
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 239: Existing Light

---- Haruhime ----

I forgot everything—Ishtar-sama, my work... my destiny.

I wanted to be with him, nothing else.

I love him too much for my mind to think of anything else.

But I feared that my body would betray me and faint again.

Arce-sama is a gentleman; he respected me so much that he wouldn't lay a finger on me if that happened.

He was that kind of man, someone who wouldn't force a woman...

That is so charming; I love him.

But, I didn't want that.

I want to be with him; I want to be his.

So, for days, I searched for a solution to my problem.

And thanks to Aisha-san, I found it... I had to blindfold myself. Although I didn't know if it would work, if I would faint again, I was so nervous and fearful that I didn't care.

It worked...

I could feel it—all his caresses, his kisses of love.

I could feel everything, even though I couldn't see. I could feel his love...

It was very pleasant; I liked it a lot.

When I felt Arce-sama enter my body, my tears couldn't help but roll down; I was so happy...

Every time he thrust, it was so delicious that I completely understood what Aisha-san had told me before.

Being one with your beloved was the most wonderful thing in the world...

Something that sex couldn't offer—a feeling superior to any connection.

Making love... Touching paradise and returning... What a pleasant feeling, so good that I wished it would last forever.

Nothing mattered anymore; even if I die tomorrow, I'll be happy, I have no regrets.

After all, I found my Hero.

Even though my destiny awaits me, he saved me from this terrible nightmare. That's enough; I don't care about my other childish wishes. I already have what I need.

Unfortunately, I couldn't handle the movements of my beloved, so I fainted.

I failed again...

Arce-sama... I'm sorry; I couldn't satisfy you.

After a while, I opened my eyes, feeling a pleasant breeze passing through my ears and tail.

"Good morning, my princess... Enjoying the view?"

"Wait... What?!"

Huh? Eh?! Ehhh?!

What is happening?!

In front of me was a very beautiful human child; I could swear he's the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

Even the elf race couldn't compare...

But there was something more; this child was shining, his light was very warm, and being in his arms, I could feel it directly.

I had felt this light before... I had seen it!

But this light belongs to...


"Yes, my princess?"

Looking at his smile, I couldn't help but blush...

I wasn't mistaken; this person is my Hero.

There was something about him now, something I didn't feel before. It might be my imagination, but I feel a connection.

"Because... Arce-sama."

"You must be confused... It's normal, don't worry, I'll tell you everything."

Explaining in detail and with a smile, Arce-sama held me tighter. I was surprised; with every word from Arce-sama, my mouth opened, and I was left speechless.

Transformation? Liberation? Is this his true body?

He's so cute! I love him!

Am I pure?

Was it my first time?!

Was I a virgin?!

Please don't laugh at me!

"Wait... Yuki-sama?! CHAMPION-SAMA?!"

This is too much for me.

No, this must be a dream.

If it's a dream, I'll wake up if I pinch myself...

But I don't want to wake up... Mouuuu

What do I do?!

I'm happy! The greatest of heroes is my beloved!

This definitely is a dream!

Wait... Are we flying?!


Someone pinch me!

Ouch?! It hurts!

Wait... This isn't a dream?!

With my mind in chaos, I didn't see Yuki-sama's face approaching, and he took my lips again.


This is definitely too much for me... Let's go to sleep, yes... let's do that.

Good night, Yuki-sama... My beloved.


"Hehe, good night."

Seeing Haruhime faint, Yuki smiled tenderly, at the same time looking down.

"What a mess... Well, no matter, the repair will come out of your pocket."

Shaking his head, Yuki sighed at the flames consuming different places in the pleasure district.

Just as Freya's children destroyed everything in their path.

It's a magnificent sight to see from the sky, so he decided to take Haruhime for a ride in the air. It was a pity to stay in that room that would soon be burned, but the stimulation was too much for this lady's mind to handle.

So, she couldn't see the end of the Ishtar family.

The end of those who imprisoned her.


"Wow... it's about time."

Suddenly, Yuki's Sharingan turned as he saw Ishtar falling from the top of her tower, and a pillar of light shot up into the sky. Seeing this, Yuki nodded.

This light signaled the return of a deity to the heavens...

"Well, I'll give her a reward later."

Smiling in response to Freya's waving hand, like a pet expecting a reward, Yuki lowered his head, looking at the beautiful woman in his arms.


At the same time the light pillar shot up into the sky, Haruhime's black collar shattered into pieces. There was no doubt; she was now free. Nothing tied her to this place anymore.

"Now, you are officially mine... Haruhime."

Kissing her forehead tenderly, Yuki held Haruhime even tighter, and they returned home.

Everything had ended, so he had to go back. Fortunately, Kurumi had agreed to this.


The problem was his other girlfriend. Yuki was sure she wouldn't sit idly by, and unlike Kurumi, Haruhime was too weak to defend herself.

(I have to train her... Make her stronger; otherwise, I won't feel at ease.)

After all, he couldn't turn a blind eye to Haruhime, just as he did with Kurumi. Mana would kill her if he left her alone, so he would have to tighten the leash on Mana. However, the future was uncertain, so Haruhime had to be strong, regardless of the danger her neck faced.

(Train her in Senjutsu...)

With more doubt and uncertainty, Yuki called upon his angel, and the information left him speechless.


This was the easiest method for Haruhime, and her potential for natural energy was greater than his.

(Hehehe, you'll be strong, my dear... I'll take care of that.)

Smiling at the prospect of the future, Yuki was eager to begin.

How far could she go?

Could she master it?

After all, controlling natural energy wasn't easy; even he hadn't mastered it perfectly.

In addition to her strange magic of raising levels, it could be very useful against lower floors. Although Yuki doubted it would truly help him fight against that formidable army on the 60th floor.

(I have nothing to lose by trying.)

Shrugging, Yuki stroked his beautiful girlfriend's blonde hair.

(How beautiful...)

And, of course, Yuki liked what he saw; with the moonlight illuminating her hair, Haruhime was so beautiful in his arms.


"Go, Haruhime... You're a woman now; be happy."

From a nearby place in the pleasure district, lifting her gaze to the sky, a smile formed on Aisha's face.

Her precious junior had escaped the chains of prostitution.

She is free...

At the same time, she had graduated from her virginity, becoming a complete woman.

"I envy you~... Why wasn't it me?"

Pouting her cheeks in dissatisfaction, Lena murmured...

She, like everyone else, also wanted to experience romance, and what better man than the one who saved the world.

For her, Yuki was the best man there is. His caresses, kisses, and bed techniques were the best.

Rich, powerful, and above all, a gentleman—this was why she was so jealous of Haruhime. After all, she too had fallen in love.

Yuki was everything a woman could ask for in a man.

Any woman who was his girlfriend would be a winner in life... They had it all.

"Enough already, Haruhime has suffered too much... She deserves this. Besides, he promised to visit us, so don't complain."

"I know~"

As Aisha had said, Yuki had promised to pay them a visit. After all, he had taken the trouble to evacuate the Harpies, as well as several prostitutes. They watched the pleasure district burn, as well as those who looked down on them falling due to the Freya family.

"It's all over..."

Shaking her head sadly, Aisha turned to leave. It had been a long time since she had been in the Ishtar family.

Working as a prostitute and being an adventurer...

This was her life...

"What do we do now, Aisha?"

"Let's look for another family that will accept us. If that doesn't work, we are prostitutes. As long as there are men, there will be work for us."

"Good point~"
