
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 122: You Are My Eva

Once he devoured the powers of the King, he became the sole Adam, gaining access to Mana's soul.

This was also the reason why, if Yuki were to die, so would Mana.

[Damnit! Do you want to die?!]

"Haha, dying... wouldn't be a bad idea."



Shooting again, crystals shattered one after another.


Closing his eyes, the small world in his palm glowed, slowly severing Mana and Inori's connection.

[No! What are you doing?!... Do you really want to disappear with me?!]

Mana's gaze trembled; she was now terrified. The connection with Inori was her only hope for revival, but now Yuki was cutting it off.

"To disappear, huh?"

*Bang, Bang

[What?! You bastard!]

Even with his eyes closed, Yuki continued shooting himself. At the same time, he reached Mana, and the crystals vanished.

"Disappearing with you isn't something I want, but being with you forever is something I hope for."


Opening his eyes, Yuki stretched out his arms, embracing Mana inside the sphere.

There was a gentle smile on Yuki's face as he tightly held Mana's soul, his gaze warm while blood flowed from his body.

[You... don't you hate me?]

Feeling strong emotions through their connection, Mana was confused. She always thought Yuki hated her; after all, destroying humanity and sacrificing Inori was something Yuki should hate. But... Yuki's feeling was love.

"Hate you? Why should I hate you? After all, you're just the other half of Inori... Therefore, I love you."

Yuki was right; Mana was just the other half of Inori. Since he learned of Mana's existence, Yuki had been seeking the connection between her and Inori. He knew Inori was a clone of Mana and thus the false one, but was that really the case?

Is she just a clone?

No, Inori and Mana are only different sides of the same coin, separated long ago.

Inori was born first, a kind and pure girl. However, when she had contact with the Apocalypse Rock, Mana was born.

As the virus spread in her body, Mana took over the body while Inori entered a deep sleep.

However, ten years ago, Mana self-destructed, so GHQ created a new body, hoping to revive Mana, but Inori was the one who revived.

Leaving Mana in a spiritual state, as time passed, Mana gradually took over Inori's body until Yuki entered the world.

Inori had someone in her life, someone to live for, so she fought fiercely against Mana's invasion. She didn't want to disappear, leaving Mana defenseless.


Leaving Mana speechless, Yuki continued to embrace her.

"Don't worry, Mana. I promised, didn't I? I will protect you, so from now on, you'll be in my soul as one."

The floating world beside Yuki began to glow, enveloping the couple.

[You fool! Do you love me?! Do you really love a monster like me?! Do you think I'm stupid?!... You love that fake one!]

"You're right, I love Inori, but... you are my partner. You are my Eva, my Queen, you are Inori... Therefore, you are my love. So, I'll be with you until the end of time."

[I don't want this! I don't want to be with you! I don't love you!]

"I don't care. If you don't love me... I'll make you love me. If you don't want to be with me... I'll make it so you can't live without me! But, you already feel love for me, right?"


With a wicked smile on his face, Yuki stared at Mana.

As Yuki said, Mana already had romantic feelings for him. Inori and Mana were one being, so Inori's love gradually affected Mana. Even though her feelings for Shu hadn't completely disappeared, they were not the same as ten years ago.

*Cough, Cough

"It's time to go, sweetheart."


Slowly breaking the sphere, the small world began to spin, while at the same time, the Apocalypse virus across the world was rapidly disappearing.

In Japan, thousands of people with crystallized body parts began to heal.

"This sensation..."


Looking up at the tower, Ayase and Tsugumi trembled. Their eyes began to tear up, and at the same time, the voids in their bodies started to disappear.

"Yuki! I won't forgive you if you leave me alone!"

"Yuki! You promised! One year!... You'll confess your love in a year!"

With tears running down their faces, Tsugumi and Ayase knew it. A part of them knew.

Now, they finally understood Inori's desperation. After all, Yuki was disappearing....


(Ahh~ all these emotions)

Closing his eyes, Yuki felt a myriad of emotions coursing through his body. Voids, as well as the Apocalypse virus, were being absorbed into his body.

Slowly covered in crystals.

Opening his eyes, Yuki was now in a space covered in white. However, in front of him stood a beautiful girl with long pink hair—Mana.

[You're an idiot. I can't believe there's someone so stupid as to want to disappear with me... You know it's not necessary, right?]

Mana was right; there was another way to end all of this, and Yuki knew it. However, Yuki didn't take that route. After considering all possibilities, only this path offered an ending where Inori was happy, and that was enough.

"Haha, you're right, but disappearing with someone is better."

[You really are an idiot.]

Shaking her head, Mana sighed. There was nothing she could do. The connection with Inori was fading, as was the connection with the world. The same was happening with Yuki; at this rate, they would truly disappear along with the Apocalypse virus.

"Shall we go then?"

Stretching out his hand, Yuki smiled. These were his final moments in this world.

[... Yes, let's go.]

Smiling in defeat, Mana took Yuki's hand. At least, she wouldn't be alone.

Widening his smile, Yuki squeezed her hand as he opened the chat room. His time had ended, so he had to return... But



With the sound of a breaking crystal, Inori's voice was heard.


TN : Bro has the balls of steels to be playing with pink haired girls💀