
Chapter 1: first mission gone wrong

Fifteen minutes before lift off…

General Mærs has just given me my very first birthday Present in 45,443 years. I've now been staring at it with tears in my Eyes for thirteen minutes. Finally, I decide that if I'm ever going to experience this again, that the only way would be to join the Military once again. I then start following General Mærs to what started out as a 10' x 50' Metal Boombox, then it turned into a Zeppelin-size Plane that started from the entrance and spanned into the pure darkness of the Cave. Not only did the size of the Plane shock me, But the whole Interior spanned the entire Plane from front to back. I turned to General Mærs to tell him about my level of Impression when almost Immediately, he raised his hand in order to keep the silence and because of the many years of military experience that I have, I stayed silent until he gave me permission to speak. Immediately, the two extra minutes turned into both of us nodding in agreement that it was safe to take off.


One hour after leaving the Granite Cave, I had to take over the Pilot seat for General Mærs so he could build up his energy levels for the next day. Thirty minutes later, I had to use my Werewolf Clairvoyance and enhanced night vision in order to stay in the air and still be able to find our Destination. Another thirty minutes later, We finally reached our Destination. The Military Base, When viewed from the Sky, Completely blends in with the rest of the Landscape. As I was approaching the Military Landing Pit, I woke up General Mærs with an earsplitting howl that would have originally been heard for approximately 7 miles if I had been Outside.


"Well, How am I supposed to know that if You… don't… TELL MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted back at General Mars the same way President George Washington yelled at me after I survived his one and only Werewolf Hanging. After he helped me land and park the Plane, We both got out of the plane and stared each other down for what felt like eternity, but then I remembered that I already know what eternity feels like.

"You guys can have your staring contest later. Right now, we are having MAJOR Issues with Randy!"

As we entered the base, there was a huge that I swear sounded very familiar. As we went through the metal doors, My Werewolf senses activated and I Immediately pinned down the cause of destruction; A skunk, a.k.a., Randy Lythnęse. I struggled with him for a surprising two hours, Which usually never happens when I get Involved in things like this. After he gave up, He went from being a black and white furball to a 5'6" Native Alaskan Man. We both stood up and stared at each other for another five minutes, then departed into the General's Main Office. Just as I had guessed, General Mærs was sitting behind his desk going through a lot of paperwork. We stood in the same spot for thirty minutes before he finally spoke.

"I'm guessing you won't be doing what you just did again Mr. Lythnęse?"

"No sir."

"Good. Go to bed now son. As you have already noticed, We have a big day on our heads tomorrow." The moment the door closed, General Mærs looked up and stared at me. After a while, he finally spoke up and said, "You do realize why I challenged you to a staring contest, right?"

"Because no one has ever used that shouting technique in the military force in over fourteen thousand years, sir."

"Exactly. Now, go choose a Dorm. I want you to get some proper sleep tonight. Like I said to Randy, we have a big day on our heads tomorrow." Without another word, I let him be in his Office and scouted the rest of the area before finding the Dormitory Hallway. I looked in the first Bedroom to find it full. I had just finished looking in the fifth bedroom when I heard someone trying to get my attention. I turned towards his direction and he told me to come in his Dorm. When I went Inside, I saw a Whole bunch of science Projects and Objects on one half of the room and the other half of the room looked like a history Museum. I obviously went over to the history side and while I was looking at the Books and Posters, I heard a Girl say, "I thought only Veterans were interested in U.S. history?"

"He's obviously the only Teenager who's actually interested in that crap!!!"

"Get down and and give me 200!!!" I exclaimed.

"He's not serious is he? I mean, he's only fourteen years old!" I walked over to him until I was three Inches away from his face.

"Not even close, Buddy! Now, If you don't want me to make it 2 sets, Then I suggest that you get down and give me 200 push ups!"

He got down and started doing arch push ups, So I sat on his back until it was completely straight.


Early in the morning at 4:15, Everyone got up and went into the Gym to find General Mærs and I staring at each other and we continued staring for another three hours before General Mærs finally blinked.

"Is it over yet?!!!" Exclaimed Shila.

"Is what over?" Asked General Mærs.

"The staring contest!!!" Exclaimed Charlotte.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." General Mærs said quietly.

"Yes you do!!! We've been watching you guys since 4:15 in the morning!!!" Nathan protested.

"Yea, we have. Which means you guys started at 2:00 in the morning!!!" Everyone turned and stared at Artholiœ with suspicion.

