
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 207: The Stick and the Carrot


Receiving an incredible impact, Ais rolled on the ground.


"You've lost your balance... Don't let your opponent exploit your openings!"

It had been 2 days since the banquet, and things had settled down quite a bit in Orario.

The Goddesses no longer harassed him, and now Hestia could leave her house.

There were several variables at the banquet, but the ultimate purpose was fulfilled, and Yuki was satisfied with the outcome.

However, despite everything going as planned, Yuki was vulnerable in the end.

His tail grew...

Dealing with Ais was enough, but now he had other adventurers chasing after him, especially that girl Asfi. Yuki casually mentioned some modern items, instantly exciting her. Apparently, she was an excellent inventor of magical items, and her curiosity sparked when Yuki talked about modern weapons.

Although he could feel Naaza's soft tail and ears, his loss outweighed the gains, and he didn't like that.

As a good merchant, he had to profit, so thinking about gaining advantages, Yuki reluctantly accepted these three girls. Even though he could see that their motives weren't entirely pure, he found it less troublesome than dealing with people like Guy.

As for Yamato, Yuki was only slightly interested due to her oriental traits, and this girl and her deity seemed somewhat similar to Japanese mythology.

Yuki didn't know what those gods were planning by sending their daughters, but he didn't dwell on it much. Unless they were complete idiot, those gods wouldn't move against him.

"How long do you want to stay on the ground? Get up!"


Struggling to rise, Ais wiped the blood from her mouth.

Four days had passed since this hellish training began, and she hadn't managed to land a single hit on her opponent.

Her opponent's movements, the smoothness, and elegance rendered her strength useless. Every sword strike was deflected by her opponent's hands. She had tried everything in these four days, even using magic, but she was powerless.

Both had the same parameters, yet she couldn't defeat the boy...


Nevertheless, she didn't give up. Lunging forward, she attacked again.

"You're too predictable..."


Unfortunately, she couldn't even graze him before receiving another incredible impact.

"You're too simple and boring... How many times do I have to tell you? In a fight, you must find your opponent's weaknesses, attack where they least expect it... fighting monsters and people is completely different. Still, remember this! No matter who your opponent is!"


With the back of his sword, Yuki easily deflected her attack, spun on his axis, and used his elbow to strike her waist.


Feeling incredible pain, Ais's legs gave way, and she fell to her knees.


That last blow caused a lot of damage. She dropped her sword, clutching her stomach.

How many blows had she received? She couldn't remember, but one thing was certain—her weakness was her stomach. Each blow to that area made her magic vanish, as if a giant hammer were striking her.

This made her guard around her stomach high, but in doing so, she neglected other parts of her body, such as her face, giving Yuki an opportunity to strike, throwing her off balance to hit her stomach again.

"Get up! You can still fight!"

Looking down at Ais, Yuki crossed his arms. This girl had talent; it was getting harder to land hits on her. She absorbed his knowledge like a sponge, and at this rate, he would be forced to use a weapon. However, talent alone wasn't enough to be strong. Hard work was essential!

That's why Yuki didn't go easy on this troublesome girl, who, unlike Inori and Mana, was exploring the whip more.


Trying to stand, Ais's legs trembled.



She couldn't get up; the pain from her midsection was intense, and her body screamed for a break.

"Fighting is like dancing; make sure to move at your own pace. Don't let your rhythm be disturbed by your opponent's, or you'll lose. Even if the 'music' stops, keep dancing..."

Sighing, Yuki shook his head. This girl had reached her limits. Continuing to force it would have a negative effect, like when forging a sword—you must strike, but you must also let it cool when you're done.

"That's enough for today... Undress!"


Hearing these words, Ais trembled violently. After all, she knew what would come next.

During these 4 days, aside from being hit and doing various physical exercises, she was taken to heaven and hell at the same time.


With trembling lips, Ais wanted to stop this nightmare, but Yuki didn't let her finish speaking.

"No, it's better if I do it."


Snapping his fingers, several white hands emerged from his shadow. Ais was helpless as she watched her armor and clothes being stripped away rapidly.


Even her abdominal pain was forgotten as Ais watched her panties being taken off by those merciful hands.

"It's time to taste the carrot."

Licking his lips, Yuki ran his eyes over Ais's beautiful body. His training method was simple but effective.

'The stick and the carrot.'

Ais had already experienced the pain; now it was time for her to enjoy.

Taking a lotion from his shadow, Yuki clapped his hands.

"No, please..."

Lying helpless as the white hands held her, Ais watched in fear as those compassionate hands approached. She didn't hesitate to plead for mercy.

She knew how terrible those hands were, providing both pain and pleasure...

"Even if you say that now... You will enjoy it soon"


Showing no mercy, Yuki sat down on top of Ais in a chokehold, his hands glowing green and pressing down on Ais' abdomen as well.


With her whole body shaking, this feeling, it was something she would never forget, every time Yuki's hands touched each of her muscles, it was like a pair of needles stabbing her, but at the same time it felt too good to be true.

It was very confusing, it hurt but it felt good, that pain and the hundreds of ants crawling across her skin made Ais's hair stand on end.


"That's it... relax, let my hands do the work."

Closing her eyes tightly, Ais felt Yuki's hands grip her chest, kneading it like a baker shaping his bread.

Gently, sometimes rough, fast, sometimes slow.

"Ah! ~"

But suddenly she opened her eyes as Yuki's hands grabbed her legs, rubbing them and coming closer and closer to her private parts.

"No! Not there!"

Feeling threatened, Ais shook her head very quickly as she tried to close her legs, after all she felt very strange every time Yuki touched her down there.

"We've been through this before, just relax."

Yuki didn't mind her words, though, as he ran his hands over her crotch, pleasuring that sensitive area.


And of course, Ais didn't even last 10 seconds before a leak came out down there, she had climaxed.

Yuki on the other hand just watched as his hand was soaked by Ais' love juice.

"Alright, let's go the other way."

(Um~ a bit salty)

Licking his fingers, Yuki tasted the taste of this girl, he also moved the stiff Ais, there was still the backside left.


TN: So apparantly the author watched some ntr shit b4 writing this chapter so he went out torturing ais to shake off the bad taste of ntr .-.

I definitely approve tho 👍