
Time Stop Hijinks (Worm Fanfic)

Another Worm Story I'm just now posting on HF. In which the side character Clockblocker/Dennis, who in canon has the power to stop time for things he touched, has a much more serious time power in this fic. Not my own work. Support the author at: https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

Krudy · Book&Literature
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8 Chs


Dennis stares at the screen in silence. He's been doing that for a while though, sitting in front of his computer, just staring, contemplating what he wanted to do about this. It's just… it wasn't something he should have been considering. Not in a million years. But… but he'd been challenged, hadn't he? Well, not him specifically, but Orgasmo had been challenged and he WAS secretly Orgasmo… Void_Cowboy was infamous enough on PHO that even Dennis knew of the user. He'd even had a couple of run ins with the idiot across a few of the Ward threads. The most annoying thing was how close some of the user's conspiracy theories got. It was to Dennis' benefit that Void_Cowboy had apparently never even considered that Clockblocker and Orgasmo were one in the same. But then, no one on PHO had really connected Orgasmo's power set to any sort of time-based ability as of yet. Still, Dennis couldn't take this lying down, could he? He'd been called out on the internet and even if Void_Cowboy's post had been deleted within minutes and the poster himself had been thread banned for 'provoking a villain', the challenge was still out there. After all, Dennis was staring at a screenshot of the original post right now, up in a new thread that would no doubt be removed the instance he closed the tab. The worst part, at least in Dennis' mind, was that Void_Cowboy was once again WRONG. Dennis could totally make every single girl in Winslow cum at once! It wouldn't even be that hard, maybe just a few hours of time stop and he'd have them all spazzing on the floor easily! And he could do it without being caught too. Arcadia and Winslow weren't actually that far apart, just about an hour hike, if that. Dennis didn't usually go THAT far for his sexual escapades, but he'd tested the limits of his power and as far as he knew, he could quite literally traverse the entire city while time-stopped. His ability was just that broken. And if he couldn't use it to prove dumbasses like Void_Cowboy wrong, what the hell was the point of it in the end, really?! That settled it. Dennis was going to do it. He was going to hit every single female in that damn school at once, fuck them to screaming orgasms, and put Orgasmo on the damn map as someone who is NOT to be messed with! Grinning a bit TOO evilly, the red head rubs his hands together and begins to plan out how he's going to go about things. After all, a day trip like this one will require some supplies! -x-X-x- The next day, Dennis is in the middle of the period right before lunch when he decides it's time. While he doesn't technically NEED water or food while in his time stop, there's nothing more satisfying than coming out of a long fuck session and immediately eating a warm meal. So that's what he's going to do. Ten minutes before the bell is due to ring, Dennis stops time. The classroom freezes up, but he's already out of his seat and jogging through the door as he heads down the hall towards a pair of Arcadia's exit doors. Hiking over to Winslow is a bit of a trek, but Dennis is rock hard and ready to go by the time he arrives, grinning from ear to ear and eager to get started. He comes in from the back of the school and happens to find the punk kids out back, skipping class and smoking. There's only one girl in the group, an Asian with piercings and tats galore. Dennis isn't a big fan of smokers, he hates the smell in fact… but in time stop, there is no smell. Pushing the Asian chick up against the wall, Dennis pulls down her torn black jeans and tugs his cock out of its confines. A moment later, he's plowing the alternative girl hard, grunting as he feels her tight cunt around his member. He's already pent up though of course, given just how much he's been anticipating this. In only a few minutes, Dennis cums inside of the girl with a grunt. Even as his seed spills inside of her womb, Dennis puts a few more strokes in to her, just to be sure she'll actually orgasm when he restarts time. Then, he pulls up her pants and puts her back in place before heading into Winslow with a whistle on his lips. Oh, this was going to be FUN. -x-X-x- Around halfway through the school, Dennis had stripped down to nothing but his shoes to make things at least a little easier for himself. His clothes were stuffed into his backpack and he's currently working his way through Winslow High like a damn machine. He's even fucked the female teachers and staff members that he's come across.

