I nod my head and kept on eating 

When I came out of my flat I was so excited to see him at least he wouldn't be putting on his mask, but I was a bit disappointed when I saw him with his mask on, and he was incredibly hot even without me seeing his face. 

Hearing all he said after I asked why his mask was on I came to realize that I have to drop the issues of seeing his face, and to think that I have already fallen for a man who I haven't seen his face was something strange to me but also exciting. 

"Why are you not eating?".his cold voice brought me out of my thought 

"I am ". I smiled at him, but he didn't return my smile 

I kept on eating and decided to ask him some few questions, 

"Do you have siblings ?" I asked in curiosity. 

"No".he replied quickly like he was expecting the question from me, 

I nod my head and kept on eating before another question came to my head. 

I bite my lips nervously and took in a deep breath before speaking up 

"Are you married ?". I asked pretending I did not say those words. 

He kept his spoon and raised his eyebrows at me while staring at me with amusement. 

"I have rings on my fingers, but there is no ring on the finger for marriage, doesn't that answer your question".he muttered, while looking at me 

"Not putting on a wedding ring doesn't mean you are not married, you can decide to leave your ring at home, most men does that ". I bite my lips nervously when I realized what I just said. 

"So you see me as that kind of man ?".he muttered out angrily, 

In just a second his mood changed 

"I'm sorry ". I apologized while I lowered my head and stared at the almost empty plate. 

He murmured before picking up his spoon and started eating, 

"I'm not married, and if I am, I won't hide it from anyone and especially not from you ". He spoke firmly and continued eating. 

I smiled at him, and we ate in silence until we are through. 

"Thanks for the meal ". I thanked him, 

He nods his head and stood up from the chair while he removed his jacket, leaving him with Just his chest. 

I took a glimpse of his body and noticed he reminds of a certain someone, someone I wish not to remember. 

"Let's go watch a movie".he left me and walk over to the coach where a big TV screen was placed in front of it. 

I followed him and sat beside him but made sure I gave him some space. 

"What movie do you wanna watch ?".he asked while picking up the controller.





Eric's POV


"Any movie of your choice ".she whispered while twisting her fingers, it was obvious she was nervous. 

"Take ". I handed the controller to her 

"Just type in the name of the movie, and it will display on the screen"I muttered those words and relaxed on the couch, watching movies and playing games were never my thing, but I had to do it for her. 

She beamed at me before typing the name of the movie on the controller and the movie displayed on the screen 

I stared at the screen I realized she was watching a romantic movie 

I groan and look away 

"Aren't you joining me?".she asked with her gaze still at the TV 

"No, I don't watch movies". I stated truthfully 

"Why ?".she asked with her two curious eyes on me 

"Because I don't have time for things like that, my time are really precious to me, so you should know how lucky you are that I agreed to spend a day with you ". I spoke proudly 

She stared at me for a while before she focused her gaze on the TV 

We sat there in silence and none of us said a word. 

I steal a glimpse of her and noticed she was intoxicated by the movie and all her attention was on it. 

I stared at her and noticed she was indeed pretty, and I wondered why I couldn't see this earlier. I stared at her lips and the urge to kiss her again rush through my blood and I tried my best to hold it 

"Cold".she whispered softly and rub her two hands on her arms, 

I took my jacket from the chair and handed it over to her 

"Have it ".

She smiled at me before taking the Jacket from me 

"Thanks ".she muttered, and put on the jacket 

I nod my head at her and tried to focus my gaze on the TV, but I couldn't, I was so drowned to her that I couldn't keep my eyes off her even for a minute

"Beautiful". I muttered out to her hearing 

She beamed at me before nervously tucking in her hair behind her ear reveling my mark to me 

"Mate".my wolf howl in possession 

I took in a deep breath trying to control myself because all the organs in me was screaming for me to pull her to myself and ravish her body like a hungry wolf

"You are sweating profusely, are you okay ?".she asked while moving closer to me to touch my forehead 

That was it, that was how I lost control of myself and pulled her to myself 

"I'm not okay". I muttered out those words while locking eyes with her two sets of brown eyes that triggers everything in me.