
Chapter 50: Hidden

"The antibodies have been lost, huh? How thrilling," murmured a man with purple hair, his bangs covering a scar on his face. He wore clown makeup and had a prosthesis in his eye. This man's name was Makoto Waltz Segai, as he watched various recordings on the screen.

He observed everything on the screen with an amused smile, especially the one they called a monster. There was a photo of the said monster along with its multiple abilities. He scrutinized each detail.

[The Reaper


Name: ??

Age: ??

Gender: ??

Nationality: ??

Strength: S

Speed: SS

Agility: SS

Current bearer of the Void Genome.

Believed to have blood that is the cure for the Apocalypse Virus.

His capture is of high priority for the United Nations.

Reward: $100,000,000

Note: Very aggressive, has demonstrated the ability to take down multiple Endlaves and survive a complete plasma ray attack.]

Segai's eyes lit up at this information. He reviewed the report again, fearing to miss any details. At the same time, he watched the recordings, observing 'The Reaper' destroy every Endlave or soldier in its path, displaying incredible agility to dodge plasma rays.

"Superhuman..." he murmured. The smile on his face deepened before he picked up a small phone and played with it.


Inori had a dream.

She witnessed the extinction of life, everyone around her dying one after another, creating a profound abyss. Staring into the darkness-covered abyss, Inori felt fear, the fear of falling into deep darkness.

"You're just a fake..."

A pink-haired girl appeared beside her, filled with deep hatred and resentment as she pushed Inori into the void.

"Die! Disappear! Fake!"

As Inori fell into infinite darkness, enormous white hands slid in, reaching for her body drowning in despair.

"So warm..." The enormous hands were warm, providing a sense of security. However, something squeezed Inori's chest. It was painful, yet strangely special.

Inori was confused but clung to these emotions, considering them precious. She liked it, loved it, and, for some reason, didn't want to let go, even if it meant falling into infinite darkness again.

"Awaken, my beautiful lady," and with those words, Inori slowly opened her eyes.

"Did you sleep well, my beautiful lady?" Yuki smiled at Inori's confused gaze, gently stroking her pink hair.

An hour had passed since her Void returned, but Inori still hadn't awakened. Seeing her furrowed brow, reminiscent of his adoptive brother Sasuke, Yuki decided to give her a lap pillow while softly stroking her beautiful pink hair.

"Yuki? YUKI!" Inori, without blinking, threw herself into his arms.

"Inori?!" Yuki embraced her tightly as Inori buried her face in his chest.

Inori's heart pounded, her face reddened, and she didn't want to let go. Yuki, scratching his cheek, couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"Is it a Void side effect?" Yuki pondered, watching Inori with uncertainty.

Indeed, the Void not only revealed people's hearts but also their greatest fears. This was the first time they extracted Inori's Void, resulting in a minor negative effect.

However, Yuki couldn't deny that he enjoyed it. He wrapped his arms around Inori, accepting her embrace.

Inori's body trembled, but she didn't pull away; instead, she tightened her grip, drawing herself closer.

After a few minutes of silence, Yuki broke it.

"Inori, do you like singing?"

Still with her face in Yuki's chest, Inori nodded.

Yuki smiled, feeling the slight nod against his chest.

"Would you like to hear a song from my world?"

Lifting her face slightly, Inori looked directly at him.

"Yes... I want to hear it... I want to know more about Yuki's world."

Yuki's smile deepened. Closing his eyes, he thought about a song he loved from his first world, a childhood song and the only anime he ever watched.

"Listen carefully."

Taking a breath, Yuki looked at the sky and felt sad. This song was one of the few things still tying him to his old world.

"Your radiant smile enchants my heart

Come, take my hand, escape from this terrible darkness..."

It was a pity he had no instrument; otherwise, Yuki would play the guitar.

"As soon as I found you again

My mind brought back that beautiful place

That was so precious to me as a child~~"

Remembering his childhood, Yuki mentally sighed. Back then, he was an innocent child who still relied on his beautiful mother.

"I want to know if you want to dance with me

If you give me your hand, I'll lead you on a path covered in light and darkness~~"

Inori, listening to his voice, closed her eyes. Listening to the lyrics, she couldn't help but recall her dream.

"Maybe you still think about him, I can't know, but I know and understand

That you need love and the courage to fight, you'll find it in me~~"

(Love?) This was a familiar word to Inori. Hearing this, she opened her eyes and looked at Yuki's face, reflecting sadness for some reason.

"My enchanted heart vibrates with the dust of hope and magic

From the universe that everyone aspires to possess

I'll love you for a lifetime, even if you're not interested yet

Come, take my hand, escape from this infinite darkness~~"

Inori's cheeks reddened as she listened to his song. She opened her eyes wide, and from the song's lyrics, her heart raced for some reason.

"I can give you the universe for just a moment of your gaze

I can stop time when you're near me

I want to erase all the doubts that bother me

Know the way to find that destiny I always imagine with you

So many things I want to tell you

Stay silent, I can't find the moment

The city noise doesn't allow me to reach your heart~~"

Yuki lowered his gaze, meeting Inori's blushing cheeks in his chest. Something inside him clicked.

"And though I try to hide what I feel, you always occupy my thoughts

I can no longer pretend what the heart feels for you~~"

Taking Inori's hands in his, Yuki looked into her eyes, and she hadn't looked away for a second.

"You catch me with that smile, I no longer live this hurried life~~"

Lowering his head slowly, Yuki closed the distance between them, sealing their lips.

Inori opened her eyes wide, feeling a small electric shock pass through her body.

*Thump thump thump

Inori's heart pounded, like a proud racehorse in full competition.

Pulling his lips away from Inori's, Yuki thus concluded their first sweet kiss.

They stared at each other for a moment before Yuki finished the song.

"Come, give me your hand to escape from this terrible darkness~~"

Closing her eyes, Inori turned her gaze away in embarrassment for a moment.

"Th... the song... What's it called?"

Despite being in complete internal chaos, Inori really liked the song; the lyrics were beautiful and left a lasting impression on her.

"The song is called 'My Heart's Enchantment.'"


Chapter 50: My Heart's Enchantment


Author's Note: I don't know what to say about this chapter. If you don't like it, go to hell.

TN: Yessir me and the boys on the trip to hell! Jk

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