

rodnic_davedumadag · Urban
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Chapter-3 Testing and Discovery

"Okay, kids! Dinner is already being made, go to the table, and wait for the food. Today, it's Ella's turn to cook, meaning their meat in the soup."


The kids were excited and hurriedly ran through the corridor.

'Now's my chance!' Grim ran so fast that the trash, especially the fat one, did not have a chance to see his silhouette.

"Damn, run away again!" the large boy said aggressively.

"Boss, don't worry, we have a plan." A boy replied mysteriously.

The boss boy was interested. "What the plan?"

"Well, if we wait in front of the door, we can begin beating him up." The large boy is now named Kal. Was pleased and agreed to his plan.

At the same time, they are planning, Grim already was eating at the kitchen table.

Ella sees a boy and warns Him again." Hey Grim, every Sunday, aren't you tired of this? Why are you always in the kitchen instead of the dining table."

Grim replied while eating the soup and potato paste." I frankly can't explain sister Ella, but I feel famished whenever it's Sunday."

Ella was amused." You gentleman, you already talk like a nobleman. Okay, I will agree that you can eat here on one condition." Grim felt nervous because whenever she heard this word, kids would sometimes need to clean the toilet as its condition." I might not be here for the upcoming Sunday, so I need to be present in the dining room." Grim replied nervously.

"No, you will not, and as for the condition. You will have to cook next Sunday so I news your face to be present 4 hours before morning." Ella stated clearly with a serious glint in his eyes, not wanting to hear a no in his answer.

Grim tensed up and replied, " Yes! Sister Ella."

After his reply, Ella began to change from a strict teacher to a lovely flower." That's good, Grim. I hope that it will taste promising."

"Yes, it will," answered Grim.

After the small episode grim, I hurriedly went to the well. And begin washing up before going to his bed.

June 38, 1805 midnight

"What is this." Replied grim.

" I don't know, but these samples are said to have originated from the very first asteroid that hit the earth." A man answered him.

"What? This has to be man-made look at these glowing symbols." Said Grim.

" No, it is not my friend who observed the borders of the universe had seen this very line as well." The man replied.

"wait!does this symbolize the word of the universe."Grim became agitated.

" Yes, and this is going to be your project along with some linguists and a small group of scientists." the man said. which made grim sweat buckets.

"But I'm just a botanist who can even decipher its meaning ."

" It will come in time," said the man calmly.

Grim opened his eyes and noticed that it was only a dream." That dream is really weird." After exiting the room, Grim says his good morning to Ella and takes some black bread to eat while heading to the butcher shop.

"Thankfully, Ella let me eat this without waiting for others ."

"Hey Kid, there you are!" Grim, notice the butcher owner.

"Hello, Mr. Argo, what seems to be the problem?" Grim's reply made Argo smile from ear to ear like the devil." Damn you brat!" Grim wanted to run. When he saw those smiles but was held down by the butcher shop owner." Damn brat what are those traps made of. It can even trap 5 rats in one."

Grim wasn't expecting praise from the men.

"Okay! I was expecting that as well because that was my invention."

Although Argo was still shocked about the kids' work, he still had to do business.

"I want to buy your traps. How much is it?"

Grim now notices how he can earn money just by inventing things.

" Wait? Inventions. Of course, I'm such an idiot. This is the 18th century. the invention was praised like God in this era. I should create the things I lamented about all this year's. Even if I can't create all of them, I should create some. I'm going to be like nicola tesla. Yess!"

After imagining himself in his own dream. The man seemed annoyed that he didn't get any reply from the brat.

"Hey brat, do you agree or not?"

"Yes, it's going to be 50 cols each." Grim seems to appear more like a businessman rather than a kid who is ignorant of the world."

"50-100 I will buy it ." The butcher, excited to the prospect of getting rid of the pest, agreed to the price offered by Grim.

" but it would only work if you use a flower of red droplets and a small porridge."

"OK, I'll take your advice."Argo agreed

"Mr. can I get those trapped rats since I didn't charge a fee for my service in exchange? Can I have those little ones?" Grim nervously questioned. if they investigated why an orphan kid want 20 rats without reason, they might be suspicious and see those concoction and be suspected of illegal drug use.

"What do you use it for, kid?"

"Here it is the questioning. What reason should I use?"

