
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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508 Chs

Chapter 39: Monster

Emerging slowly from his hiding spot, Yuki adjusted his breathing. His figure was immediately spotted by the Endlave.

"Halt, terrorist!" said Endlave, pointing his weapon.

Yuki looked at him with a playful expression. "Please don't shoot! I surrender!"

Yuki raised his hands in panic as multiple foot soldiers aimed their weapons at him.

"Don't move! Any sudden move, and we'll shoot!"

"Go get him," one soldier instructed his comrade, who hesitated for a moment, finding it suspicious. But looking at the numerous weapons pointed at Yuki, he complied.

"Come here, you damn terrorist! Show me your hands!"

"Yes, yes, whatever you say, please don't shoot!"

Watching the trembling masked figure, a sadistic smile formed on the soldier's face.

Approaching slowly, the soldier eyed Yuki's trembling mask suspiciously. "Take off the mask!"

"Yes, yes," Yuki replied with shaky hands, reaching for his mask.

"I want to know... What will become of me?"

"Shut up! You're a damn terrorist! Terrorists have no human rights!"

"Is that so?"

"Stop babbling and take off the mask! I'll shoot if you don't!"

"Yes, yes! Please don't shoot..."


As Yuki's hands approached his mask, his body flickered before decapitating the soldier. The soldier still didn't understand what had happened as his head fell to the ground.


"Hehehe... You fell for it!"

There was an awkward silence as soldiers stared in amazement at their decapitated comrade. Yuki had gained the upper hand, swiftly approaching, decapitating soldiers with each swing of his katana.

*Bang bang bang



"Don't come near!"

Yuki was like a wolf among sheep. The soldiers were powerless against his strength and speed. Their once-trusted weapons were futile against this monster.

*Boom boom

*Bang bang bang

*Splash splash

Several soldiers had fallen, and seeing this, the Endlave wouldn't stand idly by.

"Die, you damn monster!"

*Bang bang

The Endlave's giant weapon spun before unleashing its firepower on Yuki.

*Bang bang

"Is he dead?"

Staring at the spreading smoke, the soldiers couldn't help but murmur. However, once again, they were left in shock.



A light flashed as they watched the Endlave split in half.


An explosion followed, and the soldiers looked fearfully at the masked figure emerging from the fire, standing triumphantly over the remains of the Endlave.

"Can you still dance? Let's dance, hahaha."

Walking slowly, the soldiers couldn't help but retreat with each step the monster took. The gleam in his eyes intensified, instilling fear in the soldiers.

"Don't be afraid! He's alone! Keep shooting!"

It wasn't clear who said those words, but it was enough for the soldiers to regain their spirits.

"Fire! Give it everything you've got at that damn thing!"

*Bang bang bang

"Ah! Die!"

"Die, monster!"



*Click click

With a smirk, Yuki watched in slow motion as each shot and bullet trajectory unfolded. His Sharingan rotated, and his body moved at great speed, deflecting every bullet directed at him.

Diverting each bullet aimed at him, he ridiculed their feeble offense.

*Bang bang



*Boom boom

The Endlave was destroyed, and the soldiers died. Every move of the monster destroyed everything in its path.

*Bang bang

"Hahaha, more, more, let's keep dancing!"


"Retreat! Retreat! Argh!"


A light flashed, and the soldier who shouted split in half. Seeing this, the soldiers didn't hesitate and fled like small spiders, but it was futile against the monster's speed.

"Hahaha, don't go... This is just the beginning!"


A man with dark skin stared at the screen in disbelief, and he wasn't alone—all the soldiers beside him were in the same state.

"We need reinforcements! They're not crushing us! I repeat! They're not crush... Argh!"



Transmissions like this were heard every 10 seconds. Multiple Antivirus soldiers had fallen, Endlaves had fallen too—they couldn't stop the monster.

"Commander Guin... This..."

Doubtingly, a soldier looked nervously at the dark-skinned man.

"Monster..." A small murmur escaped his lips as he observed the screen and the massacre unfolding. They couldn't see the monster's movements, but the soldiers were still dying.

No human could commit such a massacre.

*Boom boom

Endlave numbers kept exploding. Guin still couldn't believe that such a being existed; he could only think this was a dream. However, the Endlave explosions reminded him it wasn't a dream.

"Use the explosives! Kill that thing!"

"But sir, our soldiers are still..."

"Use the explosives! That's an order!"

Not letting the soldier finish, Guin looked at him sternly.

"Y-yes, sir!"

Trembling, the soldier carried out the order.

"Use the explosives, I repeat, you have authorization to use the explosives!"

"Understood, control!"

With the order given, different Endlaves no longer hesitated. They took out all the explosives and missiles in their arsenal, along with the flying drones. Several missiles were launched.

*Boom boom boom

(They're not holding back anymore, huh?)

Seeing this, Yuki put more strength into his legs. The crystallization in his body was increasing. The eight inner gates, combined with Tsunade's brute strength in taijutsu, was a terrifying combo. No living being or Endlave could stop him; he was the nemesis of these modern soldiers.

The chakra used was also minimal, making it acceptable.

Nevertheless, his body kept crystallizing, and cold sweat ran down Yuki's face. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he used Zafkiel, who consumed enormous amounts of chakra.

*Boom boom

*Click... Boom

Splitting another Endlave in half, Yuki thought it was enough. He had to end this, even though it hadn't been five minutes yet. He thought it was more than enough time for Inori to escape.

*Boom boom

Several missiles exploded. Yuki, who dodged them, couldn't help but furrow his brow. It was getting tricky. He looked at the sky and saw numerous military drones.

"Hahaha, fine, let's go to the sky then."

*Boom boom

Running at high speed towards a still-standing building, Yuki ran on the walls, and the missiles lost their target.


With a twist of his body, Yuki jumped backward, his katana gleaming as several drones fell.

*Boom boom

The soldiers still standing opened their mouths in shock, wondering what kind of monster they were dealing with.

"Hahaha, fun, fun."

"Argh! Don't get cocky, bastard!"

An Endlave couldn't take it anymore, sliding, it quickly reached its target. With a clenched fist, as bullets were ineffective, it thought a melee attack would work.

Yuki didn't dodge but closed his fist to meet it.

The Endlave pilot smiled, thinking about how arrogant this guy was.

(Fighting head-on against an Endlave? I'm going to crush you!)

However, the smile on his face didn't last long.

*Click Boom

After all, the mechanical arm of the Endlave exploded into pieces due to Yuki's punch, and more than half of its body was torn apart by that single blow.


Guin, witnessing this, couldn't help but open his eyes in shock, and the soldiers also stared in horror. This was a night where all their common sense was shattered.


TN : Sleep is for the weak