
Times Up

A girl named Thea has to go through difficult times in her life since her father died, she feels her world is shattered and problems keep coming into her life, she feels she doesn't have anyone in this world even though she still has her mother whom she hates so much. It doesn't stop there; problems keep happening and she has to go through it alone. Until she met someone who changed her. The introverted Thea slowly becomes someone who opens up since meeting Luna, a friend she finally had during high school. Luna helped Thea get out of her comfort zone and convinced her that life was much better out there. But she has to meet Milly, someone she saved earlier. After knowing her, Thea's world was getting messy, and problems started to bother her, it was not her responsibility to solve the problem, but a feeling of guilt continued to grow inside Thea. The problem opened her up and made her a new person, she had no friends but because of that problem, she had many enemies who were ready to destroy her. But for Thea her life was shattered long before she encountered that problem, to be precise when her father died and her mother abandoned her. She went through many problems, from family, friends, school, love to grudges, and becoming one in this story.

inpeaceplace · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

Thea wakes up from her sleep, her head still feels dizzy, she sleeps on the floor with mats, she doesn't even clean herself, and is still wearing the dress from last night. She tries to sit up and holds her head. She looked towards the bed and didn't see Milly there.

After cleaning up and changing clothes, Thea came out of her room, she saw Milly helping her mother prepare breakfast.

"Hey, you're awake," Milly said and her mother also turned to Thea.

"The soup will be ready in a moment, Milly you sit down with Thea, let me finish it"

"Okay Mrs. Rena" Milly and Thea sit at the dining table. She sat beside Thea and watched her face.

"Where were you last night?" Milly said she said it very quietly so her mother wouldn't hear their conversation.

"A place"

"Are you drunk? I saw you enter the room with an unsteady body, you even slept without washing your body first"

"That's none of your business," Thea said and her mother came over to them with a pot in hand.

After breakfast Milly approached Thea who was watching TV, she wanted to go home and tell her parents everything, she didn't want to keep bothering Thea.

"Thea," Milly said


"Looks like I'll be going home today, thank you for helping me"

"I haven't helped anything," Thea said.

"But you already let me stay here"

"Are you going to tell your parents about your pregnancy?"

"Yes, if I don't tell you about this, over time my stomach will grow bigger and they will find out by themselves, but that hurts more, doesn't it?"

"Yes you are right, then what about Noah? You will always meet him at school"

"Does the school allow pregnant students like me to study there? As for Noah. I'm sure he won't admit this is his baby. He was drunk at the time, he did it subconsciously and I couldn't get away from him. It just happened. If he knew about this, I'm sure he will accuse me of using him. He is rich and I am only a baker's daughter. He won't accept it even if he knows it's really his baby."

"He has to be responsible, if you let him there will be a lot of things like this out there, he's a father, if he doesn't want to admit you that's another matter, but he has to admit, and accept this baby as his baby, your baby"

"Thea, thank you so much, you always help me, what should I do for you?"

"Never intend to kill yourself, dying won't solve everything, that's all you have to do" Milly smiled and nodded.

After Milly left only Thea and her mother at home, she returned to her house after taking Milly to the bus stop. She knew her mother must be waiting for her there, but Thea ignored her and walked straight to her room.

"Thea, we have to talk," her mother said, but Thea didn't care and kept walking towards her room until her mother blocked her entrance.

"Thea, please, please we have to talk," Her mother said.

They sat in the living room, her mother sat beside Thea and held her daughter's hand. Thea never once looked at her mother, she was just busy looking elsewhere. She avoided eye contact with her mother.

"Thea, I don't know why you are like this to me, you often ignore me and seem not to care about my being here, but after Sean came and you two met, maybe that's the reason, do you think I forgot your father? Do you think I betrayed him? I even still think about your father often and miss him every night--"

"Bullshit," Thea said, she turned to her mother.

"If you had thought about him, if you had missed him, you wouldn't have done this to him, just a month after dad was buried, I saw you coming home late at night with a guy, he kissed you and I saw it, don't tell me you didn't do it because I know you did"

"Thea, do you think going through all of this is easy? I knew your father earlier than you, I loved him very much, and we lived happily until you came into this world. You were the most beautiful gift for both of us. But when your father was sick and forced to quit his job, it was only me who is trying to earn money for us, I don't regret doing it, I did that for my family, but your father told me to divorce him. Of course, I don't want to, I love him, then Sean came, he gave me a job with a pretty high salary, he helped me with my work, he supported me, that's why I'm always rarely at home. I'm busy working for my husband's medical expenses, your father. I do not want a divorce from him, I want him to recover and us to live happily together. That's what I want, but in fact, we have to lose him forever, I'm broken, Thea. All I had at that time was only you, but you kept shutting yourself in your room and didn't want to see me. I didn't have anyone at that time when my world was destroyed. I was depressed, I almost killed myself, and I almost went crazy, I know I was wrong. Just a month after my husband was buried, I busied myself outside with lots of men. It's because you were never there for me, you always ignore me. Then I met Sean again, he cared for me, he helped me get back on my feet and this is what happened, I got pregnant. I know it's stupid. But Thea, there's only one thing you need to know, I love your father and no one can replace his position in my heart, no one"

Thea just watched her, she didn't say anything, she didn't know if those words were true or if it was just a scenario she made so Thea believed her. But Thea's heart was already disappointed, she was disappointed with her mind. Her heart was already broken, crushed by her hope.

For years Thea lived, she only remembered memories with her father, those memories were very beautiful and stuck in her head. They went through many things together. The memory is too strong that nothing can destroy it, she believes in her father because Thea lives with him.

Thea just thought in her head, if she could turn back time, she would still choose her father, because, for her, all of her mother's current explanations were just something else. It's too late to hear. When everything is broken, when everything can't be repaired as before. Her explanation was only a sweetener in the drama she made herself and Thea chose to remain in the audience.