
Time Stops for No-one.

wtf is this crossover? Life is Strange x Naruto Naruto disappears from the Valley of the End after his battle with Sasuke and ends up in the universe of Life of Strange. How will this end up? Even I don't know.

ASpyFromMars · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Episode 1 Part 1: Encounter

Dark clouds loomed ominously in the twilight sky, casting an eerie pallor over the desolate Valley of the End. Naruto Uzumaki, his body battered and bruised from the fierce battle with his rival Sasuke Uchiha, stood hunched near the colossal, headless statue of Hashirama Senju. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon him, his chakra reserves nearly depleted after channeling immense power.

Emotions churned within Naruto—heartbreak, frustration, and unwavering determination. He had poured his heart and soul into bringing Sasuke back from the brink of darkness, to right the wrongs and prove to his friend that there was still a path to redemption. But their battle had been more brutal and unforgiving than Naruto had anticipated.

They glared at each other in silence. No words were needed here. Lightning crackled as the sound of a thousand birds whistled in the air. Black flames then infused with the Chidori. Rinnegans narrowed hatefully at the stubborn blonde shinobi before him. Sasuke was going to end it here. No matter what.

Naruto understood his intent. He wasn't going to back down either; he was going to bring Sasuke back home. Soon, a leaf drifted towards the Valley of the End, slowly floating its way towards them and gently landed on the surface of the lake, creating a tiny ripple. The outcome of the battle would impact the future of the shinobi world.



In that precise moment, Naruto and Sasuke surged towards each other with unmatched determination. Naruto, gathering the last remnants of his dwindling chakra, formed a rasengan in the palm of his hand, a swirling vortex of energy representing his unwavering resolve. Meanwhile, Sasuke unleashed the full power of his Rinnegan, channeling his anger and hatred into a mighty strike.

The collision was cataclysmic—a cataclysm of raw power and unyielding wills. The shockwave created by their clashing jutsus sent shockwaves rippling through the valley, shattering rocks and stirring the wind into a frenzy. The ground quaked beneath their feet, as if Nature itself trembled at the magnitude of their battle.

Screams filled the air, both shinobis unleashing the echoes of their souls. The clash of their jutsus reverberated through the valley, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, in an explosion of blinding light, the true extent of their clash was revealed. When the dust and smoke finally settled, Sasuke lay unconscious on the bloodstained ground, his body bearing the scars of their battle.

Naruto, however, was nowhere to be seen.

The Valley of the End remained silent, its towering statues observing the aftermath of the fateful clash. Naruto's absence left an emptiness in the air—a void that seemed impossible to fill. As the twilight sky deepened, darkness descended upon the valley, casting an ominous shadow over the once hallowed ground.

* * * * *

October 1st, 2013

When Naruto slowly regained consciousness, he found himself laying down on the outskirts of a small coastal town. The sky above was obscured by thick, gray clouds, casting a somber hue over the surroundings. Sasuke was gone, and he wasn't at the Valley of the End either. A chilly breeze swept through the air, causing Naruto's golden locks to dance in the wind. As he took in his unfamiliar surroundings, a sense of disorientation settled upon him.

"What... Where am I?" Naruto mumbled to himself, his voice carrying a mixture of confusion and determination. His clothes were in tatters, and his body was riddled with wounds, albeit they were healing slowly.

He surveyed the calm beauty of the coastal landscape, his cerulean eyes scanning the horizon with curiosity. He could sense chakra around him as faint as it was. It felt strange to sense so little chakra.

'Naruto,' Kurama's voice echoed in Naruto's mind, driving his attention away from his new environment. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, Kurama," Naruto rubbed his forehead. His senses were being overwhelmed by the complete change in scenery. "What's going on? How'd I ended up here?"

'I saw everything,' the nine tails replied. 'Somehow the collision of your rasengan and Sasuke's chidori had created a ripple in space-time and caused you to be transported here in this strange dimension.'

"No..." Naruto couldn't believe his words, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration and confusion. "Our jutsus couldn't be that powerful to do something like that. There's just no way."

'I'm sorry, there's no other way to explain this occurrence.' Kurama said solemnly. "but the convergence of your chakra with Sasuke's created a unique and unforeseen reaction. It caused a disruption in the fabric of space-time, leading to your current predicament."

Naruto sat in disbelief, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation. The collision of his Rasengan and Sasuke's Chidori had transported him to an unknown dimension. It was unfathomable, yet Kurama's words left little room for doubt.

"So, what now? How do I get back? I can't just stay stuck in this weird dimension," Naruto's fists tightened, his emotions intertwining like a tempest within him.

The thought of being separated from his friends, from Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei, fueled a fire within him. Hell, he didn't even know if Sasuke was still alive or not; he still have to bring him back home. There were dreams he yearned to fulfill, a future he refused to let slip away. He couldn't accept the notion of being trapped in this strange dimension indefinitely.

