
Timeless Reminisce

Under the night sky, filled with wonders; delightful and dazzling stars in beautiful sparkling lights and colours amidst the mesmerizing moon. It sure is really a great scenery from the individual hedgehogs' perspective, what a breathtaking view. The starts lighting up the sky was glowing in a fascinating and satisfying way, enveloping it as gently as the irregularly beautiful night sky, one that doesn't appear often and frequently. It sort of represents the hopes of everyone in this rough, ruthless, and sorrowful world we call reality; where we live in. They can't protest, they wouldn't protest, it was definitely an incredibly breathtaking view. The amount of determination and resolution in their eyes can't really be put into words too deeply and greatly; thoroughly. Let's say they were delighted by the pleasant view up on the rooftop. "T-..The moon's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Amy mumbled, like a soft and quiet but pleasant melody to the ears. She stammered, asking him a very simplistic question so suddenly and randomly without any signs of warning. It would go as far as to disrupting and ruining the quiet atmosphere on the rooftop near-the-night-sky. She looked rather scared and frightened, shy with a uncertain feeling of unease piling up and swelling inside her; but she still kept a smile on her face. It was perplexed-looking, can't tell what's on her mind but she was sweating; a lot, actually. But it's now or never. "Ah. Yeah," Sonic exclaimed, preceded by a sudden and uncertain flinching in his movements. While that was happening, his eyes gained back colors of life; showing a sign of him snapping out of his long, deep, and concentrative spacing out. "You're right, it is." Sonic fixed back his position, returning back into a relaxed and comfortable state of position. He began to look at Amy, staring and stargazing into her eyes as if it was a diamond dazzling in beautiful colors enhanced by the night's cold and breezy atmosphere. Fixated and focused on her, light blushes grew and formed on his face unconsciously. He shook his head away in an instant right before his light blushes would be noticeable, calming and toning down the blushes until it was gone. After a quiet moment, he lifts his head up and positioned himself in a more relaxed and comfortable way to look and stare at the sky. The moon was so mesmerizing and beautiful, he couldn't look away even for a second. He didn't know this one thing, yes, but from Amy's point of view; the moon made his eyes mesmerize in dazzling-beautiful lights and colours, as if his eyes truly had legitimate star-shaped irises.

Zukiechi · Video Games
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Time Travel Repercussion

"Give me the wrench.." A pretty rough voice could be heard, like an alarm to someone's ears with almost the same premise as an alarm clock; to awoken the owner or partner up from either a deep slumber, or breaking them from their space outs.

There's a two-tailed fox in which, looked like it had flapped their tails up and down; swiftly and fluidly in a delightful motion. He raises up his right hand, opening up his fist to show his palm. He didn't even bother to even tilt his head to his partner, considering how busy and focused he is on the work he's doing.

His hand was held there still, the rabbit partner flinched, "Ah, I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, desperate panic to get the wrench in her rough and rushed-looking movements. She was throwing the other, useless, and irrelevant tools out of the toolbox; all during that rush. Finally, after about some time, she saw the wrench; quickly seizing it from the box, and putting it neatly on the two-tailed fox's palm.

He gripped onto the wrench firmly and tightly. Having a great grasp of knowledge and what he's doing, he quickly fixed the robot in just a matter of minutes. Such talent just can't be summarized and expressed into words, huh?

To be able to fix a modern looking tech, that's some incredible talent with greatly; thoroughly many acquaintances with the subject. His speed was truly remarkable and pleasant to see, really.

He wasn't looking very focused now, is he? He seemed rather down; moody-ish. "Seriously, Cream.. You don't need to rush everything all the time and end up making a mess afterwards.. Geez.." He spoke up, followed by a sigh coming out of his mouth; in a more tired tone of voice, having a much rougher and beaten up voice than before.

"I'm sorry..! It's just that, I never helped you in your tech-ish stuff before, so I'm just overly cautious and desperate." She raises her hand and put it against her chest, gripping onto the cloth.

"It's fine, really.. And can you please stop apologizing? It's not your fault if you're late to respond to my commands, it could also be me. I knew you were spacing out, yet I still gave a silly command I could've done easily.." There he goes again, self-blaming himself for something so little. I guess that's just how he always behave? Self-care is great, but he's overusing it.

He sat down in a rather uncomfortable and unrelaxing position; that, ofcourse, he didn't give any sort of care or if he want to care. "Oof.." Mumbled the fox, merely exclaiming from the numbness he felt the moment he sat down.