"Hey! Jonathan made me do 200 push ups with 100% accuracy for 45 minutes!!!"

*Continued suspicion*

"1:00-1:45 A.M.!!!"

"He's telling the truth. we're sharing our dorm with him, Which was your idea Artholiœ. Natural consequences." .................................

"Ok. Now, I'm pretty sure all of you know what we do when we get new people on the team. As usual, we're starting with Hannah."

"Hi, my name is Hannah Písa Roccký, I am 12,423 years old and I am a spirit bender."

"Hi, my name is Jed Wêssén Roccký, I am 12,421 years old and I am a magnetism manipulator."

"Hi, my name is Daniella Pompeii Roccký, I am 12,419 years old and I am invulnerable."

"Hi, my name is Rìko Pabló Concēre Cordóva, I am 2,443 years old and I'm a day walking Vampire."

"Hi, my name is Māko Nagasaki Latœsckı, I am also 2,443 years old and I'm a Unicorn blood holder."

"Hi, my name is Randy Vakôlell Lythnęse, I am also 2,443 years old and I'm a Shapeshifter."

"Hi, my name is Aali Perró yègo, I'm also 2,443 years old and I'm an air and fire Bender."

"Hi, my name is Lylian Ampêll Dıcełfýre, I am 84 years old and I have an O.T.C. IQ."

"Hi, my name is Artholiœ Torró Dıcełfýre, I am 94 years old and I have a superior O.T.C. IQ."

"Hi, my name is Shila Midstie Phloid, I am 12,440 years old and I'm a gravity Bender."

"Hi, my name is Phidelia Nezûle Phloid, I am 2,283 years old and I am a portal Bender and have immortality."

"Hi, my name is Nathan Artûle Phloid, I am 12,442 years old and I'm a time and space Bender.

"Hi my name is Timy Porteal Phloid, I am 12,447 years old and I'm a Time and portal bender and I'm Immortal."

"Hi, my name is Raski Middleton Phloid, I am 13,000 years old, I am the father of Nathan and Shila Phloid and I'm a star bender.

"Hi, my name is Sallie Vancuvére ıcbërg, I am 87 years old and I have O.T.C. strength and speed."

"Hi, my name is Logyn Scott ıcbërg, I am 77 years old and I'm a Black hole escape Artist."

"Hi, my name is Blinn Vârkøule ıcbërg, I am 74 years old and I'm an ice and flame Bender."

"Hi, my name is Ryki Cambridge Skøtzwürth, I am 100 years old and I have 1200x superior O.T.C. Quantum knowledge."

"Hi, my name is Leyla Compton Skøtzwürth, I am 98 years old and I have 600x superior O.T.C. Quantum knowledge."

"Hi, my name is Masyn Liall Skøtzwürth, I am 95 years old and I have 300x superior O.T.C. Quantum knowledge."

"Hi, my name is Dilyla Brâdý Skøtzwürth, I am 93 years old and I have 150x superior O.T.C. Quantum knowledge."

"Hi, my name is Daniel De Franc Bonapartè, I am 13,645 years old and I am a Human Calculator."

"Hi, my name is Charlotte Vérités et Mensonges Dracûl, I am 13,889 years old and I have Telepathy and Mind control."

"Hi, my name is Jason Français Dracûl, I am 13,645 years old and I have 557x superior O.T.C. IQ."

"Very good. Now, You have to give us every single piece of information about who you are and where you came from."

"Hi, my name is Jonathan Verde et ment Ærdýll, I am an unknown breed of Werewolf and I am known throughout the whole world as the "Immortal Warrior Veteran"


"You forgot to tell us how old you are!!!" Exclaimed Artholiœ.

*Continued pause*

"That can't be Possible!!!" Exclaimed Dan.

"I know!!! Timy and I are the only ones in this base that are Immortal!!!" Claimed Phidelia.

"Aw no." said Randy.

"He wouldn't be called the "Immortal Warrior Veteran" if the Whole world didn't know about him. Either way, you weren't listening Phidelia. Dan said "that can't be possible."

"OH NO!!!" Yelled Sallie.

"Jonathan has been fighting for our Country for 13,843 years!" Exclaimed Lylian.

Everyone turned towards Lylian as she blushed.

"History!!!" She exclaimed while trying to hide her Embarrassment.

"Ok!" Yelled General Mærs Impatiently.

"At least tell us what year you were born in so Dan can use his mathematical mind blower!!!"

I took a deep breath and calmly said, "80,000 B.C."

