
Time Shell

24 year-old Helen Shamford stumbles upon a strange man who has the ability to travel through time using a watch.

FranceBautista · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter II - Enygma

Helen decided to run back home to process things, but Enygma would not allow her to go alone for the sake of her protection. The creatures wanted something from Helen and Enygma must keep her safe at all costs. Enygma followed Helen to her home.

"How long will you try to keep me safe?" asked Helen.

"As long as it takes" answered Enygma.

"And if you die?"

"I don't care if I die, I care about whether or not you will continue to be safe even if I was gone. Now rest, I will explain everything tomorrow"

"I'm not sleepy"

Enygma, without a warning, waved his hand infront of Helen once more and in a snap relaxed her head and she was now asleep. Helen woke up the next morning to see Enygma sitting on the kitchen table waiting for her.

"Okay, tell me everything"

"Good morning to you too, let's go somewhere I don't feel paranoid"

"I need my breakfast first"

"I know a place, but you're gonna see spoilers from your future"

"Enlighten me"

"When were spoilers ever enlightening? Well any-how" he opened the hologram calender and clock from his fobwatch and tapped and swiped around it. Their enviromented lit up to reveal the inside of a restaurant's private dining room. A french man wearing a tuxedo opened the door upon their arrival.

"Monsieour Fezmaster!" said he, in his astonishment. His french accent getting in the way "Nobody mentioned your arrival"

"Yeah, sorry" said Enygma "In a bit of a rush, Mr. Gabriel. The usual please. Same for this lovely confused lady"

"Oui" said Gabriel, closing the door.

" 'Fezmaster' ?" asked Helen in curiousity.

"In the future, there will be names that are randomly generated. Just like what happened to humor"

"Where did you take me?"

"You mean the cliched crap ' 'When' did you take me?' "

"Just answer the question"

"I took you to the year 3089. I'm pretty popular here. Not just this restaurant, but the city also"

"I bet"

"I'll show you later. Ah, Gabriel!"

The french waiter arrived raising two plates with what was quite possibly the most gorgeous and rich food Helen had ever seen. Instead of a simple Lobster on a plate, it had perfectly cooked steak surrounding a Turkey over salad. But that was just the normal part of the food. There were also unfamiliar dressings and pieces of what looked like meat and vegetables, but she was sure they were not.

"Bon appetite" said Gabriel before leaving

"Try it" said Enygma. Helen did as he insisted and upon tasting the smallest bit, she felt as it fireworks were lit. It was the most delicious food she had ever tasted.

"What do you think?" asked Enygma

"This shit is amazing!" responded Helen


"Sorry, I don't know how to describe it, it's amazing! And these ones. I don't recall them, what are they made of?" she munched the unfamiliar food so bad.

"They are made of the blood and bits of pieces of my enemies. Like the octopus-looking thing that were, or probably still are, out to get you"

Helen stopped munching for a second to process what she was consuming, fortunately she continued due its flavor and her hunger. Enygma munched with her. He eventually waited for her to finish before he can begin to explain. She was stuffed when Enygma could finally begin.

"As you may know by now, I am a time traveller" he began "I cannot remember anything from my past which is pretty ironic. But I do know that we are not alone in this universe. And of course we're not, to me it makes no sense to be the only lifeform that exists in the universe"

"Those octopus-looking things were aliens?"

"You don't get into any form of media, do you? it should've been obvious when you saw one beam to appear. No living being on earth could do that, not even the most prehistoric of all creatures. They are called Zurcons. Very sci-fi-ish for their race"

"Why did they attack me?"

"They were looking for something and you have it. Speaking of-. Get down!"

Enygma pulled down Helen as fast as possible under the table before witnessing a smoke grenade shatter the glass to the inside and rolling toward them. Enygma took off his red hoody to cover the grenade, preventing most of the smoke from coming out. Out the window, a group of Zarcons slither close.

"How did they track me?" asked Enygma "I already modified my watch to be untraceable, and my clothes, I modified from normal human clothes. Unless- Helen!"


"Give me your shirt"

"What?!" shouted Helen

"I won't look!"


Enygma turned around with one hand covering his eyes and one outstretched to grab the shirt. He clenched as soon as he felt the soft garment on his palm. With his back still turned away from Helen, he pointed his fob watch on the shirt to scan for abnornalities. He found a tracking device the size of an ant and, with another press of a button from his watch, triggered a buzzing sound which caused the tracking device to deactivate and fall down. Enygma stretched his hand behind to return Helen's shirt. The Zarcons slid in from the the broken window to attack Enygma to get to Helen. Slimey were the tentacles that wrapped around Enygma while another Zarcon slid in. With his still free hands, he punched the Zarcon on the eye repeatedly until it felt enough pain to release Enygma.

"Get us out of here!" cried Helen "Use your time watch"

"I need to send these crackheads to oblivion!" explained Enygma "If I don't, they will continue to kill anything that comes their way!"

"Just use your watch!"

"Not until I send them to oblivion!" without a second thought, Enygma blasted the Zarcon with his watch to disintigrate it.

The other Zarcon quickly waved its uncanny tentacles to wrap Helen like a snake but before it could, Enygma blasted it with his watch.

"Couldn't have done that earlier?" asked Helen

"The blaster feature of this hunk-a-junk needs to reload every two shots. Now c'mon, let's go somewhere else" he, once again, tapped and swiped around his watch and they blast off to another time and place.