"Anyways.. What was exactly on your mind? You were pretty quiet and anxious-looking, ya' know." He added, piling up another question for her to answer truthfully.

"W-well.. It's about Eggman. We haven't heard of him in weeks now, I can't stop imagining what he would do.. What kind of plan does he have stored up for us?" Cream stammered back in a surge of anxiety.

The fox seized a bottle of fresh water and opened it up, chugging and gulping it down. He shook his head to the left, facing her with determined and confidential eyes.

"Hey, whatever it is, I'm sure it's fine. No matter how long and how detailed his plans were, he's always the one to lose and fall in the end. Yeah, stuff like what happened a few years ago with the Resistance and all was pretty messed up; but we won in the end, didn't we?" He pulls the water bottle away from him, letting out a relieved sigh from chugging the water.

"Y-..Yeah! Tails, you're right!" Cream's spirit skyrocketed, having more faith and confidence in herself after hearing the fox's main and central thesis.

He pulls his head down for a brief moment, staring at his two palms with the scratched and dirty gloves he was wearing. His eyes shot back up, still maintaining the feeling of certainty in his words and resolution; all can be seen in his eyes.

"Yeah..!" He exclaimed, followed by him standing up with his spirit fired back up. "Let's go eat lunch! This time, my treat." The fox winked, softly smiling at the rabbit before walking out of the garage.

She gasped, "R-really..?! Th-.. Thank you so so much Mr. Tails!" She smiled brightly, perceiving a glimpse of happiness and excitement, as seen in those eyes of her in which had lit up to look starry and dazzling.

"Yeah," He exclaimed softly, enough for those long-rabbit ears of hers to be able to catch what he was saying. "What? You wanna pay?" Tails stopped on his tracks, tilting his head back to meet her gaze.

"O-of course not! Do I look like the type to bring my money pouch to a garage?" She protested in sheer embarrassment, beginning to pout. She threw a small and controllable tantrum with a tear stuck on both ends of her eyes. She began to flush red on the cheeks; blushing lightly.

"Pfft- Ah.." A light grin came out of his mouth and filled in into the atmosphere. Tails also had a tear stuck on both his eyelids; which are now closed simply because of the grin he just let out.

"You're so cute when you're flustered and flattered." He raised his left elbow and wipe the tears off his eyes.

"D-don't say such embarrassing things! It's common for young girls like me to get this embarassed after that!" She put her hands on her chest, gripping onto the cloth. The wind blew, and the rabbit flew, landing beside the fox whose currently walking to the nearest location for them to get lunch. Simply put, she's walking beside him.

"I haven't heard anything from Sonic in quite a while, I wonder what he's up to again this time.." Tails held up his hand, flipped open his modern tech-ish watch and began to dial Sonic's number.

"Mr. Sonic is probably busy.." Cream added, in a soft tone of voice as an attempt to prevent Tails from disturbing him.

"Trust me.. He's either napping as we speak, or competing in that chilli dog eating contest he was so excited and hyped up for. " The watch dialed Sonic's watch number, beginning to play his ringtone while they are waiting for him to pick up or something.

"Hm? Strange.. Should've picked up, he's not the type to ignore calls, especially MY calls.." Tails began thinking, raising his right hand to scratch the back of his head in curiosity and confusion.

"Hey, Cream! We should check on Soni—"


A loud explosion could be heard not far from where they are. Based on how loud the explosion was; they were sure that it's already pretty destructive and deadly, definitely will pose as a threat here.

They tilted their head to the other side, meeting each other's gaze with those serious and determined eyes. After a brief moment, they nodded at each other simultaneously and begin to fly towards the place where the loud and big explosion occured.

They were flying high, seeing a blue blur-looking hedgehog pop into view. "Hey, isn't that Sonic and-..!" Cream said, shocked. You can judge how menacing and bad the situation is by taking a simple glance to her facial expression.

"Sonic!" Tails swooshes down, riding the wind as he skydive towards the ground. He landed on his two feet, followed by a kick off the ground; dusts piling off his feet, creating a small wind current.

"T-.. Tails..?" Sonic got pulled back by the enemy and was thrown towards the wind-riding fox, only to get catched by the fox while he was flying with great reaction speed; resulting in them spinning, amplifying the wind current before he shoots Sonic back at the enemy.

"C'mere, Egghead!" Sonic spun himself, curling into a blue speeding ball of spike.

"Not going to happen!" Eggman swipes the big robot's left hand in an attempt to smash Sonic away. It did hit him, however, he curved on the ground and charges his spin; recoiling after impact. He marched forward in a flashy, fast, and sound-breaking pace; breaking through the robot's core.