Almost Instantly, Dan yelled, "HOLY CRAP!! HE'S WAY OLDER THAN PHIDELIA AND TIMY!!!"


"95,443 YEARS!!!"

At the same time, everyone else yelled, "HOLY CRAP!!!"


Later that day, Nathan, Shila, Raski and I were practicing on using our powers. Shila reached the goal of breaking four or more bones in my body, which healed at a very fast and painful rate. General Mærs then kept Nathan and Shila in a Power-proof safe room with power-proof windows. Raski reached his goal of disintegrating my body all the way down into bone marrow except for a very small portion of flesh, which turned into an extremely painful healing process. Now, Nathan has been having a lot of difficulty reaching his goal, which is traveling 95,943 years into the past.

"It's extremely hard!!! Nathan claimed. "The farthest I have ever traveled is 2,400 years into the past, and now you're trying to make me travel 95,943 years!!! I don't think it's even possible to travel that far back in time!!!"

"It is Possible, because my brother is also a time and space Bender and he traveled all the way back to when the Earth was being created, which at that time, it was 1.2 billion years in the past. If my brother can travel to the creation Process of the Earth, Then that means you can travel back 500 years before Jonathan was even born. Now, Enough complaining. I want this process completed before I send all of you out on your first mission. Lesson Dismissed!"

After General Mærs left the training room, I walked over to Nathan and quietly said, "Meet me in this room at 2:30 am sharp. I'm going to give you some extra help on your time travelling."


"Just meet at that time and you'll find out."


When both hands on the clock hit two thirty, The door of the training room opened. At first, I thought it was General Mærs on the other side of the door, but it turned out to be Nathan.

"So, How are you going to help me with my time travelling?

"I'm going to transfer all of my memories into your mind."

"Ok, I guess?"


"Holy cow, you really do have a lot of memories!"

"That was every single piece of detailed memory of my experience of life. Now, I want you to remember every single memory that I transferred to you. Can you do that?"

"Definitely!" Nathan exclaimed.




"Ok Nathan." said General Mærs.

"we're starting from the top."

Once again, we all linked arms and as Nathan started concentrating, I transferred all of my memories to him. Almost as fast as it started, We landed At July 31, 79,999 bc at 11:20pm.

"Where on Earth did you take us Nathan!!!" yelled General Mærs. Before any of us could start guessing, we immediately heard someone running upstairs, which actually made my mind start racing, and then i realized what year Nathan took us to.

"Hey, follow me, and keep your voices down. I might have an idea of where we might be."

I immediately lead them upstairs and then I lead them slowly through the hallway until we stopped at the only door in the hallway; My Bedroom. I stopped them and pressed my finger up against my lips, then I slowly opened the door. when I opened the door enough to let the others see, the sight that we received was horrendous. Right in front of us was a tall and bloodied skeletal figure covered in a Hell-black hooded robe. The skeleton man pulled out a vile that was filled with a blood-red liquid that showed a small tint of dark green on the sides of the vile. As we were watching him pour the liquid into my one year old self's mouth, General Mærs and Raski immediately had to prevent shila from attempting to stop the skeleton man from accomplishing his plan. Once the skeleton man was satisfied with the success, he immediately covered himself with a thick cloud of black smoke and vanished. At 12:00 am on August 1, 79,999 bc, we finally saw the potion put its action into effect. After a lot of bone cracking and body shifting, my one year old self went from being human to being what is and has always been my "unknown werewolf breed."


"I gotta admit, THAT WAS BLOODY BRILLIANT!!!" yelled General Mærs excitingly.

"More like extremely gruesome-looking and extremely gruesome actions!!!" yelled Shila.

"Yea, but Jonathan would of gone into limbo if you had stopped death!!!" yelled Nathan.

"Nathan, how do you even know who that was?!!" raski asked surprisingly.

"I've seen him. I accidentally time traveled right in front of him, he is an evil man." Nathan said.

"doesn't matter now." General Mærs said while breathing heavily.

"What does matter right now is----"

All of a sudden, General Mærs' voice was drained out by Shila screaming.



Two weeks later…

"The last thing I remember before passing out completely was Shila looking over to me and then screaming something that got your attention."

I said to General Mærs in an extremely hoarse and raspy voice.

"Ok. As soon as we figure out exactly what's keeping most of your body paralyzed, we'll figure out a cure and once we find that cure and it officially kicks into your system, we'll figure out a way to strengthen your mind. Comprende?"