Well, I want to prepare for the winter, and by taking their hide, I can present my loved one's a coat for warmth."Grim, come up with the reason on the spot. although he was caught up the moment his reasoning told him that it is normal for this day and age to hunt for their needs.

Argo relaxes. He thought that Grim was in some illegal rat fight in a Dark allyway. but seeing his eyes that didn't reflect light, he agreed." OK, just don't walk whenever night comes. Strange shit always happens in the North side of the city, but lately, the weirdness is moving to the east. Maybe next year will be our turn."

Grim tensed up." What kind of weird things? is it the famous radiation or the scp shit. I'm just going to ask."Sr. Argo, what kind of weird things did the rumour describe?"

Argo then told him like a father scaring his child." they say that people hove been missing for about a month. then they discovered those victims in the trash bin without their organs. they say that a mad doctor made a deal with a gangster so that he can kill without worrying about the soldier!"

Grim is scared outside, but inside, he is relaxed.

" Thank goodness I thought this world have a hidden magic city below this one, and the weird things happening were caused by them. thankfully, they are just doctors of the 18th century, nothing new.

"Thank you for the reminder Mr.Argo I'll tell Sister to marry about this so that he can remind the priest to be careful." Grim exited and went to the river with the 20 rats in the cages.

In the river southwest of the city.

" So only two concoctions are remain,while the others like duffle and couged are either poisonous or have no effect at all. let's just apply the two."

Grim took two bottles. One has the color red with black flakes while the other has the color blue with a thin small brown bark inside it.

" First, the aphrodisiacs. Each male rat was placed in a slightly shatteredglasss with food to calm the rats for 10 min so as to become habituated to the surrounding in the test glass.

Rats were treated with the devil's bone solution. since I don't have Tween 80 to prepare a 1% suspension by oral gavage for 21 consecutive days.

meaning this thing can only last for a weak at most. To ensure the effectiveness of the concoction in the crude extract from devils' bones and rubies ant, it is applied with honey according to the process.

The results demonstrate an increase in the reproductive organ size, sperm motility, sperm concentration, sperm viability, serum testosterone level, and antioxidant levels and an increase of sexual behavior.

administration significantly increases the sperm count and motility and heal in damage to the reproductive organs in rats.

while the dead deflower has some sort of Streptozotocin limiting the beta cells of the pancreas in mammals, but maybe it's not STZ from what I observed from the morning till noon. there are no signs of sugar build-up or blood blockage."

Grim can be seen disecting 5 rats on the planks with their hands nailed to the plank using sharp obsidian stone. Some of the stones are just flakes, while others are bulky.

"I really have to thank tiktrak for those useful information. now I can have a knife made of obsidian sharper than the kitchen knife in my previous life."

"OK, it's decided I'm going to the sewes every morning, concoction them in the afternoon, and then sell them when the night comes outside the red-light District."

Grim, notice that it is getting hotter. Seeing the sun is already high in the sky, he started to create the rat traps to sell to the owner of the butcher shop.

unti the sunset light up his surroundings did he returned to the butchershop and received his own money.

" 5 traps with bait already placed. good! heres your 250 cols.You can buy my animal meat any time, just say the word."Argo told Grim

" Yes Mr argo I will. and thank you for the payment. If you give a discount, then i might tell Sister ella to buy in your shop!" Grim said those words while leaving.

"See ya kid," argo replied.

Gim is in his bedroom looking at the money after washing himself near the well." finally I earned my first col."not expecting that it would come from an invention instead of the concoctions Grim created. Maybe tomorrow will be a lucky day like today.

"hey! Grim join us with the bed wars."

before he can doze of he was struck by a flying pillow from the dozen if came from.

bed war's is a came made when a bored kid wanted his own castle and built it young the beds and his pillow ad his weapons the goal of this was along as three pillow entered your castle you should be out and another kid will take its place.

when this game became famous, and the cool kids made a clans.

in total there are 5 clans with ons having 8 kids and. forters bordering the 4 remaining alliance.

"OK but you should listen to my instruction we already made alliance with the other 3 clans we need to only dump as many pillow as possible."

"um."the kid replied.

and so the battle went until sister marry with his sinister stern smile reminded us to go to bed.the room was quiet until the morning come.

shout out sir Gik! happy reading

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