"H-HOW COULD YOU?!" Eggman screamed out, throwing an outburst of rage, frustration, and stress in a childish manner and way; tantrum.

"Heh, so all that time you took to plan out this 'devastating' and 'destructive' robot that's supposed to beat us was all just a wasteful load of crap?" Sonic teased, raising his right hand to wipe his nose while smirking at the egg standing before him.

"Sonic, don't state the obvious, he'll cry." Tails added, before bursting out in a loud, cheerful, and boisterous laughter along with the hedgehog whose standing beside him.

"Ha ..Aha.... Ahahahaha.." Eggman began laughing out of nowhere, "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Everyone immediately went quiet, as if their body froze on-spot.

"Wh-what? Why are you even laughing?" Cream sounded worried, swelling up with the feeling of uneasy in her words.

The silence was broken by the exact same question that popped into Sonic and Tails' mind; as if she just said what was stuck at the end of their lungs.

"Ah. Nothing.." Eggman got out of the trashed and destroyed robot. "You're just, TOO TOO LATE... You thought I'll spend a whole week just to make this dumb-looking robot? No, because my actual plan is actually flourishing; thriving in perfect motion!" Eggman laughed boisterously in happiness.

"I detonated a bomb earlier when we were fighting. I didn't expect anyone to be near here even with that big explosion you've done with my robot's metallic arm, especially Tails. The bomb was loud enough to attract most of your other friends towards one certain point of location."

"Everyone except you two are going to fall into my trap! I don't know about Tails and Cream, they were probably in a sound-proof building; can't lead them to my trap, should've make it loud enough to break the barrier.. It doesn't matter anyways now!" Eggman smirked.

"Y-you..! What are you trying to do here?!" Sonic screamed out in an uncontrollable rage. His face looked so angry and mad, all because of this helluva mess they've been put into; which involves his friends, so let's say the trigger to it was that.

"Th-" Tails gulped, stuttering in his words, "That's just really cruel of you to do something like that!" Added the fox.

"Now, now.. Don't want your friends to die, right? You better be fast, hedgehog. Run, run like your life is on the line; do it like you mean it!" Eggman sounded more teasing now, smiling as bright as the sun with his teeth revealed in pure happiness because of his thriving plan in which is about to kill all Sonic's friend in a crisis if it was a total success.

Sonic's head pulled down, having a shade to cover his eyes from being thoroughly visible. "You.." He clenched his trembling; shaking fist, gripping onto the cloth of his gloves pretty tightly.

"You bastard! I'll teach yo-" Sonic stomps his foot onto the ground, in the feeble ray of moted dustlight that filtered down into the atmosphere; Tails had swept away the scrim of dustlight with a glazed look on his face, as seen from his eyes.

Tails flew and seized Sonic's hand, grasping firmly on it before wrapping his hands around him. "Sonic, stop! We don't have much time left!" Tails called out, uttering a yelp while trying to restrain him from beating up Eggman into a pulp. He kept on holding him as tightly as he can, gripping and grasping tightly on whatever parts of his body to hold him off from beating him up.

"Let go of me, Tails!" He shouted, followed by a break from the restrain; jumped away from him as far as approximately 10 meters if calculated.

"I-I'm fine.. It's just.. Let's go save them.." He had an apologizing touch to his tone of voice, stuttering and stopping mid-sentence before coming up with an expected conclusion.

"Egghead, I'll remember this..!" Sonic uttered, looking back at him before lifting and moving his head to face forward; meeting Tails' gaze as soon as his eyes shot back up and forward.

"Hold tight!" He seized Tails' hand, interlocking and interlacing his arms with his as he picked up speed.

"Wa-wait! Sonic, what's this all of the sudden?!" Tails stammered back, confused as to what the hedgehog is up to.

Sonic looked back on Tails, "No time to sit down and talk it out slow, this may be sudden and stuff but just follow my lead!" He dashed forward, moving at a really fast speed and pace.

"What about Cream?"

"She'll be fine on her own, I'm sure she'll keep watch on Egghead while we're gone."

His speed skyrocketed, blasting off at the speed of sound, and creating some subtle form of wind current. His speed was sound-breaking, yes, but his control over it was surely bad and wacky.

"Heads up!" Sonic broke the sound barrier, marching forward before blasting off onto the sky at super speed; creating blue-like sonic boom particles as its trails.

"Tails, we're going in a more direct and unsubtle approach!" He spun into a curled ball of blue spike, picking up more speed before crashing into Eggman's lab or lair, located just outside the coast of the main land of Station Square.

