
Time Emperor Champion

What would happen if, while playing a game, you win the lottery for a second life and reincarnate in the world of Naruto with the power of the worst spirit. Follow the path of Yuki Uchiha a former assassin who embarks on his journey to be the become the best Champion First World :- Naruto Second World :- Guilty Crown Third World :- Danmachi Fourth World :- Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Fifth World :- Naruto Current World :-Toaru Majutsu no Indekkusu (A certain magical index) Next World :- ?? Note: This is a translation of a Spanish novel available on webnovel with same name and it's been one of my fav all the credit goes to author https://webnovel.com/profile/4302840747?appId=10

Niaa_ · Anime & Comics
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524 Chs

Chapter 117 : Shu Ouma


Roaring, the Ice Lion crouched, taking a stance. After all, the enemy was not yet defeated.

The girls, on the other hand, were surprised. A three-meter lion had appeared out of nowhere, protecting them.


Murmuring, Tsugumi only knew one person capable of this, and that was Yuki. Although she didn't know how or why, Yuki could perform such feats. In a world where even something like the Void Genoma existed, Yuki counted as another abnormality.

Inori, on the other hand, sighed in relief. If it weren't for this lion, she would have been injured. However...

"How annoying... Daring to intervene? Kitty."

Emerging from the debris without a scratch, Shu looked at the ice monster in front of him.

The size and appearance were threatening, but for Shu, it was just another cat.


Growling angrily, the lion didn't like how Shu looked at it disdainfully. It opened its mouth, showing its fangs, launching for a second charge.

However, Shu had learned his lesson; he didn't dare to face it head-on again. So calmly, he stepped on the ground, creating a small circle beneath his shoes, jumping, successfully dodging the charge.

But the lion had other attack methods besides charging. It had claws, fangs, and its huge body.

So even if its charge failed, it continued to pursue Shu, exchanging claw attacks with scissors.

*Clack, click


Watching a man fight a monster, the trio had déjà vu, as if they were watching a Hollywood movie.

However, this time, they didn't support the human but the monster.

"Ouma-kun... Is it really him?"

Watching this, Ayase even doubted if it was the same idiot they knew. Both sides were too different. The person in front of them had not a trace of the idiot.


Inori, however, wasn't interested in whether this Shu Ouma in front of her was the same one she knew. The only thing that mattered to her was that this Shu had the King's mark.

And something else worried Inori.

"No, the lion will lose..."

As Inori said, Shu had the advantage in this confrontation. Despite the lion's size and strength, these ice lions were not the same as the ones Tsunade faced. They were just solidified ice without armor and exoskeleton. So their combat abilities were only 10% of the original.

Yuki (Clone) created hundreds of these lions to face GHQ and OAU, making them more fragile and less powerful. After all, the original was a weapon destined to be used with Tsunade or some other ninja, not ordinary soldiers. Not to mention the massive chakra consumption, which cost creating just one.

This was one of the reasons why Shu was on the winning side, and soldiers could destroy them with their weapons; otherwise, GHQ and OAU couldn't destroy even one.

*Click, clack



Hit with its claws, the ground cracked. Taking his distance, Shu looked at the lion in front of him. There were several evident fractures in its ice body, threatening to break. Shu's scissors were powerful, perhaps only less powerful than Inori's enormous sword.

*Bang, Bang.

Inori had seen this before; the ice lion was not Shu's opponent. So without hesitation, she shot, but unfortunately, the bullets were still ineffective. There was a barrier around it that the bullets couldn't penetrate.

"It's useless. Those weapons can't harm me."

With a smile on his face, Shu mocked Inori.


However, by doing this, Shu had distracted himself, and the ice lion certainly wouldn't let this pass. So without hesitation, it launched forward. But...

"I'm tired of you; disappear."

With his empty hand, Shu materialized another void in the form of a pistol. If Yuki were present, she would instantly recognize this pistol; this was Souta's void.


Approaching quickly, the ice lion leaped onto Shu, who, in response, fired.

An energy bullet shot from the gun, swallowing the ice lion, turning it into nothing.

This void could open anything, even space, and what the ice lion experienced was a teleportation to space.

*Bang, Bang

Ayase and Tsugumi's bodies trembled. This weapon-shaped void was terrifying, so they tightened their guns before firing. But like with Inori, the bullets were still ineffective. There was a barrier.

"Hm? I understand; you want to be next."


Turning his head, Shu looked at both women with pity. After all, they already knew that the weapons were useless, but they still kept shooting. So Shu decided to eliminate them and fulfill his mission, aiming the gun at them.


Inori's red eyes glowed because of this. This had gone too far. One thing was her getting hurt, and another very different thing was her friends getting hurt because of her.

So Inori let go of her weapon, and several crystals began to emerge from her body.

(Even if I become a monster... I...)

Looking at her friends in danger, Inori didn't hesitate anymore. The crystals on her body expanded as she launched forward.


Pulling the trigger without mercy, Shu waited to see the dismembered bodies of those women.

"This ends now, Shu."

However, before he finished pulling the trigger, the shadow beneath his feet trembled. A white hand emerged from it, hitting the hand holding the void, causing the shot to miss.


Even without knowing what just happened, several more white hands came out of the shadows, holding his body.

"Sorry, Shu, but that power doesn't belong to you."

Coming out of the shadows, Yuki (Clone) materialized under Shu's astonished gaze.


However, Yuki didn't care about this. So materializing his katana, he didn't hesitate to cut off Shu's right hand.


With a cry of pain, Shu only looked at Yuki for a moment before having his powers absorbed.

"This will only be a burden for you... I'm sorry for this."

Looking at Shu's desperate eyes, the sharingan rotated, at the same time, Shu's eyes closed.

Using Genjutsu, Yuki sighed. He knew Shu was innocent; his mind was being controlled by his sister.

Although there should be a connection with Yuu and that when Yuu died, Shu would be freed, Yuki didn't trust it. So on his trip to Oshima, he took advantage of it to leave a clone in his shadow.

And he was right. After all, he was about to hurt his girls.

(How foolish... At least let me heal you.)

Shaking his head, Yuki's hand glowed with a green color. After all, Shu had lost a hand. If he left him in this state, he would die, so this was the least he could do.


However, while he healed Shu, Inori approached.

"No... You're not Yuki."


TN : You thought it was Yuki? No! It was me Dio