
Time Tangled

Rosalind, Edison, and Nora Shea always thought their parents were a match made in heaven. After their mother was killed, their famous scientist father couldn't handle living without her and built a time machine to go back and save her life. That was where everything went wrong. The kids find themselves stuck in the past with a broken time machine and no way to fix it. Their only hope is their much-younger father...who immediately gets off on the wrong foot with their mother. With saving their mother and returning home hanging in the balance, they begin to worry that they won't even be born. How did a spunky aspiring novelist and a misanthropic genius from a rich family ever end up together in the first place? Can the kids get two such different people to fall in love all over again or have they destroyed their timeline for good? Read on to find out! *cover by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Sci-fi
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95 Chs

Yeah, I Can Tell

Rosalind played games and such with most of her family until dinner time when she dared peek in on Julian, who told her to get them more food since he was in the middle of something. It certainly seemed like it since he was typing away furiously on a laptop looking back and forth between it and the phone's holographic display.

She was slightly curious what he was doing but not enough to ask and get an earful. She closed the door behind her and went out to get Izzy to order sandwiches from a sub shop.

"Is he really still at it?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yep," Rosalind replied popping the 'p.'

"Geez, what a workaholic. I guess that's a good thing for you guys though. The sooner this gets fixed, the sooner you can go home."