Kurama's voice carried a sense of empathy. "We'll figure it out, Naruto. I can sense remnants of chakra here, albeit very faint. It means that there are still traces of the familiar energy we know. We just need to find a way to tap into it, to use it as a pathway back to our world."

"Right," Naruto nodded. "I can't stay here. There's too much at stake. Sasuke... he might still need me. Sakura and Kakashi-sensei are counting on me. I have dreams to chase, promises to fulfill. I won't let this dimension be the end of it all."

A surge of determination coursed through Naruto's veins. He would not be deterred by the adversity before him. Slowly, Naruto stood up with his blue eyes gazing back at Arcadia Bay, a bright smile plastered across his face. He might as well see what this place had to offer him while he was here.

A few hours later at Blackwell Academy, Max had finally gotten out of Mr. Jefferson's classroom. It had been a long day dealing with the likes of Victoria Chase. Victoria always seemed to exude an air of superiority, making it difficult for Max to connect with her on any level. A snobby bitch as Max would put it.

Honestly, she absolutely loved Mr. Jefferson's photography class. It was the main reason she was actually here in the first place. Unlike Victoria, Mr. Jefferson was really cool and easy going to be around with. Plus, he really knows what he's talking about during his lessons. Even though he gave Max a bunch of reading assignments, it was worth it because they were meaningful and important, and she was actually interested in the topics.

Max wasn't much of a social butterfly like Dana. She considered herself more of an introvert, someone who found solace in her own thoughts and the world of photography. She often described herself as a bit geeky, but she was working on becoming more socially confident. At least, that's what she told herself.

Lost in her thoughts, Max made her way through the bustling halls of Blackwell Academy, her gaze fixed on the floor as she pondered the events of the day. Despite her introverted nature, she had been trying to engage more with the class, raising her hand and asking questions for her own boneheaded brain to finally comprehend.

"That was something, at least," Max murmured to herself, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. It was one small step, but one giant leap for Max-kind.

In a way, she did meet some cool people after she came to Blackwell. Kate was kind and sweet and pretty. Warren was kind of a geek and a bit of a know-it-all, but at the same time, he was easy to be with and witty. At least all wasn't bad.

"If it isn't little Maxine Caulfield," a familiar voice echoed behind Max. She turned to find Victoria Chase, the self-proclaimed queen bee of Blackwell Academy and her posse, approaching with an air of superiority. "Going back to your dorm so soon? How routine of you."

The girls were laughing behind her.

"Oh, hey, Victoria," Max greeted her, trying her best to sound confident despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "I, um... I was just heading out to take some photos."

Victoria scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Please, Max. You and your outdated camera could never capture anything truly noteworthy. You'll always be an amateur, just like your so-called 'talent'."

Max's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and determination. She was used to Victoria's snarky comments, but it still stung.

"Well, I'm just trying to improve my skills, you know?" Max replied softly, her voice tinged with a hint of hesitance. "Photography is something I'm passionate about."

Victoria crossed her arms, looking down her nose at Max. "Passionate? That's cute, Max. But let's be real, talent is what matters. And I don't see much of that in you."

"I know I have a long way to go," Max admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I believe in the power of art. It's not just about technical skills, it's about capturing moments, emotions... creating something that speaks to people."

Victoria's smirk faded slightly as she observed Max's genuine vulnerability. She cleared her throat, her tone softening just a bit.

"Well, if you really think you can make an impact with your little photos, then good luck, I guess," Victoria said, her voice lacking its usual venom. "Just don't expect everyone to see it the way you do."

Victoria walked away with her small posse following right behind her, laughing.

"What a bitch," Max murmured to herself.

As soon as Max left through the campus doors, the gentle rays of the sunset caressed her face, and her short, brunette hair flowed with the passing breeze. The beautiful scenery swept away all the stressful moments she had endured. Max pulled out her old-fashioned camera from her bag and took a picture of this precious moment. She shook the Polaroid picture and smiled with satisfaction at the final result.

"This looks pretty good," Max felt happy and carefully stored the picture somewhere safely.

Then it suddenly dawned on Max that she still had to turn in a photo for the "Everyday Heroes" contest and whatnot. Winner gets a trip to San Francisco and huge free publicity. Max couldn't deny her desire to win, to have her talent recognized on a larger scale.

But the thought of putting her work out there for judgment and critique filled her with a sense of vulnerability. Doubts crept in, whispering words of self-doubt and insecurities. At least she still had time to procrastinate until the October deadline.

"No," she told herself. "This is my career on the line here, Max. I have to give it a shot, no matter how scared I am."

With a resolute sigh, Max's blue eyes shifted from the familiar surroundings of Blackwell Academy to the quiet street across from it. The same routine day after day had started to feel stagnant, limiting her creativity and stifling her inspiration. She realized that she needed to break free from the confines of the school and venture out into the world to find fresh perspectives and captivating moments for her photos.

She waited for a bus to pick her up and drop her off closer to the town. Once Max got off, she wandered aimlessly around the town to find that one big prize she needed to look for, something that could wow Mr. Jefferson into taking her to San Francisco.

