

London and Emerald, two orphans, two girls from different families raised as sisters. They once used to be normal girls, until one day they found out that they had powers, but with those powers also came enemies their goal was the golden hourglass, which would allow them to travel back to the past and retrieve what was taken, but time isn't meant to change, London and Emerald have to fight against that evil in order to protect their family and beloved ones, and of course save time itself. A lot of hardships follows them making them lose hope and almost give up. Will they be able to save time or will they fail trying?

EmeraldMoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


It had been a week since they found out about their powers, but even so Emerald still couldn't believe it. Every time that she got excited, scared or angry, a powerful wind would appear, it was as if the wind itself had those same feelings as her, like they were one. She was excited, but also scared of her powers, of herself actually, she couldn't control her power yet, so what if she lost control and hurt someone? Thoughts like that were always at her mind. She tried to control her emotions the best she could but still the fear was always there. Even so she tried to hide it and kept on smiling. She wanted to be strong, not for her but for London, she thought that by smiling she would show her that everything was okay, even when it wasn't. Ever since that incident, London got depressed, of course she had every right to be, she killed someone, she even tried to go to the police and tell them that she did it, she killed him, but Emerald wouldn't let her.

She locked herself at her room, barely eating, she only got out of her room in order to go to the bathroom. She didn't want to go to school, so she had to lie, making her foster parents really worry. They tried to talk to her but she shot them down.

Every night she would see the same nightmare, her blades inside that man's body. He fall down and his blood created a red sea that drown London. Inside that sea of blood, she would see all her friend's and family's dead bodies, they were killed at the same way as that man. By her blades, or rather say by her. that's when she would wake up, breathless and bathed by cold sweat.

She wanted to scream for help but she couldn't, simple because she didn't have a voice for that. It was as if she never had a voice to begin with. That was the feeling she had every time she woke up from that horrible nightmare. All her fears were suffocating her. She thought herself as a freak, one that shouldn't exist.

She tried to break her blades at her wrist with a hacksaw but Emerald stopped her. She even thought of suicide, she killed a man so she thought that she would be forgiven if she was to give her own life for the life she had taken. But Emerald stopped her that time too, but Emerald couldn't see the blood at her hands, even when she washed it away for many times, it would still be there. No one else could see it but it was there, it may had been invincible for everyone else but not for her. That man's blood was always there staining her hands. She couldn't bear to look them so she wore gloves, but the blood would stain them as well. She was losing her mind, and who wouldn't? she couldn't handle the situation she thought she was all alone.

Emerald felt the same way but she kept silent of her fears. London needed more help than her and Emerald would be there for her because in a way she knew how she felt, how scared she was and terrified of what she might become or have become. She didn't think of herself, she only thought of London and how she needed help. She was such a child and she didn't even realize it, until it was too late. The gap between them was already made, and she didn't even notice. The only way to close the gap and to bring London back to her senses would be if Emerald shared her fears with her, to show her that she understands her, but she thought otherwise. <bearing her with my fears will make her worst> she would say that every time she would go to London's room. Truth is she wanted to tell her so bad but she was afraid. She was afraid that she would do things worse for her. She tried to talk to London, she tried to convince her to go back to school but she was shot down every time. Even then though she would be there for her even when she was shot down and told to leave, she wouldn't. she wanted to help London, and she would one way or another.

-London please open your door. Emerald begged her.

-Leave me alone Emerald.

-no, I won't. She sighed. I want to help you, why can't you let me do that? London jumped out of her bed, she walked furious towards her door, opened it and said.

-Because you can't, you don't know how I feel and how much it hurts every time those fucking blades come out, the pain of your both hands being open and from inside them rises blades sharper and harder than any steel and sure as hell you don't know how it feels to have someone's blood at your hands. Not being able to wash it away, or to sleep at night. Her angry and tired eyes were locked on Emerald, she felt as she was stabbed, she wanted to help and keep hidden her fears but she couldn't, not anymore.

-That's what you think, but you have no idea how much I suffer. I may have not killed anyone but sure as hell I know the pain of my powers. My body is being paralyzed every time I use them, the fact that I have to suppress all my emotions in order NOT to lose control, the fear of what might happen if I lose control, the fear of what I may become or the fact that I don't have anyone to share those fears with. So yeah, I know the feeling, we have that much in common I just hide my fears in order to help you. So, don't tell me I don't understand you when it's clearly you who doesn't understand me!! London could hear a powerful wind from outside the entire time that Emerald was talking. The wind got powerful every time she raised her voice, it was as if it tried to brake the windows and go to its mistress so it could hurt whoever hurt her. It was then when she realized that even if Emerald didn't carry the blood of a man in her hands, which actually made London happy, the fact that she didn't had to feel all that suffering from becoming a monster. Emerald was still in the same position as her, they were forced to carry the responsibilities of their powers and all the fears they had. She was the only one that could understand her, how foolish of her to think she was all alone, all this time she had someone right beside her, supporting her, but she let her down because she couldn't notice all the pain she had to shoulder on. She wasn't there for her when she needed her instead, she was locked inside her room trembling of the monster she had inside her, inside her head.

