
Time Mage's Heir

In a world where magic exists parallel to our own, "The Time Legacy" follows the journey of Keal Pyreclan, the youngest son of a powerful family of fire mages. However, he is tragically exiled and discarded from the family's legacy when it becomes apparent he lacks the fire magic talent for which they are renowned. Reduced to working as a scavenger, Keal roams the magical world, collecting materials from mana beast remains to eke out a living. One fateful day, while exploring the aftermath of a mana beast habitat, a powerful mana beast attacked his party everyone but him was killed and he was next. As the imminent threat closed in, the last memento of his late mother, a worn-out silver ring, seemingly awakened in response to his dire circumstances. In that critical moment, the ring's true power was unleashed, enveloping Keal in a blinding surge of light. With the magical energies surging through him, he felt a profound connection to the ancient spirit within the ring - the enigmatic time mage, Lyra. Through an unforeseen twist of fate, the silver ring sends Keal back in time to the moment of his family's betrayal and exile. Armed with time magic and guided by Lyra's wisdom, Keal seizes the opportunity to rewrite his past and build a new family and legacy. Driven by the thirst for revenge against his former family and a desire for redemption, Keal embarks on a perilous journey. He gathers allies, including mages with powers of different elements, and builds a powerful clan to challenge his former kin. However, the path to vengeance is riddled with challenges and adversaries, and Keal must confront his deepest fears and misbeliefs to succeed. As he delves into the secrets of the silver ring, he uncovers forgotten histories, hidden dangers, and the true extent of his magical potential. "The Time Legacy" explores themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the consequences of manipulating time. Keal's quest for revenge evolves into a journey of growth and understanding, teaching him the true value of power, friendship, and the importance of preserving the delicate balance of time.

Lazy_Introvert · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Contract

Blood seeped from Kael's wounds and shoulder, staining the forest floor with crimson. With trembling hands, he tried to summon his healing magic, desperately attempting to stop the bleeding. But his powers were limited, and at most, he could only slow down the flow of blood. Fear gripped him tightly, his heart pounding in his chest, as he clung to the last thread of life.

The only thing keeping him from surrendering to death was the burning desire for revenge against his family. Thoughts of their betrayal and the pain they had inflicted on him fueled his will to live. He couldn't die now; he had to make them pay.

Outside the crevice, the sounds of chaos and battle echoed. The screams of the mages fighting the beast were haunting, blending with the thunderous roars of the minotaur-like creature. Kael clutched onto the last memento of his late mother, a worn-out silver ring, which he wore on his finger like a talisman. It was a silent reminder of the love he had lost and the hope he desperately held onto.

Minutes passed, and the screams outside slowly died down. Fear paralyzed Kael, unsure whether it was safe to leave the sanctuary of the crevice. With every ounce of strength, he pushed himself up to peek outside. The sight before him sent a shiver down his spine.

The minotaur-like beast stood before him, its jaws gaping open, and saliva dripping from its razor-sharp teeth. Terrified, Kael stumbled backward, clutching the silver ring tightly. The creature's malevolent eyes locked onto him, and Kael felt like prey trapped in the gaze of a predator.

As if sensing his vulnerability, the beast struck, breaking down the wall of rocks that had provided a temporary refuge. Kael's heart raced, and he felt a crushing weight of despair. With no escape in sight, he clutched the silver ring on his finger, mumbling for help over and over.

Fear seized him, causing his body to tremble and shake. His mind was a chaotic whirlwind of emotions, memories of his family's rejection, the recent loss of Oren, and the terror of facing a brutal death at the hands of the minotaur.

Just as the beast's enormous arm was about to close in on Kael's neck, a sudden, blinding light enveloped the cave. It startled Kael, leaving him temporarily blinded, and the creature let out a roar of fury and confusion.

In that moment of darkness, Kael felt a surge of energy coursing through him. As he regained control, he found himself enveloped in a warm, soothing aura. He glanced down at his hand and saw the silver ring glowing with a soft, ethereal light.

As the ring's mysterious power surged through him, Kael felt an overwhelming sensation of restoration. His body was revitalized, his mana reserves replenished, and the exhaustion that had weighed him down disappeared. The blinding light emitted by the silver ring caused the big and sensitive eyes of the minotaur-like beast to sting, disorienting the creature as it stumbled backward, roaring in pain.

Seizing the opportunity, Kael's mind raced with a plan. With a surge of determination, he focused his mana on reshaping the rocks underneath the beast. The ground trembled as he channeled his magic, and a spike of sharp stone shot upward beneath the creature.

The minotaur's massive form crashed down upon the spike, piercing its thick hide and inflicting a mortal wound. The beast let out a final, guttural howl before succumbing to the fatal blow. The forest fell eerily silent, save for the echoes of the minotaur's demise.

Exhausted and panting, Kael watched as the beast's life force ebbed away.

Having expended his mana in the fierce battle, Kael's legs gave way beneath him. He sat down on the rocky ground with his back against the wall, catching his breath and allowing the adrenaline to subside.

The worn-out silver ring on his finger continued to glow with a soft, comforting light, almost as if it was acknowledging his triumph.

Keal's body convulsed with pain, blood spewing from his mouth as he lay on the rocky ground. His eyes were half-closed, and his vision blurred as his life flashed before him. Memories flooded his mind - the haunting image of his mother's death, the heart-wrenching day of his exile, the ten years of survival as a mere scavenger, and the tragic loss of Oren, the one person who had shown him true kindness.

"I'm about to die... before accomplishing anything meaningful with my life," Keal whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audible. He felt a surge of regret, a bitter taste of the life that could have been, the life he had been denied.

In that moment of despair, the silver ring on his finger radiated with an otherworldly glow. A mesmerizing girl's voice echoed within his mind, cutting through the haze of pain with an air of mystique. "Why let it end like this?" she asked, her tone laced with enigmatic allure. "There's so much more to your story, isn't there?" Her words hung in the air like an invitation

Keal's eyes widened in confusion as he tried to comprehend the surreal situation. He managed to joke weakly, "Is it normal to hear a girl's voice as you die?"

The mesmerizing voice persisted, undeterred by Keal's fading consciousness. "You appear to have a reason to continue living."

"Huh?" Keal looked around, confused by the ethereal encounter unfolding before him.

The voice continued, "If I were to grant you another chance, could you go on?"