"Compren---, Com---"



2 hours later…

"How is he doing General Mærs?" Lylian asked with worry. General Mærs responded sadly, "His status is---"





The next morning, I woke up to Sallie screaming, "LOGYN AND BLINN ARE DOWN!!!"

Then five minutes later, I heard Sallie yell, "I'M GOING TO KILL THAT MURDEROUS, COLD-BLOODED WOLF MAN!!!"

Next thing I know, I hear Sallie start running to the emergency security room, so I stood up and started waiting for Sallie to barge through the metal security doors.


Then, before I could react, I found myself entangled with Sallie trying to cut all my limbs off.



"How do you know all that information, Nathan?!" asked Sallie surprised.

"I study a lot about the new recruits powers and life through time travel." After a few moments, Sallie looked back at me trying to decide whether to continue her attack or to abandon the mission.

"First off, I'm very, very sorry about your siblings and second, being a Werewolf is a true curse mainly because of the whole immortality situation, which adds up to an infinite killing spree."


"You're extremely lucky because you got to receive a full apology. It is extremely difficult to apologize for killing someone's family member because most of the time, I end up eliminating the whole family." After ten extra minutes of laying on the emergency security room floor, Sallie leaned towards me and whispered,

"I forgive you"

and then leaned closer and pressed her lips against mine. ..............................…..

"Ok, your moment is up Sallie!!!" Lylian said in that tone that usually makes people embarrassed after they've been caught kissing their crush.

"You are truly unpredictable, Sallie Vancuvére ıcbërg." General Mærs said in a tired and groggy voice.

"Yes. I always forgive people no matter what they do to me.


6 months later…

"Alright everyone. Are all of you ready to go on your first mission?"

All of a sudden, everyone yelled at the same time, "YES SIR!!!"

"All right. Groups of five. Randy Lýthnęse, Aali yègo, Artholiœ and Lylian Dıcełfýre, and Phidelia Phloid."

"Ryki, Lyela, Masyn, Dilyla scøtzwürth, and Daniel Bonapartè."

"Māko Latœskı, Jed, Hannah, Daniella Roccký and Jason Dracûl."

"Raski Phloid, Ríko Cordóva, Charlotte Dracûl, Shila Phloid and Sallie ıcbërg."

"Jonathan ærdýll and Nathan Phloid, You two will go out as a Secret weapons team for each mission, Comprende? "Then at the same time, we both said, "COMPRENDE!!!"


2 hours after lift off…

"Are we there yet?!!!" Asked Randy for the twenty-seventh time.

"For the 50th time Randy---," Exclaimed Shila, followed with an interruption.

"Twenty-seven!!!" I yelled.

"WHATEVER!!!" Screamed Shila.

All of a sudden, The plane started to make a huge shuttering noise and 30 seconds later, The plane started falling.

"OK SHILA, I'M SORRY!!! IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!!!" I yelled apologetically. But when I looked over to her, I saw that she was in a very deep gravitational trance.

"WE'RE DEAD MEAT FOR SURE!!!" Yelled Nathan in a frightened tone.



"MISSION TEAM COUNT!!!" Yelled General mærs.

"One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… Eight… Nine… Ten… Eleven… Twelve… Thirteen… Fourteen… Fifteen… Sixteen… Seventeen… Eighteen… Nineteen…"

"JONATHAN ÆRDÝLL!!!" Screamed Sallie.

I was being crushed from the immense weight of the Zeppelin-size plane.

"I'm being crushed from the 17 tons of Tungsten plane metal." I said in a very hoarse voice.

"Well, we're not leaving you here." said General Mærs.

"we're going to---,"







"IT HURTS SO BAD!!!" I screamed.

"Yes, It's all going to hurt for a very long time Jonathan."

"How did he get stuck underneath all that metal anyways?!!!" Asked Lylian.

"Who knows!!!" exclaimed Nathan.


"THIS IS NOT TUNGSTEN, THIS IS SOLID SILVER!!!" Yelled Nathan worriedly.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing Nathan." said Phidelia with curiosity.

"IT IS!!!"


"WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT HIS WEAKNESS!!!" Yelled General mærs furiously.

"I didn't!!!" exclaimed Nathan with hurt feelings.




"I thought you were hurt really---,"

*abrupt interruption*

"He's been corrupted!!!" I exclaimed.


"That means we're on our own guys." said randy worriedly.

"There is only one other person who knows how to lead an army." Said Lylian. Then, at the same time, everyone said, "Jonathan Ærdýll."