
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 254: Birth of a Hero (3)

"Damn it!"

*Bam, bam

Cursing his weakness, Bete struck with great force; his legs were aflame, and his blades were cracked...

One more blow, and it would be the end of his resistance. Bete knew this, but he still refused to give up.

He had not avenged the old man yet...



Taking her by surprise, Undeus stomped hard, bone stakes emerged from the ground, with one piercing through Tiona's stomach.

Fortunately for her, the wound wasn't lethal, but it was enough to take her out of the fight.

(We can't... We can't defeat him)

With trembling eyes, Riveria's body gave in.

She had almost depleted all her mana, yet she couldn't inflict a deep wound on the Monster.

She could no longer fight; unlike her comrades, she was a mage, and without her magic, she would be more of a burden than a help to her companions.

She only had enough mana for one more spell, but she knew that even with that, she couldn't make a difference.

So, making her last effort, a magic circle appeared at her feet, and she whispered her spell.


But it's a pity that Undeus wouldn't allow it. After all, unlike the other annoying ants, Riveria was the most troublesome. Her spells had damaged his armor, and he couldn't let this continue.


But he couldn't attack Riveria. She stayed out of the reach of his sword, and those pesky ants didn't allow him to get closer.

But it all ended when he decided to forsake his sword and threw it towards a defenseless Riveria.

(Sorry... Finn, Gareth)


Watching as the enormous sword approached rapidly, Riveria narrowed her eyes; she no longer had the strength to move. Her consciousness began to blur, and the magical circle beneath her feet disappeared.

She had given it her all; now she could rest. The only regret was that she couldn't fulfill her duty.

Meanwhile, her companions opened their eyes. Another one would die if they didn't stop that sword, but unfortunately, they couldn't.


*Bam... Creak

However, the impact she expected never happened.

After all, something had swiftly destroyed the massive sword.


"Are you okay?"

Appearing in front of her, Ais turned her gaze. The air around her fluctuated with power, and her sword gleamed.


On the other hand, Riveria widened her eyes. She was certain of her impending death, but in an instant, Ais appeared in front of her and not only that but also destroyed that accursed sword. She knew how tough that sword was; even her wide-area spell couldn't melt it.

"I'm glad you're okay. Don't worry; I'll finish this."

With a gentle smile, Ais turned her head, looking at their enemy.


Riveria, on the other hand, reached out. Ais's blonde hair danced in the strong wind, and her figure momentarily seemed like a giant. Her aura had completely changed, much like Undeus, but even with this, Riveria wanted to stop her. If she could destroy those bones, she hoped Ais would use that power to create an opening in the exit and escape.

However, before she had the chance to speak, Ais's body flickered, instantly disappearing.




Reappearing instantly, Ais destroyed the second arm.

Her speed had increased so much that her figure was illusory.

Surprising Bete, Tiona, Tione, and Tsubaki, they only managed to see a blurry figure passing by them, and then the second arm of Undeus fell.

"Get out of here... I'll handle this."


Startled by the voice that spoke, the group screamed in shock, then ran. They didn't know what was happening, but they trusted their companion. After all, she was the only one who had destroyed Undeus's arms.

Since even with their active abilities, they couldn't handle an Undeus, especially Tione and Tiona, who had abilities granting power when their lives were in danger and bodies injured.

It could be said that if not for 'Berseker,' 'Backdraft,' and 'Intense Heat'... the sisters might have fallen victim to Undeus' sword.

*Bam, bam


Ais didn't cease her attacks, resembling a storm as she relentlessly struck the giant Undeus.

With her companions moving away from the battlefield, she no longer had to worry...


*Bam, bam

Undeus, on the other hand, was defenseless; the speed of this ant was impressive. He couldn't see her, and each time he swung his sword, he was attacked from below or above. Even stomping heavily, launching spikes from the ground couldn't stop this ant.

*Creak.... BAM

Before he realized it, his last sword was destroyed. But it didn't end there; his right leg fell as well.


Losing balance, falling to the ground, Undeus, for the first time, succumbed.

*Shua.. Shua... Shua...

Meanwhile, Ais ran at high speed, spinning in circles, relentlessly striking. After all, she knew that if she stopped now, everything would be lost.

The eight inner gates were an immense burden on her body, a forbidden technique combined with her strongest ability, it was madness.

She knew that continuing could lead to her death, but despite this, she didn't stop.

She barely opened the first gate, but the muscle tearing was intense. Now she understood why Yuki told her that her body was the top priority; otherwise, enduring the compressed power in her body was impossible.

(More speed... More power)


Striking with force, Ais gritted her teeth. She could destroy his limbs, but Undeus' armor left her helpless. No matter how much she struck, she couldn't penetrate his armor. However, even if she couldn't pierce his armor, she destroyed his last arm and leg, leaving him defenseless...

Or so she thought...



Undeus didn't anticipate death, as the ground trembled, and a plethora of bones emerged.

*Shua... Shua...

Dodging with great agility and speed, Ais frowned.

Unlike the spikes, these bones weren't meant to harm Ais. They moved as if with a mind of their own, raising a limbless Undeus.


But it didn't end there; the bones fused with Undeus, replacing his lost limbs.

At the same time, spikes shot out from the ground to slow Ais down.

*Shua... Shua

Spinning and dodging swiftly, Ais destroyed several more spikes before closing in to attack.


Destroying the bones that had joined to form his legs, Ais kicked the air, also destroying another part of the bones.

But unlike before, the bones reassembled, preventing Undeus from falling...

Simultaneously forming a massive claw that broke the ground, causing an incredible shockwave.

(This has no end; I can't continue like this...)

Continuing to run, Ais avoided the shockwave by kicking the air. She frowned; if her instincts weren't wrong, continuing was futile. Destroying his scattered bones, the only way to stop Undeus is to destroy his core.

But his core is protected by that annoying armor, and her sword can't penetrate it...


(I have to use it...)


Increasing the wind around her, Ais's energy surged. She stomped the ground hard, creating a small crater.

There was only one attack that could finish this monster, an attack that, if performed, would leave her drained of energy.

But it was now or never...

(Only use it as a last resort...)

"Only use it when your life is in danger..."

Gritting her teeth, the air around her formed a black whirlwind spinning at high speed, cutting through the spikes on the ground like a hot knife through butter...


With Undeus' roar, the sea of bones joined, rushing forward like rain. However, it was unable to stop the black whirlwind.

Which instantly appeared in front of him, like a light that illuminated the entire room.



With tears in her eyes, she used the tip of her sword to forcefully strike Undeus' armor. This was a blow where she bet everything, a blow for those who fell, a blow for her family...

A blow from a Hero...

"Disappear!! Ahhhhhh!!"

Roaring like a beast, Ais's sword pierced his armor, splitting the huge mana stone in two.




With a final roar, Undeus' bones vanished in a cloud of smoke, as did his main body, leaving Ais standing, posing motionless...

Undeus had been defeated...


TN: :0