They landed perfectly on the ground, glass shards filtering down from the rooftop and wall. "I'd figured he would attract them all to this place, they probably thought it was a good idea to bust in here and kick Eggman's butt off his evil schemes and plans.."

Sonic's eyes widen, his pupils trembling and shaking. "But not this.." He looked up, seeing all his friends restrained on the wall.

"Shadow, Silver, Amy, Knuckles!" Tails shouted. "How did you guys even end up like this? How did you even got beaten up?!"

"I don't know, we sort of just got wacked on the face amidst our entrance to the lai—" Silver stopped.

"Hm..? Why'd you guys stopped—" Sonic had a perplexed and confused look on his face, everyone turned queit suddenly. This triggered him to look back, seeing a big robot with massive machine guns strapped on it.

"Oh. A kitty." Sonic jumped away from the robot and ran, avoiding the bullets from hitting him.

"Sonic, it's not even a kitten—" Tails flied away, avoiding the bullets along with him.

"Hey, it's nice to joke around once a while, right?" He jumped off and stood infront of it, being exposed to the robot.

"C'mere, you big chunk of trash!" He began to tease it. It shoots many bullets at him, which he had dodged by simply jumping over it.

"Wait— what did it just shot..?" Tails added, looking at the machine which got shot. It sparked many times, showing signs of being broken.

Tails flew over to it, "Sonic, wai—" Sonic jumped onto the machine's button pad, seizing Tails' hand before kicking off it and jumping away; letting the robot shoot the machine again.

"Sonic what did you just—"

"Was I supposed to not step on it or..?"

Apparently, there was two chaos emeralds in the machine; it emerged from the ground, being the Space and Time emeralds. "Uh oh." They all exclaimed simultaneously in unison.

"Is that a chaos control—" A ray of light covered them all in seconds, faster than Sonic could ever react to.

"Wait a second, I knew the emeralds would blow them all out in one explosion, but this ray of light isn't looking too—" Eggman uttered from afar, before getting engulfed into the light himself. Along with Cream, who was speechless and frightened.



Where in the heck... Am I?

My eyes.. I can't, I can't see anything at all! What's gotten into me?!

"I caught something!" the voice shouted in excitement and hope filled into his tone, seizing something he can't really quite comprehend; being blinded by light and all.

"Huh—" the white, flash, blinding ray, border of light finally left the vision of his eyes. Only to be followed by a sudden flinch in his movements before straining his eyes at the thing that's standing infront of him.

"Hm? Something soft and flu—"

"CHAOS SPEAR!" Shouted a rough and deep voice, before raising his hands to control the chaos energy within him; forming 10 green-light spears of chaos in the air overhead.

"WA-WAIT WAIT WAIT! WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?" The blue blur panicked in confusion, frightened as to what he's about to witness. He was sweating, a lot. "SH-SHADOW?!"

"I THOUGHT I WAS TOUCHING SOMETHING SOFT—" He screamed, having a more frightened and scared look on his face.

"STOP MAKING THIS SOUND LIKE IT'S INAPPROPRIATE!" The spears drop, piercing through the wind as it falls to the target just like an rocket missile.

"I SAAAIDDDD WAIIITTTTT!!" His eyes widened whilst trying to stop Shadow by wavering his hand forward.


Screams of agony and yelping could be heard. That's gotta be painful judging from the sound of it, no?

Flash-forward after the beating, "Ou-ouch ouch ouch!" mumbled the blur, resisting and holding back the pain with one of his eyes closed.

He looked around, "Hey, Shadow— mind if I ask something?"

"No need. I'm certainly clueless just as you are right this very moment."

"Where, are we, exactly?"

They thought in their heads, somehow, in unison as they look around.

Ahhh, finally done with chapter one.. Sorry for not finishing the old fan-fictions I left off, I kinda dropped them because of lack of interest and all of that jazz revolved with them. Although I have yet to publish a book that's completed here, I'll make sure to get this done! That's a pinky promise by me! This is the author Zukiechi, signing and penning off, so see ya next time on the next chapter of Timeless Reminisce!

19 / 12 / 2019


Ahhh, finally done with chapter one.. Sorry for not finishing the old fan-fictions I left off, I kinda dropped them because of lack of interest and all of that jazz revolved with them. Although I have yet to publish a book that's completed here, I'll make sure to get this done! That's a pinky promise by me! This is the author Zukiechi, signing and penning off, so see ya next time on the next chapter of Timeless Reminisce!

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