
Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators

Completed but under editing. Continues in: Reign of the Time Gap Queen The plot thickens as you read. MATURE CONTENT! Free Reading. Give it a fair read before disregarding it or you'll miss out on a lot, or at least read the second novel and come back after editing is completed. No love-triangle. Vol 0: 1-15 "What else did you find?" "Well, I found our first female pregnant corpse but..." I paused not sure if I wanna share this with him or not. "But?" Orlando repeated. "I don't know something is odd about how she died. Her neck wasn't broken but it appears to be crushed. On the side of her neck, I saw two round holes resembling to look like fangs or some sorta sharp pointed teeth." I finally just told him. He first looked at me weirdly before bursting out into laughter. "Fangs like a vampire?" He teased and I should've seen this coming. I burst into a hard enough uproar to pee myself. "You are so mean!" I chuckled. "Alright, I'll be nice to my vampire nerd," he said winking at me. "You haven't found anybody else that lived in the city?" He asked just wondering. "Oddly enough, we haven't," I shared. Yet Orlando does it again. "Yup, that definitely sounds like a vampire to me!" 24-year-old Victoria Perkins is a trainee archeologist and paleontologist. On her way to earning her first degree with the best outscoring records in her class. Victoria was given a lifetime opportunity to excavate in Egypt. Many team members were chosen and hired by Mr. Collin who is funding the excavation to find a Pharaoh. During the excavation, her psychic gift to mentally travel between past and present was triggered. By using her time-gap gift she found the clues the Pharaoh had left behind for his love to find him. Which made her team leader and boss named Tom envious that she keeps finding these artifacts. Following each clue, Victoria found the Pharaoh but was fired by Tom the next day. So her team carried on without her to study this mummified Pharaoh. Something about his remains didn't seem natural. Before any questions could be answered the whole team was Murdered. All but Victoria. She was blamed for the crime and arrested. Without trial, she was found guilty and left to rot in her cell awaiting execution. ~ Vol 1:16-377 Kai strides up and embraced his hands around my waist. "Humm," Kai hummed so poetically that I found myself captured by how sexy he is. He leaned forward into my ear whispering seductively. "Or maybe it's because deep down inside. You like me more than you are willing to admit." His words breathed into my ear like an easy-flowing breeze. I found myself melting in goo for this man who kidnapped me. ~ One of the most powerful multi-billionaire Empire CEOs of the world was the Collin Royal family business. Kai Collin came to Egypt and bailed her out and paid for her Freedom. Well, her Freedom from jail but not from him. Victoria learned the hard way she was now the property of Kai Collin. But who was this mysterious Kai Collin? Everybody knew the Collin family but Kai Collin's name had submerged from out of nowhere. Yet that wasn't half of the mystery. Victoria was trapped by this mysterious attractive man who acted strange; Kai didn't know how to drive or what a cell phone was. Even though her heart belongs to her fiance, Orlando Mill the son of an equally powerful Empire CEO family too. But this doesn't stop Kai from becoming possessive of her enough that he steals her away from Orlando. Between her lover, kidnapper, and much worse that lurks within the shadows; How much heartbreak and loss can Victoria face? Who is the real villain creeping into Victoria's life only to kill everyone she's dearest to? Vol 0: Is about the excavation in Egypt and Victoria's relationship with Orlando. Vol 1: Kai joins the story. Murder will happen. There will be some hot steamy love scenes. Things will get dark, sensitive, emotional, creepy, and a bit bloody for some viewers.

Sara_Weber_9938 · History
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378 Chs

Ch 213: Freeze and Burn

All of sudden, internally, Jack's insides froze and he felt his facial cheek form into an ice icicle. Appearing in from the shadows, Jack saw the shirtless vampire stand aside from her. Jack was so focused on her that he never saw him until it was too late.

"Good job, Savannah," he praised, snickering at Jack. "Now fix your top."

Savannah grinned cunningly and snapped her buttons. Jack knew now he was in dire trouble. Inside his body was stiff into ice. He couldn't move without shattering.

"KAI!" He sent a mental cry for help.

He could only hope Kai heard him. Otherwise, he's doomed to his fate.

"Relax, Jack," the vampire said. "Just give us Victoria and we will be on our way. No one else has to get hurt."

"Detain me then because I'll never do it!" Jack painfully hissed as icy frost bits blew from his lungs when he spoke or breathed.

The vampire coiled his fingers and wrist. "Then I'll make this more painful," the vampire implies to give imperil misery.

Jack felt his left lung getting encased with ice. Icy particles were asphyxiating Jack's breath to stifle.

"Get his phone, Savannah," he ordered. "Will call her by using a fake voice."

In her sexy strut, Savannah went to reach for his pocket but just as she did. A darker shadow clawed Savannah's eyes! She got knocked off her heels and was flattened on her back! She hissed, painfully when Kai shields Jack.

