
The tale of Lu Anquan

The scene opens with a beautiful woman with a neat tanned skin, short bob hair packed to a chignon and another fairly beautiful lady sitting on a throne . "Look at what you have done you filthy barren thing" scorned the Empress Dowager."Yes mother, she almost hurt I and my unborn child, what would have happened to my baby" Chu Yao shuddered while rubbing her flat stomach.

"I am so sorry mother,I didn't see her and tripped and I immediately....." Lu Anquan tried to defend herself.

Then suddenly the empress shouted"Enough, I am not your mother you barren unfortunate idiot and you can certainly never be my daughter, so keep your flimsy excuses to yourself and get out of my sight "

"Yes moth..... I mean Empress " Lu Anquan said gently wiping her tears sadly while bowing down before leaving to her tiny chamber. She sobbed as her shoulders shook painfully remembering the first time her husband Lin Muyheng brought a pregnant Chu Yao into the palace