After all, Void_Cowboy had said every girl in Winslow… Dennis wouldn't put it past the pedantic ass to claim that leaving the faculty alone disqualified his attempt at completing the 'challenge'. Plus, he had to admit that fucking Winslow's Principal over her own desk had been highly enjoyable. Arcadia's Principal was unfortunately an old man and while the Vice Principal was a total hottie that Dennis had enjoyed at least once (away from Arcadia so as to not arouse suspicion), it was fun upgrading to the next rung on the authority figure totem pole. Walking down the hall, Dennis comes across a crowd of girls, one of which he recognizes. From the looks of things, Sophia Hess actually has FRIENDS. Who the fuck knew, right? Dennis is legitimately surprised as he walks around the frozen scene, looking at it from all angles and observing it for… posterity's sake or something. From what he can tell, Sophia is even one of the Queen Bees of this little group. Her, the red head, and the brunette. Those three girls are the ones that the rest of the crowd are focused on. They're all laughing about some joke or another… and all those wide-open mouths just makes Dennis horny all over again. He starts with the brunette and fucks her up against the nearby lockers. She's cute and all, but nothing special as he plows her tight little cunt hard from behind. Next up is the red head, which turns out to be far better than the brunette. Whoever this girl is, she's got a smoking body and a nice, soft bubble butt for Dennis to grab and grope and knead as he fucks her in a standing position, her legs raised high in the air and his hands holding her by her ass. Once he's done with her, he leaves her floating in the air for that moment and moves onto Sophia. Sophia gets fucked face down, ass up. Dennis considers taking her anally for a moment, but he figures that might cause the black girl more pain than pleasure and he won't let a petty vendetta get between him and completing Void_Cowboy's challenge. Instead, he plows her cunt just like all the rest, finding it to be far tighter than the others due to her extracurricular activities. Sophia also has a far, far firmer backside then most of the girls in the school that he's enjoyed up to this point. He enjoys smacking it, watching it barely jiggle and imagining Sophia's reaction when he restarts time. Eventually though, he cums inside of her as well and moves on. Each and every girl in the crowd gets fucked, until finally Dennis finds himself coming out the other side of the group to find a young woman he's apparently missed. She's out on the edge though, so it makes sense. In fact, all of the other girls are turned away from her, as if they're walking away while laughing, while she's just standing there looking miserable. … Dennis finally sees the full picture here. He goes back and tweaks the red head's nipples, twisting them roughly. Then he gives Sophia a slightly longer spanking as well. It's unfortunate that he can't do anything more about this. Maybe an anonymous note to Winslow's Principal about what he's just found will do the trick. Dennis can't imagine that the school faculty knows about this. Once he's done punishing the obvious bullies of this scenario, Dennis moves back to the girl and looks at her with some pity. He feels for her, knows what it's like to deal with problems like this. Unfortunately, Dennis is on a mission and he can't stop now. More than that if he left her here unmolested, he'd end up implicating HER as Orgasmo. The only way he can make things 'better' is by going in the opposite direction with this. Dennis is going to fuck this girl extra-long so she feels more pleasure than anyone else when time restarts! Grinning, Dennis pulls the poorly dressed, tall, lanky girl down to her hands and knees. He really likes her dark, curly hair, so he grabs a fist full of it when he first plants his cock inside of her cunt from behind. Fucking her doggy style is pretty fun, though she's not truly anything special. But Dennis is on a sort of sub-mission now, and that means he's going to make sure she enjoys this moment to the best of his considerable abilities. After he first cums inside of the loner girl, he goes ahead and pulls one of her legs over his shoulder, bringing her up onto her side of sorts and giving himself much better access to her hole. Whoever this is, she's certainly tight as fuck. Not quite as tight as the athletic Sophia, but she has some muscles to her and it translates to her cunt as he rails into her hard and fast. Grunting, Dennis thrusts forward again and again, until finally he fills her with another load. At this point, the red head figures one more