
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 119: Mole

"Ha~ This is as far as I can go."

Emerging from the shadows, Yuki scratched his head. Inori's Genomic Resonance had ended, leaving only the resonance of the Apocalypse Stone.

"I don't have much time, huh?"

Looking at his hand, which began to crystallize again, Yuki sighed. The longer it took, the more the Genomic Resonance affected him. After all, the little chakra he had left had to be reserved for the end.

"So, that's the throne, huh?... How many lives had to be taken to build it?"

Looking at the enormous throne that soared into the sky, Yuki shook his head. He knew very well that thousands of lives had been taken to create that throne, but there was nothing that could be done.

If this continued, the number of lives that would die in the future would be greater than those lost today. So, this was necessary, and Yuki did not regret doing it.

"Well, it's time to see you, my dear 'Eva.'"


"Ha.... Ha.... Ha..."

Walking slowly with heavy breaths, Gai looked towards the door in front of him.

The resonance was affecting him, and he wasn't Yuki, who could reduce the effects with his body.

Gai's body was weak and ordinary, like any other human, so his body was rapidly crystallizing.

Even though its effects decreased with Inori's song, the song had already ended, leaving him half-dead.

Fortunately for Gai, his goal was close. After all, the way from the airport to GHQ headquarters was long.


So, with a bitter smile on his face, he opened what would be the last door.

"You've come! I've been waiting, Gai!"

However, what he was looking for was nowhere to be found; only a seated child was there.


That's right, the child waiting for him was Yuki, or rather a Yuki clone. In Gai's eyes, seeing him here was surprising; Yuki should still be outside facing GHQ and OAU. Him being here was not normal.

"You've taken longer than I expected, Gai! But it's good to see you here!"

Nodding satisfied, Yuki(Clone) crossed his arms. After all, Gai being in this place told him that everything was going according to plan.

"After all, our dear 'Leader' shouldn't be absent."

The smile on Yuki's face widened, and with those words, Gai didn't like the sarcasm in his words. He furrowed his brow.

"What are you up to, Yuki?"

"Haha... Me plotting something? Shouldn't it be you? What are you plotting, my dear Mole?"

Gai's eyes widened in surprise at his words, but he soon recovered.

"I don't know what you're talking about... Yuki, you're supposed to be acting as bait. Why are you here? Your duty is not to take the Apocalypse Stone."

"Hahaha, how amusing."

Holding his stomach, Yuki burst into laughter.

"Alright, alright, since you want to play dumb... We'll play!"

Snapping his fingers, a rock appeared in Yuki's hands, and at the same time, the appearance of the room began to change. A staircase appeared, and at the top of it was a giant pink sphere surrounded by crystals.

"Is this what you're looking for? Or are you looking for her?"


Recognizing the person in the sphere instantly, Gai said her name without hesitation. After all, for Gai, that person was unforgettable.

"Well, well, as expected of you, Mr. Leader. Your objectives are very clear."

Covering his mouth with one hand, Yuki let out a giggle. Gai's reaction was very amusing.

"Yuki!... How is it that... ?!"

"How do I know? Come on, Gai, this isn't something you should be asking... Instead, what you should ask is: What am I going to do with her? Kihihihi, after all, she looks so defenseless trapped there, don't you think?"

Turning the rock in his hand, Yuki's eyes glowed dangerously. Only now did Gai remember that Yuki was not a simple-minded child; him being here, waiting for him, likely meant Yuki already knew everything.

*Bang, bang

However, this didn't depress Gai but rather spurred him on. He raised his gun, aiming and firing without any hesitation. After all, even if he knows, it makes no difference.

"Hahaha, come on, Gai, you know those little toys are useless against me."

Mocking his feeble attempt to kill him, Yuki laughed. Firearms were useless against him.

"What do you think you're doing, Yuki?!"

Watching as his bullets were deflected by a barrier, Gai glared at him with fury.

"Seriously, Gai, what should I do with you? Tell me... What is the punishment for traitors?"


Remaining silent, Gai only furrowed his brow even more. As for Yuki, his expression darkened.

"Tell me, Gai... Why betray your own people?!"

Even though he already knew the answer, Yuki still wanted an answer from Gai himself.

"As the Leader, why sell your people to GHQ... Is it because of Shuichiro Keido, your foster father?!... If so! Then why did you create Undertaker in the first place?! You could have joined them from the beginning!"

The main goal of Undertaker was to improve the lives of the marginalized in Japan, expel GHQ, and regain Japan's independence.

But Gai, being the Leader, had sold out his people, providing information about their missions and members.

If Undertaker was created to better the lives of the marginalized, then why not join them and change the system from within? Instead of creating and gathering a group of terrorists, it was more feasible to join and gain influence from within.

"However, you didn't... Your adoptive father was, after all, the head of the antibodies, as well as a significant scientist in the research of the Apocalypse virus. That's why you didn't join them; your father would know all your movements, and he wouldn't like to see you gaining more power. That's why you created Undertaker as a means to blind your father... Now then... Why did you betray us?"


TN : Ok 👍