Max immersed herself in the symphony of sights and sounds, her camera ready to capture any fleeting moment of beauty or intrigue. However, she was too immersed in her world of photography that she didn't notice someone in front of her and crashed into them.

"Ow!" Max yelped as she fell helplessly on her butt, her camera falling out of her hands.

Naruto turned around, concern etched on his face. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked, extending a hand to help her up.

He had been walking through town to familiarize himself in this world. All of a sudden, a girl had bumped behind him. As he inspected the brunette, he noticed like everyone else he observed in this town, that she did not have any chakra in her.

Max looked up at the stranger in front of her, momentarily taken aback by his vibrant blond hair and piercing blue eyes. There was something captivating about his presence, an energy that seemed to emanate from within him. She quickly composed herself, feeling her cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and intrigue.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," she replied, gratefully accepting his hand and allowing him to lift her up with a warm smile. Naruto then handed back her camera, blowing dust off of it first.

As she stood upright, Max couldn't help but notice the distinctive marks on his cheeks—whisker-like patterns that added a unique charm to his already handsome face. She found herself momentarily lost in the curiosity of this stranger who had appeared out of nowhere.

"Sorry for bumping into you," Max stammered, trying to regain her composure. "I was just... lost in my own little world."

Naruto chuckled, his bright smile putting her at ease. "It happens to the best of us. I'm Naruto, by the way. Naruto Uzumaki."

"Max. Max Caulfield," she replied earnestly.

"Hmm, weird name," Naruto said bluntly. "But it's nice to meet ya!"

"Yeah... you too, Naruto," Max answered back, a bit offended. His name was weirder, if anything else. Then, she finally noticed his tattered clothing and wounds all over his body. It was like he just survived a tornado. And that weird headband, it reminded her of ninjas, "Sorry for asking, but what on earth happened to you?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head sheepishly, a hint of embarrassment crossing his features. "Oh, these? I've been through a rough patch recently. Got caught up in a fight between friends, ya know."

Max's eyes widened in surprise and concern. She hadn't expected him to be so casual about with, especially with wounds like those. "A fight? Are you okay? Do you need any help? I... I can call the ambulance for you," she offered, her empathic nature taking over.

Naruto flashed her a reassuring smile, appreciating her genuine concern. "Don't worry about me. I heal pretty fast, thanks to some cool abilities I have. I'm used to taking a beating, and I always bounce back, dattebayo," he reassured her, his confidence shining through.

"Cool abilities?" Max's curiosity piqued a bit. This guy had to have some loose screws in his head. Yet, Naruto had this unique aura around him that she just couldn't describe.

"Yeah, check it," Naruto raised a wounded arm at her.

Max could observe all his cuts and bruises on it, but when she looked closer, she visually see his cuts being closed and his bruises fading away. It stunned her just how fast he was healing. That shouldn't be possible at all.

"Holy crap," Max blurted out. "I've never seen anything like that before. Are you like, some superhero or something?"

"Hmmm," Naruto rubbed his chin in thought. "Nah, not really. Just a cool and super badass shinobi with awesome jutsus at his disposal." He grinned again with his hands on his hips, feeling a bit too boastful about himself.

Max couldn't help but giggle, "That sounds so ridiculous."

"It's true!"

"Whatever you say, Mr. Ninja."

"Whatever, you can choose to believe it or not," Naruto huffed, crossing his arms. His eyes then glanced down at the camera in her hands. "Are you sightseeing or something?"

Max's cheeks flushed slightly as she clutched her camera, a hint of shyness returning. "No, photography is kinda my thing. I love capturing moments, freezing them in time. It's my way of expressing myself, sounds a bit pretentious, I know."

Naruto nodded, genuine interest gleaming in his eyes, "That's really cool, Max! I could tell that you're super passionate about it."

Max's shy smile transformed into a genuine one as Naruto's words resonated with her. She felt a connection with him, a shared appreciation for the art of capturing moments.

"Oh!" Naruto had a sudden bright idea. "How about we take a picture together for something to remember?"

Max blinked in surprise, a mixture of hesitation and excitement swirling within her. "Yeah, I'd like that," she replied, a touch of shyness creeping back into her voice.

Naruto quickly motioned her to stand close to him, his arm draped around Max's shoulders and held her softly. They both looked into the camera, their smiles mirroring the genuine connection they had form.

"Say 'ramen'!" Naruto exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Ramen!" Max giggled, feeling the warmth of the moment enveloping her. She hadn't felt like this in a long time.

The flash of the camera captured their friendship in that fleeting instant, freezing it in time. It was a snapshot of two worlds colliding, of shared interests and newfound camaraderie. As Max held the developed photograph in her hands, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter. In Naruto, she found a friend who ignited her adventurous spirit and reminded her to embrace the extraordinary.

She was going to cherish this moment.

who could have possibly thought of this?

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