
Time Train: Adventure of a lifetime

Jobs Maddison works as a janitor at his old Academy after quitting life, he works there even though he is overqualified for this job. Everything changed for him the day he found a strange man in front of his house in the stormy weather. The man says he is the conductor of a train that can travel through Time. Now it's up to Jobs to help this new friend find his train and get it to work

lightgel · Realistic
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: School Spector


'My hard work was ruined by two adolescents with testestrone issues, love triangles are for stories and dramas not the reasons to destroy someone's hard work'. I thought as I looked at the State of the bathroom I had cleaned in the early crack of dawn. I had woken up to clean it before the staff and the children came, it was very clean and perfect.

My hard work was now ruined by broken tiles from whatever they were using to fight each other with. The two boys looked at me with shock and fear as they immediately stopped what they were doing before I came here.

There I was on top of the tile steps leading to the changing area with green lockers and showers on both sides, as I slowly stepped on the first step I said in a very tense but calm voice " Boys I find it always peaceful when things are not messy and the rules are being followed, I love this school and it's beautiful history, do you guys feel the same?" , the moment I finished my sentence Lamal stood looked at me and tried to say something but his fighting companion punched him on the shoulder to keep quiet.

"Janitor Jobs nice to see you again" as he scratched the back of his rough red hair that looked like wild embers as the fire got stronger from when being fed more wood.

"Hello to you too Lamal Lockwood" I said as I got close to pat his head and looked at his companion with a harmonious smile 😁 and asked " So What's the excuse now Darren Shepard?".

Darren Shepard with his stoic smooth Black hair that covered his right eye wearing a towel around his crotch Same as Lamal, he looked at me with a shivering 🥶 smile that showed his bloodied mouth. One premolar tooth was out of his misshapen mouth, now nowhere to be seen.

'It's probably in the drainage system along with the blood on the floor of the shower space' I thought as I looked at Darren for an answer.

After a moment of awkward silence he spoke " Jobs it ain't what you think it is, this time is different" as he gestures with his hands for me to back away.

I looked at them and sighed "How is it different Darren?, oh oh I know this time you guys fought in the boy's bathroom instead of the boy's dorms shocking isn't or maybe cause Lamal is not holding a golf club this time and you are not holding a baseball club or This time David didn't say something stupid to cause a debate between guys right?"

The two boys looked at with worry in their eyes as I realise as I was making some crazy gestures during my angry explanation to the point that the onlookers were surprised 😯 as I turned around to look at them clearly with an embarrassed 😳 smile as I turned to the boys and said " Sorry I am a little bit stress".

"Why apologize to us, Mister Jobs we caused the fight, you shouldn't be apologising" said Lamal in an apologetic tone while stretching his head as well as Darren.

"Same Mister Jobs, I will tell you what. Lamal and I will go to the principal instead of you kicking our ass off and we will come to help you clean up. Mrs Carmen can escort the two of us, so you don't have to come with us, we will clean during our detention and uh Mmmmmh what do say?"

I didn't say anything, I looked at the crowd as I was thinking about the deal that Darren Shepard was offering me. They looked at me with held breath and sparkles in their eyes, all waiting for my decision as if I was a protagonist in a fucking webtoon which I wasn't.

After a moment of thinking I looked at looked at the bloodied kids and said "Go to Nurse Baker and treat yourselves and get some moisture patches at that, you guys look dihydrated. Mrs Carmen"

The woman looked at me with suprise and confusion, damn she is gorgeous.

"Can you escort these troubled kids to the nurse's office and the principal please" I asked.

"Why would I do that, Toilet cleaner" she replied.

"Cause I ain't a teacher loveless oh I'm sorry Lovelace" I remarked. "oh I almost forgot Hannah you go with her and explain as well".

The silver haired girl looked at me with a stoic but confused look and said "That I can do, but David is needed as well. You know as an eye witness"

"Oh David is in the bathroom or my janitor storage room puking in a bucket right now as we speak 🗣️ hahahah" I laughed a little as if I done something mischievous.

Hannah looked at me and smiled "He drank the moonshine didn't he?". I looked at the girl and the crowd " Yep my laxative alcohol experiment went well, and do you know what that means. I going to poison all your smuggled alcohol in school and you guys would know what happened".

The once silence crowd disbanded after the creepy remark about me poisoning the alcohol that some of the students smuggled, maybe they might be going to classes to learn, while the troublemakers looked for their booze before I poisoned them.

which I did, damn I love my life, while I am at it I looked at the pair as they were being helped by the females towards the nurse's office, oh I hope no one slips, cause the floor is still wet and slippery.

I sighed "Oh time to go back to work" I got out of the bathroom, I looked around the empty corridor to see if anyone was there, but there was no one.

Hannah and Mrs Carmen were supporting the two boys while they walked, Hannah stop suddenly and turned towards me and said "Jobs, why do people call you the School Spector?".

I looked at her and smiled "That is a story I will tell during detention" as I put my pointing ☝️ finger on my mouth with a clever and yet charming wink.