-I was such an idiot, I can see that now, i focused solely at my problems forgetting you had to deal with the exact same problems as me, with the same fears as me. I should have known that you will hide away your fears so you can make me feel better, after all that's what you always do. I'm sorry. Emerald stare at her friend with blurry eyes, she was about to cry. <Why did I hide my pain away?> she thought.

-I was so lonely, I thought that if I hide my own fears away, I would be able to help you, but I was left all alone, I didn't have anyone to talk to and I had to pretend that everything was fine when it wasn't. she said with tears streaming down at her cheeks.

-And I didn't help much either since I continuously kept you in a distance.

-it's my fault too since I was the one not to open up and keep everything for myself, so I am sorry as well for being such a child and for forgetting that I had a sister that could help me. She said wiping her tears away. London gave a small compassionate smile at her, afterwards she gave her a hug.

After almost two weeks London was back at school, but still she was worried of what may happen if her blades were to come out while being at school.

-Will you relax already? Everything is going to be fine you just need to keep calm.

-Easy for you to say, you don't have blades. She looked over at Emerald and saw her expression to change. I'm sorry, I'm just anxious.

-I know. Emerald said while sighing. But being anxious and worried won't help you, it will only make things worst for you. Not to mention that it's bad for the skin, you are going to have wrinkles and we are only eighteen years old.

-You're right. That reminds me, this is our last year at high school. What are we going to do with college?

-Well with the grades you have you can enter whichever school you want, including medical school.

-I was talking mostly about you. I know what I want to study, so how about you?

-I never really gave much thought into it. But with my grades… Emerald didn't feel the need to finish her sentence.

-what about a veterinary medicine? You always said that you loved animals.

-That's true but I need higher grades, and besides there is a difference between I love and cutting them open for a surgery. The first bell rang and all the kids started to head towards their classrooms. Anyway, I have bio so I'm going that way.

-Aright but Emerald do me a favor and think about it.

-I will. She yelled at her while waving her hand for goodbye.

At her way to the biology lab she sensed someone watching her. she looked around but saw nothing. She got goosebumps and not in a good way. As the hours past, she could still feel someone's eyes all over her, stalking her, watching her every move. She hoped that she was just imaging things, but she knew that wasn't the case.

-did you ever got the feeling that someone is watching you? She asked Bony.

-Emerald you are at high school, someone is always watching you and gossiping you.

-I meant it in a creepier way, as if someone is stalking you.

-maybe it's because you dye your hair

-half of the school dyed their hair, including you and London and besides my hair are just an ordinary dark red London's hair are silver, now that's what I call eye catching.

-True… maybe is just your imagination then.

-I certainly hope so.

-Do you have archery classes today? Because if you don't then we can go for shopping. Along with London of course. She asked her changing the subject.

-I would love to, but I have archery classes. Why don't you and London go instead

-It's better when the three of us are together. She said with a disappointing tone in her voice. But it can't be helped, I suppose is going to be just me and London for today. Emerald couldn't help but to giggle at her friend.

At her way for her archery class, her mind traveled back to that boy, to the boy with those weird yet beautiful eyes. She wondered if she could she him again. Ever since that night she couldn't stop thinking about him, along with other things, he was the last memory of that night, the night she and London got their powers. <What did he do to those men? And was he the one that took us back to our rooms?> her mind wonder. As she was walking, she came upon him. He was wearing a school uniform she never saw before. It was almost ordinary, black trousers, white shirt, black jacket and a two-tone tie black and dark red but what was eye-catching was the symbol of the school. She only caught a glimpse of it but she recognized it.

The boy was running away from some other boys that were chasing him. As he was passing by her side, their eyes met, he whispered something to her, but at the moment she didn't understand as she was focused at his eyes. He smiled at her, then lighting appeared inside his eyes. She thought that it was breath-taking. Afterwards he disappeared leaving behind him a trail of lighting that soon disappeared. She kept on looking that empty road <he has powers too>

-darn it. A boy's voice interrupted her thoughts. We lost him

-how were we suppose to know that his power is superspeed? Another boy told him hoping that he could calm him down. The expressions of those boys were the same as a beast's that just lost its prey.

A tall blonde boy with curls came through the other boys and extended his hand saying.

-Hello my name is Lucas and I believe your name is Emerald Ashla? Am I correct or am I mistaken you for someone else?

<How did this guy know my name? is he the one who is stalking me? No if he was stalking me he wouldn't have an uncertain look, like that> her mind traveled back to her encounter with that boy. His words reach Emerald, he told her to trust them, but why? And should she trust him? Well he technically saved hers and London's lives, but still had her doughs. Even so her heart told her to trust him and so she did.