
Time Should Tell

Harry Potter; The Boy Who Lived isn't actually who he thought he was.

Faolan_Skinner · Book&Literature
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2 Chs


Harry blinks in surprise at Allüren's preferred way of travel to Diagon Alley," right up ahead for your inheritance" Allüren says as he marches ahead, the wizards and witches in the street pause in their tracks to look at the new face that is being tailed by the boy who lived," Allüren, why am I to get an inheritance check?" Harry asks softly as he follows the animagus to Gringotts," do you have that letter?" Allüren asks in response, making Harry huff in annoyance.

Upon approaching the bank Allüren opens a door and gestures for Harry to go first," ah Mister Potter" a goblin says as he approaches the boy," I'm to get an inheritance check..." Harry says as he looks at the goblin," is there an adult with you?" To that Harry nods as Allüren walks in after making sure the two weren't being followed," formalities done? Yes? Good, lets get this over with" Allüren says while looking at the goblin, who only nods in understanding of the urgency of the matter.

Harry looks up at Allüren in confusion," right, this way" the goblin says as he walks towards a seperate room for them, Allüren follows after the goblin letting Harry tail behind him," what will I have to do?" Harry asks as he looks at Allüren," the goblin will explain" Allüren says softly as he stops and moves Harry to be in front of him.

Eventually the group of three stop at a desk, the goblin moves to sit in the chair on the other side of the desk," please sit Mister Potter" the goblin says as he gestures to the only other chair in the office space, Harry sits down and he can't help but look at the decals and crownings of the room," now Mister Potter, hold your hand out and cut the tip of your finger with the dagger before, then once you've done that allow three or four drops of your blood to touch this piece of special parchment" the goblin explains as he puts a piece of parchment on the desk.

Harry nods as he looks at the dagger on the desk, the only decoration the dagger has is on the hilt, he takes note of the same druid's mark as the wax seal, but this time it's carved into a stone on the hilt," three or four, then the results appear" Harry says to himself as he picks the dagger up and cuts the tip of his finger, after three drops of blood the cut starts to heal and elegant writing appears on the parchment.

Blinking in astonishment, Harry looks at the parchment in slight disbelief as his eyes scan the writing.

Full Name: Lillian Kaikala Lumina

Age: Twelve

Gender: Male

Race: Unknown

Blood Status: Royal born

Mother: Queen Ashley Hazel Lumina

Father: King Xander Troy Lumina

Godmother: Grace Harvey

Godfather: Allüren Carlilda

Soulmate: Draco Malfoy

Harry looks up at Allüren with questions swimming around inside his head," your parents will explain everything, I suck at explanations kid" Allüren chuckles with an embarrassed air to him, Harry smiles softly as he nods," alright, can we get something to eat?" Harry asks as he stands up from the chair," of course we can, can't let you get hungry" Allüren says with a smile on his face," then I shall grant you not only a money pouch to carry the necessary currency needed for the day and for your school supplies, but also this dagger" the goblin states as he hands over a pouch and the dagger," the dagger should return to where it came from, and it should be in your hands, not ours."


Allüren looks at Harry with a small smile on his face," what would you like to be called?" Allüren asks tentatively," I want to be known as Lillian Kaikala Lumina instead of Harry James Potter, Lillian can be shortened to Lian, Kaikala can be shortened to Kai and those can be my nicknames" Harry says as he looks up at Allüren," very well then Lillian, would you also like to get a new wand?"

Lillian smiles as he nods his head," all right then, lets go to a wand shop called North Wind, it's not in Diagon Alley but you should have a wand from your actual home" Allüren says absentmindedly as he leads Lillian out of the Alley and to the main streets of London," I'll still be going to Hogwarts... Right?" Lillian asks as he follows Allüren," of course, your parents had planned for you to go to Hogwarts, just not as the boy who lived."