A loud growl came from the shirtless vampire once he felt fire burn his spine. He turned and faced Glenn with red palms. He kicked Glenn away and shot ice at him but missed and turned the trash can into an icicle instead.

"Come Savannah!" he yelled and grabbed her wrist before Ivan had any chance to get her. They disappeared right there from reach.

"I was so close!" Ivan expressed great outrage when he punched the pavement where she was.

"No worries, we'll get her," Kai guaranteed.

"She's a seductress, Rome and I will fall for her trap!" Jack gasped, heaving his chest in pain.

Kai touched him and urged. "Don't talk until we unfreeze you."

Glenn walked over and touched his chest as he said. "This is gonna hurt."

Jack whispered in pain, "just do it."

Glenn obliged with a head nod. Then his palms glowed smothering lava. Jack gritted in severe agony. Soon the icy spray from his mouth stopped and his body felt hot. Glenn ceased his gift and gave Jack a second.

After they gave him a minute to recuperate, Jack said. "Rex wants Victoria. And you were right, he's protecting that vampiress named Savannah."

"He first has to get past me," Kai said with narrow eyes.

"Where have you been?" Jack randomly questioned him.

"I needed space and left with my brother," Kai replied.

"You didn't take us with you," Rome complained.

"I needed time away," Kai said, depressed.

"Well, I hope you stop being so reckless with Victoria!" Ivan gave it to him.

"I made a mistake and I regret it," Kai frowned. "I know I have to earn her love."

Ace lectured, "She's still crying since you did that."

"Rose told me," Kai said, rolling his eyes which had them laughing.

"Let's head home," said Glenn.

"Go ahead, Jack and I need to look for his son," Kai told them but instead of going home. Rome, Glenn, Ace, and Ivan tagged along to help.


After having an unsuccessful night to find Jack's son. Kai led everyone to the campus. Just when he saw Victoria leave for home. He stepped into the professor's class before he could leave.

"Shut the door," Kai demanded coldly, so Ace did that.

Before they saw it coming, Kai lunged the professor to his desk chair, growling his fangs. Immediately, Ace, Glenn, Ivan, Rome, and Jack surrounded the professor as Ace yelled. "You can't kill him! He's been marked by your father to join his clan!"

Kai took his right wrist and saw the mark. He snorted, "You're lucky I respect my father's wishes, or else you'd be dead!"

The older man was aghast and didn't understand why Kai was there. "What do you need?"

"Throw Crystal out of your class!" Kai hissed an ugly growl.

"That's up to your father," the professor replied, shakingly.

Kai gurgled a noise beneath his chest like a beast. "Fine, I'll take care of her myself!"

Just like that, he evanesced as his friends followed. The professor took a breather to see them go. All he saw was his door open before it shut. Now he understood why Mrs. Collin said he better be more concerned for his whereabouts over Victoria's. He had no idea their youngest offspring was so malign.


Late during the night, Kai waited nearby the dorm Crystal stayed at with Zach. His ears perched when she pulled in. Coming out of the shadows, Kai lurked when she was getting out of her car. Before she knew what strikes her. Her body was thrown against the car. She was face to face with Kai wearing shades.

"What do you want?" She asked petrify of him.

"Drop out of the class and leave my wife be," Kai warned.

"She loves Orlando," Crystal said shakingly. "Don't you love her enough to let her be happy with him?"

Kai backed off and Crystal relaxed. Until she saw from behind him more of his friends walking out from the shadows. Each had a bat and one held a gallon of gasoline. All Kai did next was snap his fingers.

Crystal screamed when one hit her face hard enough to break her lip open. She fell to the pavement while the rest smashed her car with bats. On the ground, crystal cried as she watched them bust the windows out and dent the body frame. Then the one poured gasoline on the seats.

Once they were done, she watched Kai flick a lighter open and lit it from his black pants. Behind his shades, he stared at her when he threw the lighter on the driver's seat.

It ignited in flames as Kai threatened. "Next time, you'll be burned alive inside your vehicle if you don't get out of our lives!"

Crystal bawled as they strode away. She watched them until they were submerged in the darkness. She then limped away before the car exploded. KABOOM!

From a farther distance, Kai and his friends stayed for the explosion and watched from the rooftop of this campus building. Fire lit up the area as people woke in their beds and ran outside from fire alarms going off. Sirens echoed throughout the night sky with smoke and fire.

"Your dad is going to execute you," Ivan said and Rome laughed absurdly.

"I can handle him," was all Kai said as he watched people running to help Crystal.

"This isn't going to help your relationship with Victoria," Ace warned but Kai remained mute. Surely his friends were mistaken to think he would change.

[Next Chapter is Ian's storyline]