release from him ought to do it. He certainly hasn't cum inside anyone else three times at this point. Still, he kind of wants to go unorthodox with this last fuck. Getting a bit creative, Dennis utilizes the brokenness of his time stop powers in order to bend the tall girl over into a backwards bridge just to see how she looks. The pose completely erases her small gut and makes her look very enticing indeed. Grinning, Dennis grabs for the loner's legs and pulls them up and apart, driving his cock into her cunt and fucking her all the harder as her hands support her body from below. Not that it matters, Emma is still hanging in midair behind him where he left her. In fact, the entire crowd of Taylor's bullies, not that Dennis knows their names or her names, is in varying degrees of undress and freshly fucked. It's a moment that would have made Taylor incredibly happy to see… but in the end, she won't get to, because Dennis will have to fix up everyone and put them back in place before he moves on. Dennis groans, able to go all the way to the bullied girl's cervix in this new pose. It feels amazing, her cunt wrapped around his dick, surprisingly better than most of the girls he's already fucked in Winslow so far. But all good things come to an end and after a few minutes more, Dennis cums a final, third time inside of the curly haired young woman. Once he pulls out, he takes a moment to catch his breath and then he sets about fixing everyone up, now that he's essentially 'cleared' this hallway. After that's done, Dennis continues on his way and clears out room after room. No woman is left untouched and though it takes Dennis more than eight hours of time stop to fuck every pussy in the entire high school, he eventually does, even making one last sweep to be sure he hasn't missed anyone, and to reminisce just a little. He makes sure to grope and play with the Sophia's friend's gorgeous rack one last time on his way out and he gives Sophia herself another pair of smacks across her toned, athletic black ass. Then he places a tender kiss on loner girl's soft, pliable lips. With that done, Dennis leaves Winslow behind and heads back to Arcadia. After getting dressed again, Dennis plops down into his seat, makes sure everything is perfect and then finally restarts time. He likes to imagine that he can almost hear the screams of ecstasy exploding from Winslow High all the way from here. Unfortunately, not all of Dennis' plan survives contact with the enemy. Two minutes before his sweet, delicious lunch period, a call over the intercom comes in for him and several other students to report to the Principal's office. Unfortunately, it looks like his plan has resulted in an "all hands-on deck" situation. Whoopsie. -x-X-x- Back at Winslow, Taylor Hebert was just trying to mind her own business. The last few minutes had been a pretty shitty day for her though. Emma and her posse were currently walking away from her, having verbally lambasted her in every possible way they could. She felt like shit and they were laughing their damn asses off over it. And then it started. The screams from all over the school hit their ears in the same instant that the pleasure hit their bodies and they too began to scream. Every girl in the hallway fell to their faces, cumming their brains out and ruining their panties and their pants as they lay there, spasming and shaking and seizing up from the experience. Across the entirety of Winslow High, every girl and woman was experiencing this and every boy and man was watching in wide eyed shock. One particular boy in particular had a pale face as he tried and failed not to take enjoyment from the spectacle before him. Greg Veder knew he should have regretted provoking the villain Orgasmo into doing this… but he couldn't bring himself to mind. Still, he was afraid his hard on would swiftly become noticeable and that would be incredibly embarrassing in a moment like this. Little did Greg know, every man was currently struggling with the same issue and similar thoughts about the bulges quickly developing as they stare at the sight of beautiful women of all ages orgasming nonstop in front of them. Back in the hall, Taylor's eyes are rolled back in her head, her tongue is out of her skull and she's continuously crying out in ecstasy as her pussy spasms from orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. She humps at the floor harshly, no longer thinking about the bullying that had taken place just moments before. Life isn't so shitty anymore, in fact in that blissed out moment, with the strange sensation of soft, tender ghost lips on her own, Taylor feels like life just might be pretty damn wonderful~